Chapter 9

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I open the door, and see the same girl running from my dream. I stood their stunned for a second.Then, I saw the Cons going after her. I look even closer, and I saw Lexter. I can't believe that's it him, hunting Six. I see his cold eyes, and instantly felt hatred towards him. A fellow Aweyudian hunting their own kind, that is just horrifying. I see a slight smile, like it's a holiday. I cannot look at him no longer. His merciless nature has gone to far, and he shall pay with his life.I run out the door, and silently followed the Cons. My sword Rolork glowing blue for power. I somehow gave it, and after that I felt invincible. My natural speed became faster, my hearing sharper, my power stronger. I will use this boost to annihilate them for their misgivings. They will pay for their sins. I'll shall vaporize their soul. Their isn't a way I wouldn't disgrace them with mercy, they don't deserve it.This is the end of their miserable lives. Every step I took was one step to catching up to them. I launch myself into the group. I slice in half the first of theCogs. I parry the laser blast. I somersault over the Cog, while slicing his face in half. When I landed I stabbed him in the gut, and he fell in agony. Only Lexter and I left were left. We both check each other out, trying to find a weakness. "Well, done Dave I knew you were special. To bad I have to kill you after Six." Lexter said. "No, I shall desolate and lay waste of your soul." I jump at him and slash for his neck, but he easily parried it. I tried to attack again, but he knock my sword out. I staggered phased by his straight dominace over me. He grabbed me, and just before he took me, my eyes change blue. I felt electricity through my body. I felt my skin crackle, under the electricity. Lexter let me go and said, "You have the Jacent of Electrokinesis, the rarest of all. Only one other had this Jacent, the Elder John. You are destined to lead, so I must really desecrate you. I can not allow you to live. I love you, bye." I look upon his eyes, and said, "You'll shall pay for your lies, I promise. You're just a traitor, who killed my real Uporian. You never loved me, I'll shall be the deathbringer. I'll destroy you to nothingness." When he tried to hit me, I lashed out.The new Jacent destroy anything in 1 mile. Lexter, fell sursprise written on his face. He lay in anguish, I smiled then fainted.

I awoke and saw a girl above me. My mind went instantly to mush, and she just laugh at me. "Well, thank you for saving my life." Wait this can't be true, then I truly awaken. I see Lexter burnt self, and I see my sword. I look abroad the bow, and I see Six being held by her neck. I yell for him to stop, but they just didn't care. I grabbed my sword, and I ran faster than a cheetah, maybe even a speeding bullet. I reached him, but it was already to late. He sliced her neck, and she fell in a heap. I stabbed the Cog through his gut, and as I look at her with so much fear and a touch of sadness, I desperately look through my pack for anything that may help her through her agony and save her. Trying every stone, stick, and marble it didn't help. Then I found a seemingly unremarkable black stone. I had nothing to lose, because 6 was barely alive, and I tried the stone. It started to heal her, but will it be to little to late. The cut started to close, and with that her blood stop gushing out. Her eyes were dulling of life, and just before she was gone. Her eyes filled with life. Her blue eyes looking beautiful in the moonlight. I stood and pick her up, and I ran back to the hotel. I look in her eyes, and they were turning crimson red. I set her down, and quickly put the healing stone next to her eyes. They started to lessen the redness until they were normal. I couldn't believe this stone was doing this. It look like a normal, ordinary rock. All the beautiful gems, that didn't do anything useful. This is awesome, but I would easily want my old life back. I finally reach my hotel room, and I knock, and what I saw was...

So I'm wondering what five saw. That Jacent next chapter will just talk about this rarer than invisibility Jacent. Chapter 10 will continue after that. LIKE ALWAYS HOPEFULLY FOLLOW, COMMENT, AND LIKE. YEASTER 1/KENZEL. One last things I'm sorry for not updating, so I'll try to do Chapter 10-13.

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