Chapter 15

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I came back and immediately felt a backhand hit me, and I flew backwards so fast that I literally broke the sound barrier. My eyes became blurry, and I look at One groggily stand, and she said "Leave him alone." She looked over to me, and said" You really need to train some more." then I blacked out.

One's POV

I just saw Five save me, and I have to repay him. Five flew backwards, and I saw Lexter doing the action. I unsteadily stood on my feet and said, "Leave him alone," I looked back at Five and said you really need to train some more. My heart was racing, and I had an impulse to save him. Lexter stood their looking at me and said, "You must be ready to die." "Well, if I can kill you, doing it would be a blissful death, you traitor."I look into his eyes, and I could see some restraint in him. I could see he really didn't want to do this, and I could see the regret in his eyes, but then they quickly turn back to being ice cold again. He raised his hand towards me, and I jumped toward him at a inhumane pace. I punched him with my right, but he grabbed my wrist and swungged me across the room. I regathered my self, and stood back up . It will take more than that traitor. I used my telekinesis to pin him down, and then I conjured a ball of earth to entrap him. I knew it wouldn't hold him long, but it's a start. I grabbed five, and I ran through the Cog base. I encountered resistance, but it was quickly dispatched. I kept on running, back into the hospital into were they kept the patients things. I place Five underneath a rack of parts, while I went under another.The sound of Cog boots came down the ally, and I kept quiet, but unluckily for me Five was recovering from his systems, and cause a ruckus to alert them.

I pushed the rack upwards, and with their surprise I snapped their necks with telekinesis.More and More Cogs came rushing through the door, with their blasters up. I created a crack to the center of the earth, and with telekinesis I brought them to their horrible doom.Five stood up, and said "You miss one." I sword appeared out of nowhere in his hands. He sprinted towards the assailent, and with the sword he smoothly deflected the Cog's blasts. He reached his target and he stabbed him through the stomach.He looked at me and I said sarcastically"Great job."" Hey it was you who saved me, and I just want to know how did they ever find you? "Well, my boyfriend was actually a Mog spy, and he ratted me out." "That blows, and we should find my friends, so we can get out of here." "Alright, What are you waiting for, let's go." I didn't trust these guys, are even met these guys before, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, because I trust Five with my life.

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