I Will Remember

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A whole summer.

First day down.

73 more to go.

"Oh look at this kids the house were going to has a pool too." My mom says excitedly.

I fiddle with my ukelele uncomfortably and my sister looks up at me sympathetically. She pulls out her phone and texts away for a second and then my phone buzzes.

I'm sorry they made you have to miss your last summer.

I smile down at her and squeeze her knee.

"Why does it need to have a pool if its five minutes from the beach? That doesn't make any sense." My brother says.

"In case you just want to swim in your own area instead of just going to the beach. And you don't have to worry about sand and if you get hungry you can just walk inside and grab food." My mother says. "Oh look! There it is!" She points to a large house at the end of a street of houses that look nothing alike, but are all pretty magnificent.

It has large stone walls and pillars that face the street and the front doors are made of glass and they're extremely tall. My father pulls into the drive way and I get out of the car before it's completely stopped. I go to the back and grab my backpack and my suitcase and take the key from my dad and run up to the doors. I am the first one in the house so I look to find the master bedroom. It is furnished with a king sized mahogany bed and a matching dresser and bedside table. It leads into a huge bathroom with a shower that has water faucets all around it and and a bathtub with jets and a double sink. I hear my parents walking in through the double door of the master and I walk to the bed.

"Kai, what are you doing in here?" My dad asks.

"Well since you guys decided to drag me all the way here away from my friends, away from parties, away from the only chance I had at finally being with Jacob Taylor, I figured you would totally be oh-so-nice as to let me have the master room to make up for it."

"Kai, we're sorry you don't get to spend summer with your friends, but you'll like it here. The water is nice, there is a carnival by the pier all summer, and the town isn't too far away. It's not like we are moving here forever." He says.

"Since we aren't gonna be here forever, I should get the master room as a sorry."

"Fine, but just for half the summer. July first you are out of here."

"July twentieth."




"I would have done it for the first." I smirk.

"Just unpack before I change my mind." With that they leave and close the doors.

I pull out my phone and open up FaceTime tapping Jacob's contact and set my phone propped on the end of the bed and unzip my suitcase.

"Hey kid!" Jacob answers.

"Hey hey!" I smile.

"So hows SoCal?"

"Boring. Although I did get my parents to let me have the master room for taking me away."

"That's awesome." He laughs which melts me.

"How was the last day?"

"Lonely without the most beautiful girl in school."

I laugh.

"Hallie Lauren was absent."

"You ass!"

I Will Remember (Undergoing Massive Editing)Where stories live. Discover now