Chapter 5

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"Emilee move over." I grumble with sleep over-taking my voice. I hear her groan and she rolls to the side a little. I am between her and Kian on my other side. I let my eyes fall closed again and then I hear a loud sound and Emilee cursing under her breath. A few seconds later a light turns on in the hall and my sad bursts through the door and runs in with a bat tripping on someone on the floor.

"Kai! What happened? What the hell? Why are there teenage bodies all over the place?"

"Dad." I mumble. "Kian, Daniel, Emilee, Eli and Josh. Somewhere."

"Who are these people?"

"Friends. They're cool." I roll over and sit up.

"Sorry sir." Emilee says. "I seem to have fallen out of bed."

"It's all good hun. You alright?" He takes her arm and pulls her to her feet as she rubs her head.

"Yeah. Just dandy."

"Okay well you all be quieter. It's five in the morning." He says closing the door behind him as he leaves.

As soon as he does thunder cracks across the sky and Kian sits straight up.

"Fuck. Now I'm awake." He says.

"Me too." Emilee says rubbing the back of her head.

Daniel is sitting up on the couch in front of my bed rubbing sleep from his eyes and Josh is out cold on the floor next to the couch with Eli in front of the door now awake since my dad tripped over him.

"This asshole has head phones on." Daniel says pointing to Josh.

I hear my dads bedroom door close and my mom grumble something before complete silence takes over again.

Kian groans and rolls over wrapping his arm around my waist trying to pull me back down.

"Can we sleep all day? Is that an option?"
Daniel says laying back on the couch.

"Well there's no going back to sleep for me. I banged my head hella hard on the nightstand." Emilee says sitting on the footboard of the bed.

"I'm hungry." Kian says muffled by the pillow his face is burried in.

"If we go downstairs we have to be quiet because my parents won't be up for about an hour. Well my dad anyway he has to go to work. My mom won't be up until like 10 maybe 11."

"I want food." Kian says again.

"Food it is." I say throwing back the covers.

I find my phone seeing two messages from Jacob I have no interest in replying to.

"Someone wake up Josh." I say.

Daniel picks up a pillow ready to throw it.

"I swear to God Daniel if I get hit with that its going up your ass." Josh says sitting up.

"Worth." Daniel strikes Josh across the face with the pillow and Josh groans punching his leg.

We all get up and start making our way downstairs like a hoard of zombies groaning and cracking from morning stiffness. I turn on the light in the kitchen and Emilee sits on the couch turning the TV on.

"... In La Jolla we are seeing cloudy skies and lightening with 95% chance of rain and 15% humidity. Today we will have a high of 89 and a low of 78..."

"Fuck you weather." She says changing the channel.

I laugh and pull eggs out of the fridge. Kian searches the freezer and returns with sausage in bag. He stares at it weirdly before the look on his face deduces that it's safe to eat.

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