Chapter 4

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"Kian?" I look into the vines and see darkness.

"Come on." I hear Kian's voice from the other side and step into the vines. On the other side there is a small beach where a small pop up shade cabana sort of thing standing with four surf boards sticking out of the ground. Tiki torches line a short path to the tent and the water crashes onto the beach quietly. The sun begins to dip down into the water as Emilee steps out of the tent in bikini bottoms and a rash guard.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading out." She grabs a short board thats an off white ivory color with a maroon hibiscus painted on the tail. I watch her wax the board for a bit and the smell of coconut fills my nose.

"Like that?"

"Coconut? Love it." I tell her.

"Wanna go in?" Kian asks me from behind us.

"Can I borrow a board?" I ask looking from him to Emilee.

"Take mine." Daniel says holding up his IPhone. "I'm the movie Maker." He pulls his shirt over his head and follows Emilee out into the water.

Kian takes off his shirt slowly knowing that I'm watching him and grabs a board from the side of the cabana. I pull my shirt off and pray I don't get a rash as I pull my pants down.

The water is cold at first, but it only takes a minute before it warms up as I go out farther.

"The surf sucks right now." Emilee says slapping the water as I come up behind her.

"So enjoy the calm." I lay back on the board and let my arms float. "Just because you have a beach and a surf board doesn't mean you always have to surf. We take or granted something as simple as the calm between the surf. Just relax and let the water take you."

"You're incredible." I hear Kian say from a few feet away. I tilt my head to the left and see him looking back at me laying back on his board like I am.

I smile and look up at the last of the fading sunlight. After a few minutes we are all quiet and then stars start to come out and shine with the moon and the only thing making a sound are the small current hitting the underside of the boards.

"This is actually pretty nice Kai." Emilee says still sitting up letting the water move her.

"Hey. Incoming!" We all sit up hearing Josh's voice and a rush of water.

"Here we go!" Emilee says as waves start to role. She paddles out a little farther and looks back.

"I got the next one." Kian says paddling out for the incoming wave that is beginning its curl. He turns with the water and as the wave roles he stands whipping up on the tail and washing out shortly after. He comes up laughing and shakes his head causing his hair to get even messier.

"I give it a 4." Emilee calls to him.

"3.5 maybe 3.6." I call after.

Kian splashes the water. "Whatever."

Emilee begins paddling out and duck dives under a small curl as a bigger wave begins to form after it. She comes up and starts to paddle away as the wave picks her up and for a second she is flying over the water in a rush. She pushes herself up and tail whips twice before settling over the top of the wave into a calm and ending with a backflip off her board and a scream as she goes into the water. When she comes up she pulls herself back upright on her board.

"6.5." Kian calls.

"What?! You ass." She laughs.

"Solid 7." I call.

"8." Daniel says holding up his camera. "I got the backflip."

"Awesome lemme see it." Emilee paddles toward him and I make my way out as another swell forms. I duck dive twice before deciding on a wave. It begins to role and I turn away and push myself just as it starts to carry me. I tailwhip and drop to the bottom of the curl before coming up in another tail whip. I kneel on the board and dip my fingers into the water before front flipping into the wave as it breaks.

"I won't give you a ten because you didn't give me one. So... 9.98."

"I'm going to hurt you Kian." I say with a laugh.

We paddle back in as the waves die down again and when I leave the board standing in the sand I feel strong arms come up and throw me over a shoulder.

"I'm going to throw you to the fish." Kian says.

"Why because I'm better than you?" I say trying to get away laughing.

He takes a few steps into the water and then spins with me on his shoulder and I shriek with laughter. He slows down and then lays me in the sand and falls to his knees next to me before collapsing down into the sand.

"Thanks for bringing me to your little sanctuary. It's great out here. So peaceful."

"Not entirely. Sometimes if you listen really closely you can hear the ear splitting sound of Emilee and Daniel fucking behind the cabana!"

"Get over it Kian. When you like someone you fuck. It happens." Emilee says close behind us looking at Daniel's phone as he shows her his pictures.

"Wait you like me? That's not hate fucking?" Daniel asks sarcastically.

She narrows her eyes at him and then tackles him to the ground as they both laugh.

I chuckle and look over at Kian.

"You're one of us now." He props himself on his elbow and plays with the necklace around his neck. It's a turtle carved from bone attached to the cord of the necklace itself.

"I'm one of you?" I smile.

"If you want to be." He lays back down.

"I'm enjoying it. Plus I got nothing better to do." I shrug and he laughs and nudges me with his shoulder.

After a minute of silence I roll on top of him and hover just above him leaving my face dangerously close to his.

"Are you going to kiss me?" He asks with a smirk.
"I mean isn't that what you do when you like someone?"

"Apparently you hate fuck them according to Emilee." He raises an eyebrow.


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