Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey hey! so here is chapter 7 I hope you guys enjoy it. Please comment or leave me some sort of feedback 0.0 thanks guys!


I wake up to a clap of thunder and reach for Kian who is not there. I sit up and look at the clock. It's almost 4 in the morning and I dig around for my phone.



When are you coming back?




Please call me.

I frantically respond several times to my mom explaining myself, and then, knowing he would be awake, I call Jacob.


"What Jacob?"

"I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I didn't mean to piss you off."

"Well you did." I say wanting the conversation to end.

"I know I'm sorry babe."

"I accept your apology, but please don't call me babe, Jacob. I don't think we are good fit. Not now. Not when I get home. I'm cool with being friends." Words I never thought I would tell Jacob.

"If thats what you want then fine."

"That's what I want. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later."

"Later Kai."

I hang up and see a message from my mom.


Okay thank you baby. See you when you get home. As always be safe. And go to sleep silly its late. Or early. Love you too.

With a smile, I toss my phone down onto Kian's bed and stand to go find him. His bedroom door feels heavy when I pull it open, and I have a clear view of the kitchen where I see Kian's legs next to the counter. I smile and go downstairs.

"Hi gorgeous." He says when I walk into the kitchen.

"Hi." I smile. "You know its 4 in the morning right."

"Yepp." He says. "Come here."

He pours a cup of tea and hands it to me and with a smile I take a sip.

"I'm more of a morning person." He says lifting me up onto the island in the center of the kitchen.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Great. I had you next to me. Or all over me, should I say."

"Whatever." I smile. "What about you? You were getting pretty comfortable with your hands."

"Is that a problem?" he asks running his hands up my thighs over my underwear and under his shirt dangerously close to the bra that I should have on. I pull him against me with my legs and smile.

"Not at all actually."

He lets his hands fall back down to my hips and I study his face. His eyes are sweet and the way his lips curl slightly into a smile make me blush. I'm not sure what it is about him that makes me want to kiss him uncontrollably, but there is definitely something.

"Want some breakfast?"

"Can I have you for breakfast?" I smile.

"If you insist." He takes my tea and sets it on the counter. Without a word, he picks me up and guides my legs around his waist and he looks into my eyes with one hand in my hair, and the other on my back. He carries me to the large sofa and lays me down gently with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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