Part 1?

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As this is based on real events, and still taking place as this is being written I am not sure how it will end. Let's hope for the best though.
Hi. Wow what a lame way to start already. Anyways I'm Kirsten, I'm using my real name as I'm sure she will never find this so, I don't really give a shit.
So I'm leaving this year to go to another school, that's what made me want to write this down. And I figured if I just saved this as a sad failed love story on my computer I would never finish with the details. So here it is on the internet for anyone to see.
As I'm leaving I have to say good bye to all my friends. I'm only moving to a school that's
3o minutes away but still.... shut up okay? With in my friends I have one special friend named Sarina (yes this is her real name). She is beautiful and smart and has the most amazing smile when she actually shows it.
Sometime during the school year I developed feelings for this work of art, but no is this the soppy story where she falls for me too? No. It's not, but you can bet your life that I wish it was. Anyways I feel for her, took her to a dance, talked to her every day and basically drooled over this girl for about 2 months. Then when I told her, she said no, basically.
All our friends made jokes about it for awhile. But they eventually stopped and so did my feelings for this girl. I moved on and started to crunch on another girl who was a grade above me. Did I do this to make Sarina jealous. No I didn't. But she didn't care? No. As soon as I was over her (Sarina) she started to be super clingy and basically be a tease to me.
But the thing that pissed me off the most was that one day at the end of the year the whole school was in the gym. Now since I stopped liking her she started to hug me and be really cute around me. So I was leaning up against the wall when she came up to me and put her hands next to my head. Now you see, Sarina is almost four inches smaller than me maybe more so, it was not intimidating or sexy like she wanted it to be. I told her that it doesn't work when the small one does it and she challenged me with a glint in her eye by saying "oh it doesn't? Then how does it work?"
And I swore to a higher power that if I were a guy I would have gotten a boner then and there. I proceed to take her by the hip and pin he against the wall and put my hands by her head. I then told her this is how it's done. We stared at each other for a good ten seconds before one of our guys friend ruined it.
Cj, said guy friend looked at us and said out loud that, that was one of the hottest things he's ever seen. He then bet Sarina that she wouldn't kiss me and she did. SHE FUCKNG KISSED ME AND I DIDNT EVEN LIKE HER ANYMORE!!!
It was just cruel but she kissed me twice that day because cj said the first one was to short to count. That day I went home confused and horny. Not a good combination. But even more happened and continues to happen but I'll save that for a later date. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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