Crying and Questions

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I cuddled into Liam, feeling cold. But what I got instead was an empty bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to blink away the tiredness. I sat up. The clock by the bed said it was 12:07 in the morning. I groaned out loud before leaving the bedroom and scavenging around the apartment to look for my boyfriend.

I walked into the hallway and heard murmured voices coming from the kitchen. I felt a pang in my chest as I stepped closer, praying to God it wasn't what I thought it was.

I walked into the kitchen to see Liam on the phone, a frustrated look plastered on Liam's beautiful face. I leaned against the wall that leads into the kitchen, listening to see what he was doing up at this hour on the phone.

"No! For the love of God, no! Just get me a ticket, supplies, and spare clothes for the two of us. End of story, that's all." Liam had his back against the kitchen island, his back to me. "Yeah. . . yeah. Fine, I'll be there in ten minutes. Alright, bye."

Liam set his phone down on the counter without turning around. I glared holes into his back, knowing he knew I was there. "Goodmorning, Liam."

Liam turned around. A tired, frustrated look was on his face. The instinct to hug him came to me, but I held my ground while giving him a cutthroat glare.

Liam sighed and came to me. I was still glaring at him, fighting the tears. I don't know what he was talking about, but I just have a gut wrenching feeling that he's. . . that he's. . . GOD!

I felt a hot tear slip down my face, then another. Liam's eyes widened as he came up to me. His long arms wrapped around me but I pulled away.

I made my way the apartment door in a quivering fury. As I'm reaching for the metal door handle, I hear Liam's faint voice. "Casey's been gone for a week. Just an hour ago, her water broke. She's in a hospital now. Things aren't going too well from what Kaiden's told me."

My breath catches in my throat as my world goes blank for a moment.

My sister- my best friend- is about to give birth, and things aren't going well. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! This can't be happening.

I started to panic. I didn't want to lose quite possibly the biggest person in my life and while I was growing up. A tear slipped down my cheek as a sob escaped from the back of my throat. Liam came and wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug. This time, I didn't fight him. I needed this. I needed comfort because if I didn't have it, I wouldn't make it through this.

I started crying harder and harder until I couldn't see and I was shaking violently. These tears weren't the of tears I cried every time Gus beat me up or I had a bad day at school. Theses tears were reserved for something like this. For fear. For the fear of losing my sister and my nephew, I cried. I don't know how crying was going to help my situation, but it felt better.

Liam pulled away from me and bent to my level so he was looking me right in the eyes. His light eyes lit up my soul and made me feel better.

I haven't lost her. She could still pull through whatever she's going through. She can get better. Casey's too stubborn to lose this baby and to die. She won't have it. Unfortunately, this isn't her decision to make.

"I was just on the phone with my dad. He's gotten us both tickets to go to the hospital Casey's at. I needed spare clothes for us just in case we're there for a while and supplies being necessities. I just wanted to make sure you saw Case before. . . " Liam didn't even need to finish what he was saying for me to get the gist of it.

I whipped my eyes which I'm sure looked horrible. My nose was running but I didn't even care. I needed to see my sister, even if it was for the last time. That way I could tell her I love her one last time if it has to be that way.

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