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Two Years Later (Yes, you read the correctly. TWO YEARS Later.)

I squirmed in bed as a small weight jumped on my stiff body. Opening one eye, I saw brown eyes staring back at me.

"Kolton," I scolded in a playful tone at my nephew.

Instead of moving off my body, he turned his little body so he was looking up at me. He started laughing hysterically when I stuck my tongue out. That's been his thing since he was only a few months old.

I sat up and took Kolton with me. I then bounced him up and down on my lap. The only thing that could be heard was his giggles through the small hotel bedroom.

Suddenly I heard feet smacking against the hallway floor, right by the bedroom Kolton and I were in.

Only seconds later Casey, Emily, and Adia had their heads stretched into the room, watching Kolton and me. I laughed as Casey let out a huff of air. She walked over to us and sweetly kissed Kolton and I on the cheek.

I handed Kolton over to Casey so I could get out of bed. I stretched out my limbs. Cracks were heard and all three girls visibly cringed.

Rolling my eyes, I cracked my fingers. "Stop staring at me like that."

The girls really couldn't contain themselves for what was to come. I could hardly wait for it myself.

I scratched my head as I peered at the four pair of eyes watching me. "I'm going to take a shower, okay?" All three nodded their heads while Kolton played with Casey's hair.

I turned on my heels, passing by the group in the cramped room, I found clothes out of my suitcase, my toiletries, and towels before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

I've always loved the feel of warm water run down my back first thing in the morning. Even years and years later, many things haven't changed.

I got out of the shower in what feels like record time, before slipping on my undergarments, a pair of shorts, and a tank top. Nothing fancy. That's for tomorrow.

I got out of the shower and walked into a small area which would be considered the living room in a normal home.

In the living room-type thing, the girls and Kolton were sitting around, talking, eating Puffs. I grabbed a banana from the counter. I then sat down next to Adia and Em while eating my banana.

Casey coughed a little before putting Kolton down so he could run around the room for a bit. "Alright, ladies. We have to head out to get everything set up for tomorrow," Casey gave me a sympathetic look before kissing my cheek almost in a motherly way. "Just try to relax, Clo. We'll get it done in time.

I smiled at my three bridesmaids in thanks. They were all trying to hard to make the wedding exactly how I pictured it in my mind. Hell, Casey even took up a wedding planner class for a while.

We worked together to load in decorations, table settings. Everything that could be set up today was going to be.

I asked Liam his opinion about decorations, settings, and such a while ago. He said it's whatever I wanted. That pleased me. Mostly because the girls promised my dream wedding and I, with their help, I was going to get it.

I sat in the car, lost in my own thoughts while Em drove to where we were hosting the wedding.

We pulled into the parking lot where we were going to hold the reception. The wedding was going to be held outside. The setting for it was stunning.

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