I found an abandoned baby... Chapter 7

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Here's chapter 7, long overdue... My pet goldfish died and I've been mourning him. Sure, it happened when I was five, but the pain is still fresh!

Nah, I've just been lazy and I've had a bit of writer's block. The next chappy will be up sooner, though.

Chapter 7

3 Years Later

"Mommy." A small hand patted my shoulder.

I opened my eyes. Chris was standing by my bed wearing his Batman pajamas, and had a frightened expression. His bed was in the shape of a car and it was on the left side of my bedroom. Drowsily, I asked, "What's the matter, cutie?"

"I had the bad dream again."

Almost every night, Chris woke up because of the same nightmare. He told me that it started out like any other weird, random dream, and then someone screams. Not just a scream, though; a painful, bloodcurdling scream, from what he tells me.

"Come sleep in my bed." Chris crawled on to the bed and curled up next to me under the blanket. "Do you wanna talk about it?" For a three year old, Chris was very intelligent. He'd probably pass for a kindergartener if he wasn't so small.

"I don't remember it all. Just the girl screaming and I couldn't help her, but I want to."

I kissed the top of his head. We were very close, and he was a total mamma's boy. "It'll be fine. Try to go to sleep, okay?"

"I'm scared." His cute little voice was trembling.

Usually, the dream only came once, but he was always shaky when he woke up from one. "Don't be scared. I'm here, and nothing bad can happen in dreams; I promise."

I put my arms around him and scratched his back. His breathing grew even, and before he fell asleep, I heard him mumble to himself, "How come I can't help her?"

When he was sleeping, I stayed awake, staring at the ceiling while absently rubbing his back. My mind went back to that burn patch we saw in the apartment when we found Chris. I thought about that a lot. Could that have been Chris's birth mother? Bobby, Eric's landlord, told us that a woman who looked about 17 came in search for an apartment. He said that the burn hadn't been there before that night.

People didn't just incinerate, though. If it was her, there would have been some kind of remains. It didn't make any sense.

The scream Chris heard in his dreams, I suspected, was probably his mother's. Since we hadn't found any men's clothing, my theory was that his mother ran from a boyfriend or husband. Chris's father might've died, but I didn't believe that. Maybe he was abusive and Chris's subconscious mind remembered her screaming from something his father was doing.

That was my theory; his mother was running away from an abusive relationship. But that didn't explain what had happened to her. When I had told Eric, he looked thoughtful, but I could tell he didn't believe it; at least not completely.

Mine and Eric's relationship was going great. We hadn't had sex yet, unfortunately, but we'd come really damn close. In the beginning, we agreed not to have sex right away, to let things grow between us. Now, something always managed to interrupt us; Chris crying, someone calling, work. Today, however, Shawn said he'd babysit Chris and Eric and I both took a day off from work. I was so looking forward to it.

Shawn was a wreck. He and Samantha were always on and off way too much and, right now, they were off. When I asked Shawn about it, he said that she was keeping too many secrets from him, and it had gotten worse after she turned 18 and left the foster home. I wanted to know Sam's side of the story, but I hadn't had much time to do anything lately.

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