** ◈⌘ Tinsley Anne ⌘◈ **

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Tinsley Anne

The Alpha's Luna

Tinsley stopped when hearing a noise, then using her wolf who tracked the sound not knowing she then was noticed by the pack warriors who had stopped their patrol.

She was absolutely silent as she moved closer, then walked around the tree to spot a couple. Both were too engrossed in what they were doing together to notice her. It wasn't x-rated yet but by all looks, and sounds it will be very, very soon.

The Warriors slipped around her, and they surrounded the couple. Using their pack link to the current Alpha, opened the link and showed him.

Tinsley by then was far away, her wolf was growling in her head, calling Sable a dirty slut. Her wolf had opened the link to their parents and showed them what Sable was up to.

Then Tinsley closed the mind link down not only to her parents but to the whole pack as well. She rather be head blind than to hear what was being said.

From that day on, if anyone wanted to talk to Tinsley, they had to open their mouths and speak up because she had refused from that day on to mind link as she started to pull back from the pack.

It wasn't the first time Tinsley had caught the two together and it wasn't even the first male either. But seeing as Sable purposely enjoyed finding the only males that Tinsley was at each time close to, to soon be found in compromising situations with her, it hurt.

She pulled back emotionally and physically as she made plans on leaving the pack. She rather find another pack to join, one where her sister wouldn't be, well her good for nothing sister and Tinsley's own pathetic true mate.

No one knew she made plans, no one knew how hurt she was feeling. So when she left, it was a surprise to all but not until later when her parents found her note beside her phone she had left behind.

Tinsley had packed up her room, stripped it bare of all her possessions. She silently packed up her vehicle in the dead of night and slipped away from the pack, leaving nothing behind, not even her scent.


Tinsley was an old soul she-wolf. She had her wolf at a very early age and grew up fast. She graduated high school by the time she was fifteen. Unlike Sable who didn't even get her wolf until the day before she turned sixteen.

Tinsley could shift into her wolf at age six and kept it secret from everyone. At sixteen, she shifted on her own and seeing it was her birthday, she went for her first outdoor run. That day was the first the pack Warriors saw her wolf, and they were in awe.

It was also the second time she caught Sable in a very sexual and compromising position with a pack member, the one who was dating Tinsley. The Warriors had growled seeing her sister as it was too late by then as Sable was caught having sex with Tinsley's boyfriend.

Being an old soul she-wolf, Tinsley knew ahead of time who her true mate was at an early age. Her wolf, after seeing Sable in a compromising position with him once again, pulled away totally very hurt.

She had it by then, the sure sign that she had to leave. He, her true mate ignored the signs of finding his one true mate. Stubborn or ignorant but whatever, it's his loss as she would not stay in the pack to watch him betray her again and again.

At 17, Tinsley totally left the pack, her parents screamed and growled at Sable as it was her fault they yelled out. Sable hadn't been sterilized, she was just injected with the longest lasting birth control at the time and wolfsbane to stop her from acting like a slut.

Tinsley after she left the pack, enrolled in a University far away from where she had been born. She moved into a dorm and submerged herself in with humans who welcomed her with open arms.

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