chapter 5

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12 hours earlier-[Emery]

I sat in the driver seat of the Impala. My head rested on the steering wheel, and I sobbed. I swore and I yelled and I sobbed as the boys' lifeless bodies sat in the back seat, where I had dragged them after the hunt.

I had their blood on my hands. It got in my hair when I ran my hand through it. It was on the steering wheel now. I didn't know what to do. It made me sick.

Sam and Dean had died. They bled to death. They got ripped to shreds. I had destroyed the alter, but it hadn't stopped that monster. There was some kind of spell, with blood in a goblet. I found it in a bedroom. I dumped it out, apparently seconds after Dean lit the flair.

I should have gotten to the kitchen sooner. I was too busy trying to destroy whatever kind of magic was controlling the Daeva. I should have been protecting the freaking boys.

Yeah, Dean went to Purgatory before. But I had Sam. I didn't have to deal with his body, or watch him bleed to death. I was about to make a deal with a demon, but Sam stopped me. He locked me in the Bunker and watched me until he convinced me not to. We didn't know where he was or if he was dead. It didn't make sense.

But this time, I had their two dead bodies. I was there when they died. And this time, I was alone. No one to stop me from doing anything.

I could...

But Dean would kill me if I did it. I knew that. Sam would be so mad. They wouldn't want it.

But I didn't want this.

I had a plan.

I decided to take the boys' back home, to the Bunker. They should wake up there.

I made myself stop crying. I probably looked like a lunatic with two bodies in the backseat. For some reason I didn't worry about cops or anything. I focused to getting them home.

An hour later I got to the Bunker. I half picked up, half dragged their bodies one at a time to their bedrooms. That took about a half hour. If I hadn't started to do some upper body strength training with Sam in the past few months, I would not have been able to carry their bodies. They were so heavy, because they were so strong.

I couldn't look at the faces. I couldn't
stand to. I couldn't see Dean's green eyes cold, or Sam's face without his caring expression.

It was hard leaving them. I felt like I was ditching them. But I had to do something.

It occurred to me as I drove in the Impala how truly alone I was without the boys. All I had suddenly were some relatives I haven't talked to in ages.

I left in such a hurry I still had blood on me. I was still crying as I drove to the nearest crossroad.

10 hours before

"The Winchester's can't keep escaping death, you know," a female crossroads demon told me. She had black eyes and wore a short, tight red dress.

"I'll give you whatever you want," I said, trying not to sound too desperate. I failed.

"What do you owe them anyway? Why condemn yourself to hell for them? I'm curious. You're a hunter. You know better." she said as she paced back and forth.

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