Chapter 11

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"No way! I'm not wearing that!"

Bum backed away as Sangwoo held up the black skirt. He'd already made him wear a striped crop top and a pair of black panties. What else did he want from him? It was like Sangwoo wanted to strip away any semblance of masculinity that Bum had.

"Why not? You'd look good in it."

"I'm not a girl, Sangwoo."

"You might say that but," Sangwoo said as he advanced towards Bum, who was trying quite hard to become one with the bedroom wall. "You have the body of one."

He trailed his fingers up Bum's thigh and lightly stroked his ass.

"And besides," Sangwoo continued. "Your other clothes are still dirty."

Bum had a feeling that he was lying, and that Sangwoo got some sick thrill from his humiliation. Still, Bum made no move to put on the skirt and kept his eyes trained on the ground in a fashion similar to that of a petulant child.

"Put on the skirt, Bum."


"Put it on or I'll do it myself."



Bum thought that he'd won this time, but suddenly, he was hoisted over Sangwoo's shoulder and carried over to the bed. Sangwoo placed him there, straddling him so he couldn't escape. Bum attempted to punch Sangwoo in the face again. After all, it had worked once before. This time, however, Sangwoo was prepared, deflecting his blows. Then, he lifted both of Bum's legs, sliding the skirt over them.

"There," Sangwoo said, as Bum lay there, exhausted from his struggles. "Isn't that better?"

His voice seemed mocking at first, but it was also laced with a tenderness that only served to exhaust Bum even more.

Sangwoo left the room for a moment, returning with a bowl of the remaining albacore porridge. Bum took it, even though he wasn't very hungry, deciding that he'd rather not be force fed either. He wanted to keep what little independence he had.

Sangwoo sat across from him, silent, as Bum forced the food down his throat, trying not to let Sangwoo's stare unnerve him. Strangely enough, Bum began to nod off. Didn't he just sleep for nearly a day and a half? Yet, his body began to gradually relax and his vision began to slightly blur. Bum felt a pair of arms envelop his relaxed form and he was laid back onto the bed.

"I really didn't want to drug you again, but I don't you to try any shit while I'm gone."

Bum tried to focus on the source of the voice, which was difficult, given that he felt like he was under water.

"Wha...," Bum managed.

"I just gave you enough to keep you incapacitated while I'm in class," Sangwoo said. "No hard feelings, right?"

He pecked Bum on the lips.

"See you later."

Bum could hear the door close, the noise like a distant memory.

Sangwoo hurried out of the lecture hall, trying to avoid catching the attention of his 'friends' who, if he were to be brutally honest, weren't really friends, but a group of pathetic wannabes. They were nothing more than pawns that would probably lick Sangwoo's balls if he really wanted him to. Funny, he thought, aren't I the same thing to Bum?

Well, he was obviously much more, though the similarities were quite striking.

He'd made it about halfway to his car when someone called his name.


Jieun rushed toward him, heels clacking loudly on the cement.

"I missed you last night."

He gave her a charming smile.

"Sorry," he replied, feigning sheepishness. "I had things to do."

She pouted and flipped her raven black hair, exposing the ivory skin of her shoulder, seeminly tempting him. What a slut, he thought. Of course, she didn't know that he was already taken but she was still a threat. Sooner or later, he'd need get rid of her.

"You're going out tonight, right?" she asked him, snapping him from his thoughts.

Sangwoo swallowed his irritation, and gave her a coy smile.

"No," he said. "Another time."

With that, he walked away, not acknowledging Jieun's farewell.

Sangwoo glanced around the room, disapprovingly. He'd been there dozens of times, but still couldn't quite get used to the mildew covered walls. He commened Bum for trying to keep things neat. He adjusted the bag on his shoulders. Sangwoo had filled it with as many books as possible. Hopefully, they would be enough to keep Bum from becoming too bored, too restless. At least until he found a more permanent solution.

"You know where he ran off to?" the landlord had asked him when Sangwoo had asked for entry into Bum's apartment. "The fucker hasn't paid his rent for this month."

"I don't know," Sangwoo said, jaw clenching. "I'll be sure to tell him if I see him."

"Lock the door behind you," the landlord grumbled.

"Wait," Sangwoo said. "I'll pay it."

The beginnings of a plan began to form in his mind: buy out Bum's apartment and it would be harder for him to really ever escape.

Perhaps, he thought as he fished out his wallet, the solution (or a part of it) was right in front of him.

Bum struggled to sit in an upright position, vertigo overtaking him for a few dizzying moments. He sat, disoriented, trying to clear the pervasive fog that held him prisoner. What time was it? Was Sangwoo home yet? Maybe, if he could manage to stand, he'd be able to get through the front door, maybe even a little ways down the street. That would be fine, as long as he could find someone to help him.

Bum fought the feeling of nausea that rose in his throat, and tentatively stood, using the wall as support. He glanced out into the hallway. The door was only a few meters away. All he had to do was get there. It seemed so easy, but Bum's legs didn't want to move and sometimes, his stomach would lurch. More often than not, he was afraid that his face would meet the floor.

But, somehow, he'd made it to the front door and opened it, squinting in the sunlight. Stumbling down the front steps, he noticed that Sangwoo's car was nowhere to be seen. Bum thanked every deity that he could think of. (It would've been a little better if he didn't have to be seen in a skirt in public, though.)

He made slow progress, but the fresh air helped to clear his mind a little, although he could still feel the residual effects of whatever it was that Sangwoo gave him.

He'd made it a block when he heard a car turning the corner. Quickly he ducked into an alleyway, hiding behind some trashcans. Bum peeked from his hiding place, waiting for the car to pass.

Bum let out a deep breath when the car passed by. It turned out to be a glossy red. Definitely not Sangwoo's car. He continued down the street, with much more caution this time, ducking whenever he heard a car. He also tried not to think about how unfamiliar the area was. Bum needed to keep a clear head if he wanted to find his way, but he was very quickly being overcome by anxiety. Sangwoo probably knew his way around this neighborhood and would, without a doubt, be able to find him eventually.

"Bum!" he heard someone call in the distance.


"Bum, you son of a bitch!"

No, no, no.

Distracted, he accidentally stepped on broken glass. He bit his lip, trying to hold back the pained groan that wanted to fall from his mouth as blood seeped from the sole of his injured foot. Heart pounding in his ears, Bum limped down the street, trying to take as many back roads as possible.

Sangwoo had stopped calling him, Bum noticed with a sense of foreboding.

The streets had become painfully silent, and he was left alone with a monster who could appear at any turn.   

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now