Chapter 3

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Sangwoo had a habit of dating girls who looked an awful lot like Bum, with black hair, large black eyes, and slender bodies. Usually, he'd find them around the university, or even in nightclubs, scantily clad, ready for a fuck. And no one really refused Sangwoo, with his looks and charm. It didn't take much convincing to get the girls to stay for a night.

It was usually enough to sate his desires for Bum. Usually. However, some girls overstepped their boundaries. It was the case for Sangwoo's current conquest.

They had met at some seedy bar. Sangwoo didn't care to remember her name. All he remembered was how remarkably similar her features were to Bum's. They had some drinks, talked, though Sangwoo couldn't care less about anything she had to say. Sangwoo had invited her over, after the girl had begun to proposition him. She must have thought that he actually wanted her, though that couldn't be further from the truth. No, no one could compare to Bum.

Dumb slut, he thought.

He wasted no time in getting the girl up to his bedroom and practically tearing off her turquoise minidress, which left little to the imagination, as well as freeing his straining erection from his pants.

"You're not going to take off your clothes, babe?" she nearly whined. "I want to see you!"

"Don't rush me," he snapped back.

Sangwoo always preferred silence during sex. Too much talk ruined the fantasy and only served to remind him that this wasn't actually his Bum, but merely an imposter. Still he liked to imagine that the girl's moans belonged to Bum, that curves were replaced with hard angles.

As Sangwoo reached his climax, he'd always chant Bum's name like a prayer. He'd never say, "I love you." His feelings were too intimate to share with just anyone. One day, though, it would be Bum here, arms wrapped around Sangwoo's neck, screaming Sangwoo's name. It would be then that he would whisper that phrase into Bum's ear and nothing else would exist except for the two of them.

"I love you, Sangwoo."

A voice, definitely female aroused him from his stupor.

"What. Did. You. Say."

The girl faltered, noticing Sangwoo's change in countenance.

Sangwoo grabbed a handful of her chin length hair and yanked it, until he was sure that some would tear at the roots, and dragged her down the stairs into the basement.

"I'm sorry! Please let me go!" she cried as he threw her mercilessly down the basement steps.

"Shut up!" he said as he placed a his hands around her throat and squeezed. She kicked and scratched at his hands, her skin beginning to turn blue. He hated these imposters, those who thought that they could replace Bum. He would rid the world of each of them, one by one, like the pests that they were. Bum would be so grateful.

Finally, she ceased her struggling, and after checking her pulse, Sangwoo went dispose of her body.

Bum would be eternally grateful.

Bum silently trudged onto the stuffed train, his legs feeling like lead, his heart heavy. He quickly grabbed a pole near the door. Bum wished he didn't have to leave his bed that morning. He probably got a measly few hours of sleep, thanks to his frequent nightmares, which felt all too real. Bum could still feel the pain across his body. Could still hear his uncle hurling insults, calling him his "little whore" or some other expletives. It left Bum shaking and sobbing in his bed, sometimes with the stench of urine invading his nose.

Usually, he'd just stay under the covers, too afraid to venture outside. But, that wasn't the case now. He had responsibilities now, and he couldn't afford to stay home. So, Bum left his apartment, every step weighed down by pure trepidation.

At each stop, the train became more crowded, so it wasn't unusual when Bum felt someone brush up against him. As the minutes ticked by, Bum found himself lost in thought, thinking of things that would bring him solace. It was when he was four stops away from his destination that Bum felt a hand lightly stroke his thigh. He almost couldn't believe it. He tried to ignore it, and when it became more persistent he tried to slap it away.

"Stop that!" he said, hoping he was loud enough to attract the attention of the other commuters, but they were too engrossed in their own business to take notice. The hand snaked between his legs and gently squeezed his soft penis through his pants, causing him to release a frightened whimper. At the same time Bum could hear his mysterious assailant's ragged breathing in his ears, painfully loud, as the strokes became firmer.

"Help me-"

Another hand covered his mouth.

"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you," the man said as he unzipped Bum's pants, releasing his hard length. He sobbed behind the man's hand as he tenderly stroked his cock.

There were three stops left when the pervert began to rut his hips against Bum's behind and he began to renew his struggle.

"You're so amazing," the man moaned behind him as he picked up speed. He must have been close. Hopefully all of this would be over then.

There were two stops left when the man stopped grinding against Bum's thigh and let out pleasure filled gasps.

Bum tried to get away again, trying and failing to elbow the mysterious assailant behind him, tears blurring his vision.

"Stop that," he said. "Don't you want to come too?"

"Leave me alone," Bum sobbed, but was promptly ignored when the man continued to stroke, gently coaxing Bum to completion. The orgasm shook Bum's body to the core, and he couldn't help but bonelessly fall backwards, letting himself be supported by the man's body. Bum noticed that the man had wiped off his release and had carefully tucked him back into his pants, almost like a lover would.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful," the man said. Bum's skin crawled as he felt light kisses being pressed against his neck.

Finally, after what seemed like years, Bum's stop came.

"I'll see you later, Bum. I'm looking forward to fucking you senseless." And he was freed from the man's grasp.

As soon as he left the train, Bum found the nearest restroom, emptied the contents of his stomach, and curled up in the corner of the stall, silent sobs wracking his thin frame.

Why does this always happen to me?

There was no good answer to that question.

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now