Chapter 2

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The sun was beginning to shine again as Bum made his way home from the small bookshop he worked at, a bag of books held to his chest to prevent any damage the rain might cause. Logically, Bum knew that a little rain wouldn’t completely ruin his books, but they were a gift from the owners of the bookshop, Hye and her grandmother Myung, and he considered them to be some of the most precious things that he’d ever received. Bum smiled to himself as the sky began to clear even more, almost like a metaphor for his life.

After leaving his uncle, Bum felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. The apartment he rented wasn’t the best. The walls were moldy and sometimes the heater stopped working in the winter. Sometimes Bum found bugs, or worse, in the bathtub. But, it was something he could call his own.

He also decided, after one too many panic attacks, to see a therapist. Making the appointment was possibly one of the most difficult things he’d done in his life. After speaking to the office over the phone, Bum felt wound up like a spring and was probably hyperventilating, but he had done something for himself. For the first time ever, pride had made itself known among the ever present feeling of anxiety.

His first few appointments were the hardest. He never thought he'd be there, speaking about his laundry list of issues, but it felt good to be listened to. It felt good to know that he mattered.

Bum continued the last leg of his journey home, enjoying the pleasant heat of the sun on his skin. He knew that with his pale skin he must have looked like the undead. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to care very much at that moment.

“You shouldn't sit idle,” Dr. Kim told him. “A little fresh air might not rid you of your problems, but it can clear your head for a little while.”

So, Bum had taken her advice. At first, he only stayed in the area around his apartment, fearing that if he strayed too far, something awful would happen. Someone would mug him, or he'd be kidnapped by a serial killer.

But after a while, Bum figured that his luck couldn't be that bad. Maybe fate would be smiling down upon him, seeing that his life was pretty shitty up to this point. Didn't he deserve to be happy every once in a while? (No, the voice in his head said. But he tried his best to ignore it.) And, if Bum was being honest, he was getting kind of tired of seeing the same buildings over, and over.

A few weeks later, he found himself strolling down the street when a sign caught his eye. “Park’s Books”, it read in bold red letters. Bum hadn't had many opportunities to do something as simple as browse a bookshop, nor had he the money to buy any books. But, it couldn't hurt to stay for a while. Intrigued, he entered, and stayed for what must have been hours, surrounded by a sea of books.

It was Hye who came by, with her warm smile, to tell him that it was closing time. Bum smiled sheepishly, turning to place his books back in their respective spots.

“Have a nice day!” Myung called as he made his way outside, to which Bum timidly held up a hand.

About a week went by, and Bum found himself at the shop every day,sitting for hours in the same secluded spot in the back. And at the end of every day, he’d put his books back and shyly wave goodbye to Myung.

One day, as he sat enthralled with a book about magic creatures, Hye even came by with a cup of green tea, which he almost refused.

“I didn’t order any-”

“It’s on the house,” she insisted, and who was Bum to turn down something free?

“Thank you,” he said.

“You’ve been coming by quite often,” Hye said.

“Y-yes,” Bum said, beginning to sweat. Was this the part where he’d be kicked out for never buying anything?

“Well,” she continued. “We could always use some help around here. Would you like to work here?”

It seemed too good to be true. Bum always had a hard time holding down a job, due to his all consuming anxiety, but he couldn’t live unemployed forever. He was already a month late on his rent, and his landlord was only so patient. Shakily, Bum nodded his head.

“Good!” Hye said. “Can you start tomorrow?”

“Ah, y-yes.”


She left with a wide grin on her face, most likely to tell her grandmother that they had a new employee.

Dr. Kim would be so proud, he thought.

Bum smiled fondly at the memory as he finally reached his apartment complex. Across the street, Bum noticed, a silver car sat idle. It had been there for the past few days or so, making Bum slightly suspicious, though he just chalked that up to paranoia. Still, he quickened his strides until he was safely inside, unable to shake the hair-raising feeling of being watched.


Sangwoo’s eyes followed Bum’s form as he rushed into his apartment. Before Bum could disappear from his sight, he snapped a quick picture with his phone. It wasn't the best; he had really clear ones of Bum at work or asleep. Either way, they weren't enough. A picture wasn't the same as a real, breathing human, and Sangwoo was left impatiently yearning for someone who was so close yet so far.

That would change soon enough. He'd be able to speak to Bum for the first time in years, be able to touch him. And eventually, he'd bring Bum home, where he'd keep him safe and take care of him, whether he liked it or not. And he'd realize that they were meant to be together.

But, Sangwoo would need to wait until the perfect moment, when there were less witnesses.

He sighed and drove away from his lover's home.

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now