Chapter 16

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The dark house was silent, save for the faint tick of the grandfather clock in the other room and Bum's soft breathing. That wasn't what kept Sangwoo awake, however. No, it was the dream again. The dream where Bum had killed himself and Sangwoo didn't make it on time. And all Sangwoo could do was watch and cradle Bum in his arms as the life drained from his lover's body. Oddly enough, each drop of blood that flowed from Bum's frail wrists turned to rose petals as they hit the floor, reminding Sangwoo of the bouquet he'd gifted Bum a few weeks ago.
Death had never phased Sangwoo, yet even the thought of Bum's had made him jerk awake, his heart pounding in his chest. He was worried that he'd woken Bum in his panic, but the man remained unmoving, body relaxed with sleep.

He pushed Bum's hair from his face, which he could barely make out in the dimly lit room. Sangwoo's face remained impassive as he placed his fingers against Bum's neck, checking for his pulse. It was silly. Logically, Sangwoo knew that Bum was alright, there was no blood, no new wounds on his wrists. Yet, he couldn't help the possessiveness that flared inside of him. He couldn't let Bum leave, whether it be through his escape or through death. Bum was everything. He made him feel safe, though he was loath to admit it. He thought it was the other way around. That's what real men did.

Yet, Bum reminded him so much of his mother, he couldn't help how he felt. It was a little messed up, the way he pined after someone who looked so much like the woman who'd birthed him. Bum also was gentle and kind like his mother, and that certainly was an added bonus, but that was where the similarities ended. Where his mother couldn't find it in herself to leave her shit husband, Bum had enough of a spine to get away from his uncle.

Bum mumbled something in his sleep and shifted himself so that he was facing away from him.

It was so endearing and Sangwoo wondered, not for the first time, how he got so fucking lucky. Mama would have loved him too.

It was funny, how a few years ago, he would have brushed Bum off without a second thought. Now, he would do anything just for a few minutes of Bum's attention. Sangwoo had to laugh. He'd just sucked the guy's dick yesterday. And he'd enjoyed it very much. Sangwoo could still taste Bum on his tongue, remembered how pretty he looked as Bum came down his throat.

He was so eager, that he almost wanted to compare it to an infant receiving milk from his mother's breast.

Sangwoo slid his hand under Bum's shirt, suddenly feeling needy, a strange feeling that had only been reawakened the day before. It was a need for his mother, and it was only something that Bum could provide.

His hand stopped at Bum's chest, over one of his nipples, and while he knew there would be no milk, he squeezed anyway. It was comforting, and he needed more, to feel safe.

As gently as possible, he moved Bum so that he lay flat on his back. Then Sangwoo straddled him, lifting Bum's shirt so that his chest was exposed.

"You're so beautiful, Mama."

He bent forward, taking one of Bum's nipples into his mouth, and began to suck. Sangwoo reveled in the closeness, the comfort. It was something he hadn't felt for years, since he was a child.

Bringing Bum here was the best decision of his life. Said man groaned and opened his eyes.

"S-Sangwoo?" Bum asked, shuddering from the sensation of Sangwoo's mouth.

He yelped as teeth slightly sunk into sensitive skin.

"Sangwoo stop!"

Sangwoo finally acknowledged his companion, who was staring at him with wide, frightened eyes.

"It's alright, Mama."

"W-what? I-I'm not your mama-"

"Why're you shaking? Don't you want to be close to me?" Sangwoo whined. The burning pain of rejection filled him. Why didn't his new Mama want to be with him? Why was Bum shaking so much?

Now that he looked back, Bum was always afraid, was always looking behind his shoulder. It was only natural, given Bum's previous life. But Sangwoo was going to be the perfect lover, the perfect son.

"I love you, Mama," he said, nuzzling his head under Bum's chin. "So you don't have to be scared of me."



Bum let out a shaky breath. Sangwoo could feel his heart under his fingers, racing. Bum almost reminded him of a rabbit. He was as skittish as one, at least. And Sangwoo was the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Bum had gone quiet again, and Sangwoo wished that he could know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated on the floor next to him, interrupting the peaceful silence, and breaking Sangwoo out of his childlike stupor. Bum moved away immediately after Sangwoo got up, though, he wasn't too worried.

He'd made it a habit to tie Bum to the hook he'd nailed into the floor every night, just so he wouldn't get any ideas. It gave Sangwoo more control over his... prisoner? No, that wasn't right. His guest, maybe? Either way, Bum wouldn't be able to leave without his permission. It was the only way that Sangwoo could keep an eye on him. Despite his quiet demeanor, Sangwoo was pleasantly surprised to find that Bum was craftier than he looked. After all, he'd been able to evade Sangwoo for hours. It was a nuisance, but it also made things more interesting.

He grabbed his phone, seeing that he had three new messages from Jieun.

6:07 AM- good morning Sangwoo <3

Sangwoo rolled his eyes. Why was she texting him so early?

6:08 AM- can we meet today?
6:08 AM- to talk about the duet?

Sangwoo typed back a quick 'Sure', all the while running his fingers through Bum's hair. It was getting long. He'd have to wash and cut it. The thought of the intimate act thrilled him enough to crack the impassive mask that Sangwoo usually wore.

His phone vibrated again, but Sangwoo lay back down. Jieun could wait.

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now