Chapter 8

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The first thing he noticed was the excruciating headache. His tongue seemed swollen in his mouth. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the dryness. It was like his body had lost all moisture. Bum opened his eyes, groaning when the intense light entered his eyes. As he adjusted to the light, he noticed, with growing unease, that he wasn't in his dilapidated apartment, but somewhere he didn't recognize. Slowly the feeling returned to his limbs, and he found that his hands, as well as his feet, were bound together with some sort of soft cord and that he was on something soft. A futon maybe?

"Hello?" he rasped, though it probably sounded unintelligible due to his dry throat.

Bum could hear someone walking towards the room that he inhabited, the creaks in the floorboards unbearably loud.

"You awake yet?" Sangwoo asked. When did he even get there? Bum tried to feign sleep, but he could hear Sangwoo's amused snickers.

"You're bad at pretending, Bum."

This time, his voice was much closer, like his captor was right in front of him. Bum slowly blinked open his eyes again, focusing on Sangwoo's unbearably handsome face. In one hand, Sangwoo clutched a bottle of painkillers, and in the other one a glass of water.

Bum tried to say something, anything, but it only came out as gibberish. Sangwoo grinned slightly and quirked a dark brow.

"I can't understand you. Want some water first?"

He held the glass to Bum's lips expectantly. Bum reluctantly opened his mouth, a refreshing stream of water moistening his tongue and throat. He flinched when Sangwoo massaged his throat to help him swallow.

"Good boy," he murmured.



"Where am I? Is this your house?"

Sangwoo ceased his ministrations.

"Yeah," he said. "This is my house."

"I want to go home."

"No, Bum."

He almost sounded like a parent reprimanding their child.

"This is your home now, alright?"

"No," he rasped.

"No? You don't have a say in this."

"But," Bum began.

"How's your head?" he asked. "They said that this drug might give you massive headaches. Makes sense, especially given how small you are."

"It hurts."

Sangwoo smiled and held up the painkillers.

"Good thing I came prepared."

After helping him take the pills, Sangwoo picked him up, careful not to jostle him too much. Bum clutched Sangwoo's wide shoulders as he felt waves of nausea slowly rise within him.

"Where are we going?"

"To the basement. I have a surprise for you, Bummie."

Sangwoo's countenance reminded Bum of an excited child about to open a present. What could be in the basement that made Sangwoo look like that? He'd rather not know, but it was becoming more apparent that he wouldn't have a choice either way.

"Please don't make me go down there, Sangwoo."

"You're trembling again, baby. I promise that you'll like it."

Bum looked down into the open trapdoor that served as the entrance to the basement. As they descended, the light from above seemed like a distant memory, and Bum was afraid that he'd never see it again.

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now