Chapter 7

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21:01 - Bum, please
21:01 - I'm sorry
21:01 - I didn't want to scare you away
21:01 - I know I moved way too fast
21:02 - But I didn't want to hurt you
21:02 - That's the last thing I want
21:03 - I'd do anything to earn your forgiveness
21:04 - Please answer

Sangwoo frantically typed out several texts as he waited nearby Bum's apartment, hidden from view. He wouldn't enter that time; he only wanted to see if Bum was safe. Yet, he wouldn't answer any of his texts. Silently, Sangwoo crept towards Bum's window and felt instant relief when he saw that the lights were on.

He waited for a few more minutes, then sent another text.

21:09 - Bum, I meant everything that I said
21:09 - Why won't you answer me

Sangwoo sighed, trying to calm his growing agitation, trying to understand why the love of his life wouldn't answer him. He knew that he moved too fast, but he expected Bum to understand that he couldn't hold back anymore. Maybe Bum didn't think that he was worthy of Sangwoo's attention. That couldn't be. Didn't he know that he was practically the most perfect being to ever exist?

He was settled into the driver's seat of his car when he finally received a text.

21:15 - Please leave me alone.
21:15 - You're so precious to me, Bum
21:15 - I'm going to prove to you just how important you are to me
21:16 - I think it's just best that you find someone else. You can do so much better than me. Goodbye.

Goodbye. It sounded so final that it nearly shook Sangwoo to the core. When he got home that night, he struck his bathroom mirror so hard that the glass shattered, some stray shards nicking his hands. He was probably bleeding out, and he could vaguely feel some burning, but none of that compared to the panic he felt when Bum wrote that one word.


Bum had settled back into his usual routine from before the whole Sangwoo debacle. Hye and Myung tried to ask how their 'date' went, but Bum only answered in vague, one word sentences. After much prodding, the two finally left it alone, and for that he was appreciative.

Sangwoo didn't show up at the bookshop anymore and didn't even text him. Maybe he'd followed Bum's advice and found someone a little more in his league. Bum really hoped so, but if Sangwoo was the guy who molested him on the train, he had a feeling that it wouldn't be that easy. He was more afraid that this was only the calm before the storm.

There was about a week or two of normalcy. And then, Bum started receiving the 'gifts'.

The first one he found in front of his door and was a picture of himself walking home from the train station, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Bum's skin crawled at the thought of someone following him everywhere, knowing where he went, where he lived. There wasn't anything indicating where the picture came from, but Bum already had an inkling of an idea. Sangwoo. He hurried into his apartment, making sure his door was locked and the curtains were pulled shut.

After making sure he was safe, he sat crouched in a secluded corner of his room, terror overtaking him. Sangwoo knew where he lived. He could do whatever he wanted to him. Sangwoo was so much bigger than him. It wouldn't take much for him to just strangle Bum to death or slit his throat or anything else. Before he could stop himself, Bum was releasing deep, shuddering sobs.

"Why me," he croaked.

As if to answer, his phone vibrated, and he picked it up from its place on the floor.
You looked so beautiful today, it read.

Bum didn't answer. Instead, he curled up under his covers like had when he used to live with his uncle.

The next morning, Bum trudged to work, the circles under his eyes more pronounced than usual. He'd had a nightmare again. Except, this time, it was one of Sangwoo breaking in and slicing him open as he lay helpless in his bed.

Erotomania (Killing Stalking fanfic)*DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now