Chapter 26 - Truth

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(credits to owner for the video above)
[Yugyeom's POV]
Wait for me, hang in there. I'm coming to save you...

I drive at fast speed to the location. I look at where I.M is. He is on another street. Wonho is with I.M.

I used my watch to contact I.M.

Me: I'm arriving soon. I'll check how many men are there and I'll inform you asap (as soon as possible). Be prepared for backup.
I.M: Roger that.
Me: Don't park your car near the location also.
I.M: Roger that.
Me: Okay, I arrived. Contact you soon.
I.M: Good luck!

I park my car outside a warehouse.
This warehouse is old and rusty.
I walk nearer to the door, scanning the area for any traps.
Without notice, a huge net caught me when I step on a particular part of the grass.

Dammit! I should have notice it!!

I got left hanging on a tree. Luckily, I prepared a dagger in my right shoe. As I was about to take it out, I hear clapping.
I look down and saw a black haired guy with a mask.

Guy: Well well, look who's here. A hero.

I know that guy is Suga, because my watch gave me the location of the phone that XX uses and it says the location is where I am at now.

Me: Quit it! Just tell me where is she!
Guy: Where is who? Y/N? HA! God knows what happened to her. Want to find out?
Me: Let me go! Let me see her!
Guy: Calm down calm down. Why so hurry?

He called some of his men to release me. They used a rope and tied my hands behind my back. Suga give a signal and they pushed me inside the warehouse. It's a good thing that my hands are behind my back. There is a mini camera on my sleeve that is very hard to notice. It sends information to I.M's watch.
I try to turn around a few times to let I.M see how many men are there and how the warehouse looks like.
Soon, I hear some noises.

???: Wth? I did not!
????: SHUT UP!

Those two voices sound like Y/N and HyeJi.

Me: Y/N!!!
Y/N: Yugyeom!! Help me...
Me: I'm here, don't worry!
Guy: HAHA! What a joke! How can you save her when you are trapped?
Me: I know who are you and who is your accomplice!
Guy: Oh really? Think you are that smart? Come tell me. Who am I?

I smirked at him.

Me: You really want me to say it? In front of Y/N?

The guy's eyes widened and a drop of sweat trickled down his face.

Me: Why? Feeling nervous?
Guy: Nervous? Haha! How funny! Come on tell me. Who am I?
Me: Are you sure? Should I really say it?
Guy: Are you trying to delay time? Do you really know who am I? Or are you just pretending?
Me: I do know you. Min-Yoon-Gi.

His hands trembled in fear.

Guy: Y-Yoon...Gi..? Who-who is h..e?
Me: It's you, Min Yoon Gi. Min Suga.

He take out the mask and reveal himself.

Suga: Well well. Think I'm afraid? Of course not! I'm well prepared for this situation.
Me: Oh really? How about HyeJi?

The girl holding a knife at Y/N's neck turned to look at me. Her eyes widened with shock.
She take off her mask too.

Me: I guess not.
Y/N: Su-suga? Min Suga? Is that really you?

Suga walk over to her and remove the cloth around her eyes. Y/N got a huge shock by the look on her face.

[Y/N's POV]
I feel the cloth being removed. I open my eyes to see Suga and HyeJi in front of me. HyeJi is holding the knife at my neck.
I felt my heart being backstabbed by them.

How could they? They are my friends...

I'm at a loss for words. I saw Yugyeom behind them, tied up, with a few men around him.

Suga: Seems like both of you know who we are now. This is getting interesting...
Me: Suga? Am I seeing things? Why are you here?
Suga: Clueless huh? Obviously you are clueless. YOU are the cause of my misery. You get it?

Tears start to form in my eyes.

Suga: Awww, don't cry...You'll look terrible. I don't want to babysit you.
Me: What have I ever done wrong to you? Why must you do this?
Suga: Your parents didn't tell you anything, did they? As expected, they didn't. Well, to make it simple...

He come closer to me and whispered into my ear.

Suga(whisper): Your parents ruined my family.

He step backwards.

Me: But...what

I flinched at his sudden shout. At the back, Yugyeom look as shock as I am.

Me: But...
Suga: But what? There is no buts. Now, all you have to do is payback. Pay for what your parents have done to me.

I shivered in fear. I couldn't believe anything.

Me: W-what do you...want?
Suga: I want money and your life. As for HyeJi, she wants Yugyeom.
Me: Yugyeom? I already knew she wants that. Why my life? You can just take the money!
Suga: Am I stupid? Why would I take the money and release you so easily? You will file in a report on me and send me to jail. I'm not so dumb.
Suga: Worry about yourself first. Look at you, useless.
HyeJi: Suga, don't say that about him.
Suga: Why? Feeling hurt just because I said him useless?
HyeJi: No-no... You can say whatever you want.
Suga: Good. Don't interupt me. Just do what I say.

HyeJi nodded in agreement.

Suga: Time is ticking. I shall get your fingerprint and a will for your death. Don't worry, I'll write it for you.
Me: A WILL?!
Suga: Of course, my dear. When you die, you need a will right? It would be giving me what you have, all your money and valuable items.
Me: Suga oppa! I've trusted you! I thought we are friends since childhood? Why are you doing this to me?
Suga: I'm no longer your oppa. Stop calling me that, it makes me want to puke. We are childhood friends? Funny. We WERE childhood friends. Like I've said, you have to pay for my misery.
Me: What about the thing you've told me? You said you were hiding for years and finding out who was trying to kill you. Was that all a lie?
Suga: You're smart. In those years, I've been through many hardships, planning how to deal with your family. Now, going back to work.... I need your fingerprint.

He order a man to retrieve my fingerprint. I was tied up, so I couldn't stop it from happening.

Suga: Great. Now, it's your time to die. Any last words?
Me: You....I couldn't believe this... The kind and caring Suga...turns out to be a ruthless one... As well as my best friend, HyeJi... I didn't expect both of you to plan all these... Just to take things away..from me.....

I shed tears and I speak.

Suga: Finished talking? Good. Prepare for your death. Say goodbye to the world.

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