(y/n) and Skylar

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(a/n) i choose the hair color and eye color if u dont like them them add ur own stuff in and if u dont like the idea of the color of outfits change the colors i dont really care its hard enough im a new writer and im trying to make a good story comment what u think at the end plz be nice T.T

(y/n) was running threw the house throwing her bag over her back her long silvery hair flowing behind her she was late to the library where she was to meet up with her best friend Skylar. They were going to go to the mall to get some anime merch but she lost track of time reading a slender fanfic (ik yay slender right *dies laughing*) she ran to the library as fast as she could but she bumped into her brother David and she fell. David laughs at her then went to kick her for bumping into him when their dad called for him so he had to leave her alone and go see what their dad wanted. (y/n) ran out as fast as she could. Ever since she was born her bother David and sister Sam hated her. Sam was 24 and David was 26 they both had great jobs but still lived at the house stating how can we leave our parents with someone as stupid and ugly as u someone might think that there is a cruise in the house. They never loved her but she never knew y the only one who has ever loved her was Skylar her best friend and honorary sister. They have been friends since kindergarten but she never has been to her house she dont even know her parents. (y/n) stopped thinking about y and how she can get her sister and brother to love her when she saw her besties car it was so like her a convertible that was purple-ish black and neon purple flames the in side had fairy tail covers with happy on them and a chibi zancrow hanging from the rear view mirror and her plate said anime-life (hell yeah).  She jumped into the front seat and scared Skylar a little bit then she laughed pushing her. "Dont do that (y/n) i thought i told u that already lol." "About 50 times i think anyways im ready to go i got all the money i saved up working for my grandma and grandpa." "Wow wait rnt they the ones who have alot of money and said that u were their fave?" "Yeah but they didnt seem to happy last time i saw them like they were heart broken i wonder y." "Well maybe they saw a sad movie old people get sad alot." They both laugh and Skylar was already out of town and at the next 1 pulling into the mall. (y/n) jumped into the store with all her anime merch and screamed almost seeing the new posters of madara and itachi and all the akatsuki  then seeing all the pics of fairy tail and zeref.  Skylar found a doll of zancrow and madara and jackal and as soon as she did she looked at (y/n)  about to say something when she grabbed them already "U better believe im gonna buy them for u anything for my sister." (y/n) and Skylar grabbed about 400 dollars worth of things including some swords and knives and kunai all real and just for (y/n) because she knew how to use them and needed to have something to scare off all the ass holes that tried hurting her all the time she hid them from her family under a floor borad and when she moved she will take them with her. Skylar got a knife that was so her it had blue and purple flames on it and it had *go to sleep* on it they both laughed at it and (y/n) bought all the stuff then they left the mall (y/n) in her hand made cat hoodie. Skylar asked (y/n) where she wanted to go since it was cold and she already knew she had to sneak the stuff in a few things at a time so she already got her posters and madara and itachi doll in her bag. "The park if thats alright i will walk there keep the other stuff safe from them plz." "Oh i will they try and touch it they will lose their hands." (y/n) laughs knowing she would really do it to she remembers 1 time someone tried cutting her silver hair and Skylar ran up and stabbed their hands with the scissors that were holding and then aimed right for the chest and kicked them really hard. (y/n) waves good bye to her best friend and watched as her friends long dark purple hair flowed as she drove away. She started walking along the woods she never did believe the stories about them being the slender woods. If they were alot more people would die here right? As she walked to her home someone tackled her to the ground. She looked to see a man she knew to well his name was Thomas her bully from school he bullied her since kindergarten and still does. He slapped her face and then kicked her in the gut hard and beat her and beat her. (y/n) screamed in pain and cryed begging for Skylar to turn around then more people walked up behind Thomas it was Sam and David. "Sup babe i never thought u would be here this fast i was just having a little fun with her before u for here." He kisses Sam then they started to talk and see how they were going to kill her. (y/n) ran as fast as she could away from them into the woods she can hear them behind her and she kept running wishing that she would of had Skylar drop her off at home. She tripped over a root and screamed. Thomas and David rolled her over and held her down and Sam got on top of her and started to stab her and stab her she stabbed her in the gut 13 times. (y/n) was coughing up blood then they all heard a snap of a twig the 3 ran off fearing it was the cops since (y/n) screamed for help as she was being stabbed. So there she lay dying losing all her blood drowning on her blood tears running down her cheeks all she could see was a a few inches away from her. 'Is this how im going to die? Not that i care about dying i just wish i could of told Skylar she was the best sister ever.' 'R u really going to give up (y/n) i thought u were stronger then that.' 'Who r u?' ' im u well the shadow u u well ur killer instincts or follower call me Shi it stands for death.' 'Shi? y that?' "u will understand here comes help if u need me just think of my name and think of me as a shadow version of u so u but all black colors understand?' 'Yes but who is saving me?' 'u will know for now rest little misstres.'

ok so this is it for now plz tell me what u thought and comment if u see anything wrong and let me know if u want to be in it i will choose 1 oc pasta to be in the fanfic so choose if u want to be in i will give everyone the time and i will choose who is gonna be in and tell me the name of who u wanna be with and maybe i will pick u for now bye my kitties ALL POWER TO THE UCHIHA :3!

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