new pasta or goddess?

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(y/n) pov)

(dream / memory) 

I was running threw the forest crying David killed the cat I found saying it had rabbis which it didnt he just killed it to make me cry. I run into someone and look up and see a beautiful woman all in black long black hair a beautiful black dress and black fingernails and lipstick i look at her and notice black wings behind her and a scythe on her back. I start to panic and try to run but she grabs he and shushes me telling me i was safe. "Its alright i just came to hunt is all im no threat to u sweet one." I look at her after calming down and notice she was looking at me with a sad smile on her face. "Y r u sad miss?" "Call me Shi and its because u r coverd in blood what happen little one?" "My big brother killed a poor innocent kitty it was not bad and he killed it." I fell down crying over the lose of my friend. Shi picked me up and held me shushing me and singing to me (song above) it was creepy but it was my fav song. I start to fall asleep as Shi walked out of the forest to my house and climbs into my window and puts me on the bed. I was about to ask how she knew where i lived and how she could climb up to the 3rd floor (atic) to my room but before i could ask i fell asleep as she kept singing.


I was up and bolt up and look around the room to see im in a room i have no idea where its at and im sure its no hospital. "(y/n) y mistress do u remember me now?" "yes u found me in the woods when i was 4 crying because David killed my cat." "yes mistress im to be by ur side forever I am Shi ur loyal servant i was made the moment of ur birth 20 years ago." "Servant y im no princess or anything important?" "He will explain just for now remember what i looked like give me form in this world again." I close my eyes and remember her as she was when i was 4 and after a while i feel someone hug me and my eyes open and i see Shi. I cry and hug her crying as she shushes me and sings painted smile to me.

(slender's pov)

I called him and he said he will be here and so will she after he finished his work he had. I start to calm down as i feel (y/n) using her power and then i feel Shi in her room. 'so (y/n) has summoned Shi this is good so when he goes and and she transforms Shi can calm her down enough for us to explain. Shi must know what we r going to do.' Death and Ellie appear and look at me with serious faces i start to feel a bit nervous but none the less i lead them to her room i just hope she wont freak to much when she hears this. "Im sorry my lovely (y/n) plz forgive me for the scare u will be getting tonight.' As we walk to her room the pastas watch us Skylar holds jeff crying knowing she cant help her best friend and knowing she will have alot to explain to her after this.

(y/n) pov)

After I calmed down Shi told me to wipe my face that some people wanted to see and talk to me. I sit waiting for who ever it is as im thinking of how i lived someone knocks. "Come in she is waiting she has been for awhile now." The door opens and i feel as if i went 50 shades paler then even a ghost its the Slenderman. Behind Slenderman r 2 others 1 was in a cloak and had a scythe on his back and has a creepy scary aura to him and the woman looks some what like me and had a smile that was very bright that even the dark aura around the man was gone as soon as she smiled. As i look at them a feel a huge pain in my back and scream in pain. My hair grows longer and is more silvery then before. Shi holds me shushing me as she sings to me again as the pain gets stronger and i fall over tears in my eyes and i cry in pain. After a few minutes the pain is gone and Shi stops singing and helps me up and tells me to look in the mirror. I go to the mirror Shi close to me holding me for some reason i dont know. What i see in the mirror is now what i used to look like. My silvery hair is to my lower back my violet eyes now have black skulls in them and my k9s have grown sharper and longer to look like a have 4 vampire fangs. I was paler then before and now i think which is the biggest change of all I HAVE HUGE WHITE WINGS WITH BLACK SKULLS ALL OVER THEM!  I start to shake and fall back but Shi holds me up shushing me and tells me to sit down then helps me to the bed. "(y/n) i know its hard to take in all at once but let me and Ellie explain what is happening and the meaning of y u changed ok?" The man with the dark aura said and i nod. "Ok so lets start with i am Death and this is my wife Ellie and we r ur real parents. Before u were born Zalgo the enemy of Slender and me said he will taker u as his wife because who u really are so me and Ellie gave u to Slender our dear friend to put u in a home the home u grew up in and told him to tell them u were a gift from a god to take care of. We feel so bad we really do but we couldnt take care of u so we sealed ur powers and everything away till u were 20 and met us we love u so much (y/n)." Death said with a sad voice and i let it sink in Im their daughter the daughter of the god of death Death him self. "And im a dragon a hellfire dragon I am a creepy-pasta that kills evil and sending them to where they belong." Ellie said. ' IM PART DRAGON!' Slender flinches whoops forgot he can read minds lol "(y/n) u r the creepy-pasta goddess and u can do what ever the other pastas can do and what me and ur mother can do this is why Zalgo wants u as his wife you must never let him force u to be his bride if u agree he will take u to his castle and end up killing ur mind and stealing ur powers." I was scared now and started to shake but as i started to Shi held onto me. "(y/n) try thinking of slenders powers and try and use his tendrils to attack him." i nod and think about how his tendrils look and when i look to where slender was there is a whole with a tendril there! I start to shake again. Slender puts her hand on my arm and uses his telepathy "im fine no need to worry (y/n)." i nod and stop shaking. "My sweet u and r to stay here with slender from now on and live with the pastas till u can get used to ur ability and gain the trust of all the pastas and their ability and powers we love u my sweet and we will come and check on u understand." I nod and they walk out with slender and i lay down after Shi tells me how to retract my wings and Shi sings to me radioactive and i smile thinking of Skylar.

(slender pov) 

"Why didnt u tell her she has to choose a pasta to marry her to make Zalgo stop going after her?" "because she must choose on her own not being forced or Shi will see it as a act of hurting hewr understand until that day u will protect her along with ur pastas or we will have no choice but go to war with him sooner then expected now have Skylar tell her the truth about herself tomorrow for now let (y/n) rest." I nod and they go home and i tell Skylar what happened and then go back to my bed. 'this will be a big month i hope she dont choose ben or offender i hope she chooses me. goodnight sweet goddess.'

Finally done with this chapter i know u were waitting my little reads dont worry I DIDNT FORGET U ALL i have been busy and btw Shi is made after NightmareKatx1's oc and u should check her out i put my own twist on her yes but Shi was based on her oc Shi the death dragon this chapter is the best 1 so far and i have to thank my sweet boyfriend for it because he gives me the confadence to write and tells me that its good (even tho i have no canfadence anyother time) he is so nice and i love him :D. BYE MY KITTIES. ALL POWER THE THE UCHIHA!!!!

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