(y/n) and slenders family

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ok so u all know the story about sally right? on how she died and all well im bringing in 2 new chars along with the mystery person and u will be happy with the outcome of this if u love sally i know me and my friends will all love it my kittys enjoy for this will be the chapter i have been waitting for :) this is bo the new oc to join the story

ok so u all know the story about sally right? on how she died and all well im bringing in 2 new chars along with the mystery person and u will be happy with the outcome of this if u love sally i know me and my friends will all love it my kittys en...

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((y/n) pov)

I wake up in slenders arms and sally between us I look at slendy and he moves his hand and moves some hair that was in my face. "Good morning sleep well?" I nod and then get up and walk to my room and get changed into black pants a black tank-top and some black combat boots and walks out and bump into Jeff falling on my butt. "Careful (y/n) u could hurt ur self and skylar wouldnt want that she would skin someone alive for that." "I know Jeff in speaking of her where is she?" Jeff laughs and points to her room where all u can hear is WOW come from her room. "fairy tail marathon?" Jeff nods and walks away. I get up and walk into the kitchen and see smile dog looking at me and then he runs up to be pet and i do just that when a hand grabs me from behind and a jump in surprise "Wow careful there dont need smile attacking someone for scaring u." The man laughs as i turn around to see eyeless jack there. "hey e.j. how r u?" "well im good i was asked to make sure ur not hurt at all while slender takes sally to the park so do stay in the house i dont want to have to follow u everywhere." I nod and then go to the living-room and play the xbox with ben and beat his butt on call of duty then switched to the wii and then the netendo switch and beat him on mario cart and mario cart delux. ben was no cheating and inside the game trying to win but I still beat him as a girl with beautiful long black hair walks in as Ben jumps out of the tv and lands on her. "Ben get off me!" the girl crys. "S-sorry bo i didnt mean to." Ben gets off and runs away as she trys to stab him and Jeff runs and and freezes seeing who it was and grabs her to try and calm her down. She calms down and walks over to me and sits by me. "U must be (y/n) im bo im slenders adopted daughter and Sally's big sister." "nice to meet u." I smile and she does as well then looks at e.j. and motions for him to scram and he leaves. "I will be watching u from now till my dad gets home i just got home and was told to watch u."  She smiles at me and then starts cleaning her nails of blood as Jeff runs out the door with his knife and Skylar not far behind. 

- hour time skip because of Sally's teddy is magic-

Sally and slender walk in the front door to see me and Bo on the couch kicking Ben for flirting with us slender grabs him and looks at Bo questioningly i think? "He was flirting with us and trying to get us to go on a date with him." she said with a murderous tone. Slender walks away with Ben and he was yelling for help and no one even tried to help him then splendorman came in and picked up Bo and told her he wanted to go hunt and they left. Both waving at me and sally before leaving the house.

(??? pov)

I walk in the house and look around and see her im so happy she finally is here. I walk to (y/n) and look at her to make sure she is really ok.  "It seems u r finally here (y/n) im happy u got away from those ass holes to bad I couldnt kill them tho I really wanted to." "who r u" "Im-"

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