meeting the pastas

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(A/N) Ok so i forgot to mention this but some of the names and people in here r after real people only some and no i wont say who but yeah have fun let me know what u think.

(slenders pov)

I was walking threw the forest when i heard a scream i knew that scream and i knew (y/n) was gonna walk home what happened. I heard voices and when i stepped on a twig and it made a louder sound then i wanted it sounded like 3 people ran away. I walked to where they ran away from and saw (y/n) she had been stabbed i would say about 13 times and she was bleeding alot. I couldnt let her die so i picked her up and teleport-ed to the mansion into Dr. smileys room. "Smiley fix her up quick dont let her die and if u try and kill her i will make u regret it." He nodded and got to work stitching and stopping her from bleeding to death (hehehe ironic u will see y). i walked to my room and layed down thinking of (y/n).  

((y/n)'s memories her pov dream state)

I was walking home and no 1 has come to hurt me today and even Sam and David havent talked to me since they started working. I walked into the house and mom and dad were glaring at me and then hit me with a broom handle. I screamed they kept hitting me and hitting me mom hitting me with the broom handle and dad kicking me in my gut. "U shouldnt have been born u monster." Mom said. "How dare u how dare u back talk ur older brother u little freak." Dad said. Mom kicked me in the head hard and i felt something crack and i could feel blood gushing out and i screamed. Then everything went dark. When i woke up it was a day later i was in the hospital and they told me someone broke in and hit me hard enough to knock me out. I didnt believe them after all i saw all of that i couldnt of dreamed it up could i? 'U didnt dont trust them.' 'Who r u?' 'u will find out 1 day for now rest u rnt fully healed yet (y/n)' I nodded my head and fell alseep.

(slenders memories slender pov) 

I was watching (y/n) who was walking home making sure no one hurt her there would be alot of trouble for the one who did. She walked into the house so i went away for a bit till i heard a scream. It was (y/n) i teleport-ed into the house to see her on the floor cracked skull and bleeding alot. I went to attack her parents when someone stopped me i turned around to see death and his wife Ellie. "U to think u r funny killing her huh?" the humans froze in fear. "How dare u kill her u filth do u and ur kids need a lesson? hmm." They shook their heads and froze in fear as death walked to the now dead (y/n) and picks her up shushing her and rocking her back and forth as if she were still a baby. "U ever hurt her again and there will be a death of ur kids understand u both." They nodded their heads shaking and looked like they were going to brake down and cry and wet them selves. "slender keep a eye on therm closely and take care of our little (y/n) and when u see fit take her from them its about that time that her powers will show to everyone. I nod and death put (y/n) down as she began to breath again and cough up some blood death and his wife disappeared and i 'glared' at them and then teleport-ed away after rubbing (y/n)'s cheek with my tendril.  As i went home i was thinking on how to save (y/n) from those 2 useless people and their kids.

(back to the present slenders pov)

I am snapped out out of my thoughts as killer Nightmare walks in. "uncle i heard what happened is she ok!" "Calm down Skylar she is gonna be ok Dr. Smiley is helping her dont go and bug him or it will be longer go get her room ready and dont put it all purple and blue plz." She nodded and went to get the room fixed up. I get up as Dr. Smiley walks out of his room saying he is done i go and pick her up and carry her to her room as Skylar walks out smiling. I walk in to see it all neon purple pink and green and some blacks with 3 closets the bed a king sized with a canopy that is neon pink and some black flames on it and a few dolls on the bed that remind me of Skylars dolls she has. I set (y/n) down and then walk to 1 of the closets and see it full of knives and swords and kunai i quickly close it then go to another 1 to see it full of other stuff that look like what Skylar has so i close it i open the other to see a few clothes that seem like they were meant for killing and a few for going out into town i nod and grab a black shirt and some black pants that ik would fit her and set them on the table by her bed and walk out. 'i am going to have to tell her everything  and get her parents here there is no real time to hear those humans out those humans life is forfit after this.' I go to my office and then call.



Hey all this was fun making this fanfic and i still wanna know if u guys wanna gave a oc in it and have ur pasta wifu with u plz no jeffs that man belongs to killer nightmare and this something i will try and update once a week at the least or every other week or so well cya my kitties ALL POWER TO THE UCHIHA!!!! :3

the hidden pasta? slenderman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now