Skylar's past and the truth

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(skylar's pov)

I walk back and forth thinking on how to tell my best friend Im a demon and pasta  and tell her i knew everything the whole time but i never did lie about our friendship. I saw Shi walk out of (y/n)'s room and grab a big bowl of strawberries blackberries blueberries and bananas and a plate with some eggs toasts bacon hash-browns and ham on it all that is enough for 3 people and then Shi looks at me and smiles. Then i see a bowl that is covered nad a plate that is covered and then 3 cups and a full put of coffee and (y/n)s favorite creamer peperminte mocha creamer and some milk and a whole thing of orange juice with no pulp. 'Shi isn getting to much stuff for her does she even know what she likes?' Shi walks up to me and pulls me with her as she walks to (y/n)'s room me wishing i could kill Shi. (y/n) looks at me with huge eyes and a big smile and she goes to get up but winces as i see there is some blood where her heart should be and I feel a ache in my chest where me black heart is. (yes black heart demon so go with it) I go up and have her lay down and start cleaning the stitches that smiley did and then wrap them back up then clean the wounds on her stomach and then wraps that up and then throws the other crap away and then come back and look at (y/n). "Skylar how r u here?' "Misstress food first and then questions can come after here u both go" as Shi finishes her words i look at her confused and then she uncovers the bowl and i see raspberries and i see cheese eggs and all my faves and then Shi poors me a glass of mild coffee and (y/n) her coffee and puts sugar and creamer in it and then gives us our food then sits away from us and eats her portion of the food and thats not much. We both dig in and enjoy our food and enjoy listening to a song on my ipod called come little children. I laugh at the sound of jeff and jane fighting over who's the best cook that makes me my fave food outside funny Shi is the best and she and i only met a few times. As we finish (y/n) looks at me. " ok so how r u here and y?" (y/n) asks as Shi pours me orange juice and smiles at me to cheer me up and gives (y/n) more coffee and puts some water by us in case and leaves the room. "Ok (y/n) im a pasta my name is killer nightmare im the daughter of a fire demon and a pasta named killer mother the fire demon they call him satan but he is not he is named Charlie and he took my morther as a slave when she lived here with slendy.  Slendy thought of killer mother like a sister and she was more like a mom the the pastas my mom was named katie her name killer mother was because when she because a pasta she killed bullies and abusers of kids from new born to late teens. She was called from the childs heart and thats how she got her kills. I tho kill anyone who i want and see as below me (oh god i found pride run!) and those I see as worth my time i will protect if they mean alot to me like u. Im so sorry (y/n) if i knew they would do that i wouldnt of left u." She nods her head thikning. "who raised u?" "Slenderman raised me as his niece and he treats me as his niece as well." "ok i understad y u didnt tell me and Skylar u r my best friend i will never be mad at u for hiding that from me." *she hugs me and then the door opens and in comes a few teddy bears and alot of stuffed animals. 'oh god not him!' Offender walks in and holds a rose to (y/n) "Hello beautiful u must be (y/n) i have heard alot about u from dearest Skylar would u plz except this rose?" "SLENDER!" I scream as fast and loud as i could and slender comes in seeming to be confused till he sees his brother and hits him out with a tendril and apologies and walks out dragging his brother. "Sorry about him lets just say stay away from offender." She nods understanding and then she lays down thinking then something comes to mind. "Oh by the way u have a older sister but u will have to meet her later on she is off doing her own think and taking on armies last i heard from her." (y/n) looks at me like im crazy like i said something that shouldnt be normal at all then agian she was raised as a human. Shi walks in with the gods desert. "cheese cake for u both i made it for u both while u both were sleeping last night and i just got the rest of the stuff for it." On top was  strawberries with caramel chocolate and strawberry drizzled on top and we both look like we were seeing a god made mirical infront of us kinda like i always think masky and hoodie always look when they see cheesecake. We both start eating as Eyeless Jack walks in with his scalpel and "glares" at me. "where r they nightmare i know u took my kidneys while i was sleeping now give them back!" "I have no idea what u r talking about maybe toby thought they were waffles and ate them." Me and (y/n) laugh a little as Eyeless Jack jumps at me and Shi jumps in front and gets stabbed and then throws eyeless jack at Ben and ben falls and makes a squishing sound and there is blood coming from under him. I pick E.J. up and pouint at a single kidney by ben and he nods and starts beating ben up for stealing the kidneys and blaming me for it. (y/n) laughs at them and i smile knowing she isnt scared. Slender walks up to the room and walks in as i do and (y/n) looks confused and i sigh. "(y/n) u will need to kill people like all of us in this manion but u dont have to do it ur self alone there r teams me and u and Jeff and Shi r going out tonight and killing people me and Jeff and Shi r teaching u how to get in and out without getting caught or hurt understand?" She nods and grins evilly oh god i love it her insane smile reminds me of when we watched dead man wonderland and she thought it would be funny to try and scare me after we went to bed sadly it worked only because she got me as i was half asleep and attack me like the mocking bird out of no where laughing insanely. I grab my god made desert and eat it as she looks at slender. "Can i kill the humans who raised me?" I laugh evilly as she says this. "Finally i can get those low lives off my list of people i must kill!" I was planning out thier death from the first time they hurt her when we were in kindergarten. I run oput to get ready after i tell her what to wair and slender walks out chuckling then tell jeff what we r doing and he laughed evilly only him and slender know y i really really hate those humans. I walk to the front door and see (y/n) in a outfit that reminds me of her favorite naruto character itachis anbu outfit and even a mask as well hehehe this will be fun her sword and kunai and knives on her as well. "Looks like we have to get all ur stuff from ur room as well." She nods with a big smile as we walk out with Shi and Jeff.

'This is the day my pride and over protectiveness comes into sight and i wont let this chance go good bye u useless human trash.'


Ok so this will be a fun week i got a nice thing to do this week so im writting a few chapters ahead and thank my nightmarexkat1 for the head she is the best sisterly figure i got atm and she and Skylar r so much alike but she dont kill anyone that ik of yet lol and thanks to my boyfriend for the help threw alot of bad times i have been having but this week i will be busy to this chapter and a few others will be up sometihme this week if i got the time if not this will have to do bye my kitties ALL POWER TO THE UCHIHA!!!

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