The Love Of Parents

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~okso this is going to be threw the points of Sora and (Y/n)'s parents and Slenderand some of what Sora saw and hears 2 months before the readers birth.~ ((Y/n)'s p.o.v.)

I was reading in my room when Sora and our parents walked in saying they needed me in Slender's office so I put my book on the shelf and get ready to go there. I walk into the room and Slender seems kind of down so I look at everyone confusedly. They motion me to sit down in a chair in front of Slender's desk and I do so and my father (death if u don't remember) sits in Slender's seat. "(Y/n) we need to tell u about y we put u in a human family and why we had u stay with Slenderman now so please listen as we explain it.

(from here on its memories and death and every ones story to the reader so sit tight going for a ride)

(death's p.o.v)

Me and Ellie and Sora have been talking to the Slenderman about all of the preparations for our little (Y/n)'s birth and Sora is getting ready to go and kill someone from excitement and she has been keeping an eye on those who have died to bring some back from the dead as a new toy my little necromancer. Slenderman had said that Zalgo has been moving a bit planning something I just hope he isn't planning to do what I think he is. Ellie said she has been feeling (Y/n) kicking a lot more and she thinks she is going to be born sooner then expected lucky us our little princess wants a nice surprise for my birthday. As Slenderman was about to leave Zalgo appears in front of us Slenderman gets ready to attack him as someone puts a knife to Ellie and Sora looks very pissed. " There There don't want to lose the wife and little princess. Now calm down all of u even u little ankle bitter." Sora looked like she was already abut to kill him I'm proud of my little thorn in my side .

(Sora's p.o.v.)

I am about to kill this guy I am going to make him wish he met his end by dad.

(Slenderman's p.o.v.)

I watched Sora and then a grabbed her teleporting her from harms way to her room. "Stay here Sora don't leave this room u need to stay from harm u r going to be a big sister so u need to learn to understand the situation and listen to everything when the time is right then u act ok?" She nods and goes threw her things and grabbed a few items from her closet and smiled I nodded and teleported back to the room and watched and kept close to Ellie incase I need to save her fast. "Now then I will say what I want and what I am going to get I want the baby it will be my bride and she will give me all the power over the pastas and ur wife and children will live if u give her to me the moment she is born." Zalgo's friend Charlie a.k.a satan appears holding a baby in his arms. Death watches them as Zalgo and Charlie start talking I can tell who that baby belongs to and I was more then pissed knowing that baby belongs to my best friend. Death stabs the one holding Ellie and I teleport her to Sora's room and Sora has already 10 different zombies from different wars and different eras and even a recently killed serial killer called the widow maker who killed 50 men within a 3 year span all happily married men all ended the same way and he is in the front I nod to her and the zombies and disappear and hit Charlie in the face and take the baby and come back and put the baby in Sora's arms. "Keep her safe Sora this is my best friends daughter." She nods and holds her tightly and sits in a closet with her mother and the baby and I teleport back to death. Death and Zalgo r fighting and Charlie goes to attack me I send him flying into a wall and take the chance to attack Zalgo he dodges it and steps back. "Looks like we lost 2 things today but we will get them back and when I get my hands on my bride she will go threw the worst pain imaginable I can promise u that."

(Sora's p.o.v.)

"Looks like we lost 2 things today but we will get them back and when I get my hands on my bride she will go threw the worst pain imaginable I can promise u that." I look at the baby in my arms and rub her head as I hear the men disappear. "Don't worry I will protect u like I will my sister." I look up as dad and Mr. Slender walk in and Mr. Slenderman takes the baby as I watch him take her he looks at the baby and thinks for a few then looks at my parents. "I have no idea what to name her u both have any ideas." They shake their heads no and then a smile. "Skylar." He looks at me. "It's the name she said we should name the baby but we told her we would think about it guess she wants the baby her to be named Skylar instead." I nod and Slenderman chuckles. "Skylar it is then." The baby claps like she loves the name and I smile and then go and grab a book on necromancy and start reading it as they leave my room. The only words going threw my head. 'I will kill u Zalgo and protect my little sisters.' Slenderman chuckles again and rubs my head and then disappears with Skylar.

(Death p.o.v.)

Slenderman comes back an hour later. "I finally got her to sleep." I nod and we walk to my office and talk. "I believe we should give her to a human family I will look for a human family to give her to to watch her and I will keep watch over her and when Skylar is old enough I will get her close to ur daughter and when the time is right we will take her from those humans. We can keep her safe and we can help her if need be and we will protect her from Zalgo." I nod in under standing and walk to a window of my office and look out from it and watch the humans around the building I took over years ago. " I believe I know who u can look into there r a few humans that I know that r losing their child in 2 months time their child is very sick and is dying when they lose their child they will want it back but we can give them mine they work here for me anyways I don't trust them so keep a close watch on them and if they do anything shady put them in line." He nods and holds out his hand for a file on the humans I had in mind I give him it and he disappears and I walk to my desk and pull up some files on the humans. Their child who is only 3 is sick with a unknown cancer reason its unknown is because they don't know it is cancer and not some other problem by time they find out it will be to late. Little Ty isn't going to make it to 4 sorry to say I don't feel anything taking its life tho even as a parent I wont feel it it is my job after all but that don't mean its my only job after all life must come from death and that's the reason y I love my "side job" as a president of a company that is making antidotes to many diseases. But that is not the only reason for the company after all u cant make a world wide company in 1 night and u cant make a major company with only 1 big reason.

((Y/n) p.o.v.)

I cant believe what I just heard some thing wants me to be its bride by force? And its going to hurt me to control everyone? I start to shake and Slender holds me to him and rubs my arm. "I will not let him have u at all u have ur own choice in what u do and who u love and marry." I nod and hug him and Sora goes and leaves and I hear a lot of people move from her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok so I might of made this a little long and carriedout and I'm sorry but I don't know how long it is at the moment and I have hadno internet and no anything at the moment and have yet to get it fixedsomething about wires and all but what ever no big deal but what is a big dealis that this part was needed and I have been thinking on it for awhile and yeahI know y cant my stories come out faster and y am I so slow at updating othersand I know that some of u might hate the fact that the last chapter had thatabout little sally but it was straight from the wiki that she was killed by heruncle and raped I am sorry but the maker of sally is the one who wrote whathappened to her I just gave her justice and thank u all for reading this farand if any of u have suggestions on my stories and if u want any story I cantry and make one for u leave a comment and will try and do my best bye mykitties ALL POWER TO THE UCHIHA!!!!!

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