sally hiding?

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hello everyone i am having fun writing this and i hope u r enjoying the story this chapter is as it says a sally chapter that little cutie is gonna be in it and of course slender as well because only he can be called 'daddy' by her with out further delay the story!

(y/n) pov)

I was in my room with Shi laying on my bed as Shi is singing painted smile. I start thinking on what i did last night and smile and laugh a bit to my self. Skylar was in her room writing more to kill on her list of useless humans Jeff left for some reason. There was a scream in the livingroom and me and Shi run out and check and see what happened. When we get there sally is crying in the middle of the room and her bear charlie was ripped and ben looks worried. Slender appears and sees Charlie torn and sally crying and he picks her up and looks at us and then me and Shi point at ben and he nods and then 'glares' at ben. "what did u do!' "It wasnt my fault i was running with jeffs knives to hide them and i fell and they cut up charlie when i hid the knives i came back to fix him but it was to late she saw him." he nods and sally pushes out of his grip and runs out of the room crying and into the forest alone away from everyone. "sally come back her and we can fix Charlie sweetie!" I go and grab Charlie and start stitching him up and sewing her together humming. After i finish i show slender he nods and then we 4 look for sally.

(4 in the morning)

We looked since 10 at night for sally and we cant find her! We did find some teens and killed them but we never found sally and Slender is getting worried i can tell by how he is acting. I put my hand on his arm and he looks at me. "She will be fine we will find her and everything will be ok." I smile at him as i say that. He seems to cheer up a bit nodding and we get back to looking. We havent found her yet and even i was worried but i wouldnt let slender know i am even blocking him out of my mind. "shi can u sing that and bring her here? i mean she would know ur singing voice and u can calm anyone down u have done it alot for me when i needed it and now u can for her right?" "what song then my mistress?" "come little children it fits this situation we r in if it dont work within the 1st three trys use an ability to hypnotist her ok." Shi nods and starts singing it (start song if u havent already). After a few minutes Sally runs up to slender crying. He picks her up shushing her and i hold up the bear to her and he holds him thanking me. Slender puts her down only for her to end up in my arms and me singing what Shi did and sally falling asleep in my arms. Slender seems surprised sally is already getting close to me as he sees her asleep. 'I wonder why oh well.' We walk into the house and i take sally to her room and put her in bed and tuck her in and put charlie by her and walk out and smile and then go to my room and sleep. 

(time skip) 

Shi walks in. "Time to get up mistress its time to start ur day." I wake up and she walks out to i guess help slender cook and i get dressed. I walk out and sally runs up to me giggling. "(y/n) u want to play with me no 1 else will and i want someone to play with." "sure sweetie tho 1st we need some grub or we cant have any fun because we will be starving." She giggles and runs into the kitchen and i follow and sit at the table by Sally and Slender because she wanted to me sit by him for some reason. After we finished Shi said she would be cleaning and Slender went to his office to do some papers he said and then said not to bother him. Sally looked sad till i reminded her i would play with her and she jumped up and giggled and pulls me outside. "Ok we r playing hide and seek u r the seeker." I nod and then she runs off as i start counting. 

(10 minutes later)

We both were giggling and walk in to see slender and ben. Slender with a balloon on his head and him being wet said it was a water balloon. "U made a big mistake man so ur 1 way ticket is cashed u in." Ben pales and Sally laughs at what i said as we walk up stairs to have a tea party as Ben begs for mercy. After about seven minutes of screams there was silence and Sally said ben might of died and then there was a knock at the door. "Maybe its the grim reaper thanking for bens soul." I joke Sally giggles as she opens the door and slender was standing there. "So close." He says chuckling and i giggle and blush a bit. Slender joins the tea party and then someone barges in. "WAFFLES!" Slenderman no-face-facepalms and Sally giggles and says. "daddy u no-face-facepalmed again." I giggle a little and then Toby pulls slender away saying its important that the waffle iron broke. I facepalm after hearing that and Toby keeps pulling till Skylar walks in and sees Toby trying to make slender leave and sally looking heart broken and she kicks him in the back to the ground. "Ok toby i know Slender is like a stay at home dad/mom to everyone here but still doesnt mean u can make him do everything and anyways cant u see u r braking little sallys heart doing that u should be ashamed!" Toby didnt say anything and then Skylar hits his head with a fish and Sally bursts into laughter and i look shocked. Sally hugs Skylar and then runs to me and hugs me. Then looks at Slender and seems  to be having a conversation with him telepathically and i was confused and Skylar seemed to be in on it to and i wasnt  they both  seemed shocked. I shrug and go to walk out till Sally holds onto my leg and wraps her arms and legs around it keeping me there.  "Ok whats going on here?" "We dont know how to even explain it to u (y/n)" "(y/n) u wanna be my mommy?" My eyes go huge and i feel like they r about to pop out. Jeff storms in surprising everyone. "Skylar guess what." "What Jeff?" Jeff pulls out a beautiful black kitten and my eyes pop out almost again it was to cute. "Its for u Skylar its a cute little kitten me and Smile found in a ally some teens were chasing it trying to kill it and i well saved the kitten and killed the teens of course." Skylar jumps at Jeff and kisses him and sally goes aww and then a blush comes to my face thinking what sally said really meant. I blush more realizing what that really means she wants me to do. " Her name will be shadow because she is a pure black kitten that will look like a little shadow." Skylar loves her cat then again she could never hate kittens or cats she loves them so much. Slender said he was going to go cook dinner and walks out with a bit of a red face and Jeff asks what he missed I blush and sally was about to tell him and Skylar covered her mouth. "Oh u know Sallys tea party and me stepping on toby and hitting him with a fish. the normal." He nods and walks out and i walk out as slender says dinner is done trying to get away from that conversation Sally wanted to stay up again.

(after dinner)

I was laying in my bed Shi was off doing some killing and i was thinking. 'I know i wouldnt mind i mean i am the biggest Slenderman fan i know but he couldnt possibly love me back. Anyways why would anyone want to be with me I mean i am a bad omen if i were to become his Zalgo could try and kill him even more then he already does.' Someone knocks on my door and i tell them its open and then Slender walks in  closing the door. "u do know i can hear ur thoughts right?" I blush. "i thought i blocked everyone from my head." "u did but while u were thinking so intensely and after what sally said the block broke enough that i could hear all ur thoughts on what she asked. U dont have to say yes to what she asked its ur choice not hers and not mine but (y/n) i dont care about zalgo being after me and i have always cared for u." He puts his hand on my face and puts his forehead to mine and he bends down to my level im on since im sitting in my bed. "I will go as far as to say I love u (y/n)." "R-really." He nods and what i do surprises him and me as i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. "I love u to Slenderman." He picks me up and lays down with me laying my head on his chest and the rest of me by him. "Get some sleep (y/n)." I nod and start to as i hear someone open the door and close it and then feel someone crawl up the bed and snuggle to me and slender. "yes sally i will be ur mommy." Sally screams and hugs me happily. Skylar Jeff Toby E.J. L.J. Jane and Shi all come running in with their weapons only to end up shocked as can be. Ben walks in and sees Sally Slender and me snuggled up to each other. "no fair slender got a women before me! then looks at Jane and she kicks him in the nuts hard and Skylar highfives her and i give her a thumbs up as Shi Skylar Jeff and Jane start pushing the rest out and Jeff dragging a crying ben. "I love u daddy and mommy." Sally says yawning and falls asleep snuggling with us and slender kisses us both and tells us he loves us we all falls asleep dreaming of as all killing people as the family that we r.


Yes that just happened! U got a good family and ben needs a new pair because jane killed his. THANK U FOR READING READER CHAN U R AWESOME! T.T BYE MY KITTIES ALL POWER TO THE UCHIHA!!!!!!!!!!

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