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ok so i want to say this right now for everyone to know i made this story for someone who was my friend at the time she and i were close and she made the pics for me and told me i could put her ocs in this story and now after 5 months of us not being friends because of her trying to get me to feel like trash every day for not talking to her and spending time with my boyfriend who i love and who loves me but she would cry when i didnt talk to her or if while i talked to her my boyfriend would text me and if he wanted to talk or i had to go at all she would just hang up in stead of saying bye because she would be upset about me having someone else or having to do stuff she would delete me for not talking to her for maybe a month or complain when i have a headache and i get those alot form my meds its been 5 months and she is telling me to take my story down but dont worry its staying up and i will add more when i can think of a chapter and im sorry i have yet to add more chapters i have been busy and since july i am very upset since in july my dog died and i had him for 13 years and i miss him very much and i have been depressed im very sorry again for not adding more chapters but i promise i never stole any of the ocs in this story and she made me those pics so they r my pics friend or not they were a gift to me so yeah anyways i will see u all in the next chapter thank u for ur patience and time and for reading this

and for kitty to know i did write this story for her i made this story to show she was my friend no matter how busy i was and the reason i didnt talk to her was i was with my boyfriend yes but i am not owned by her i have my boyfriend who i want to make our relationship work since its long distance and another thing if i tried to edit her oc's out i couldnt because of her ocs being in  all the story and i would have to erase the whole book and re do it and start from scratch and this is my 1st book i posted that i ever wrote other then someones book that i will never be able to finish since i needed her to ask questions about i already told her i would talk to her after she thought about my relationship with my boydfriend as not toxic because it isnt at all he dont force me to do anything he dont hurt me or down me and he loves me if i dont talk to my friends a year at a time it wouldnt bother me it never has i have friends from the town i grew up in that i barly talk to because they have their own lives just like i do i was never up my boyfriends butt the whole time my mom cousin and boyfriend all say how she acted was like she loved me and i say differently but its their own minds i dont control them as for the reason y she cant talk to me or reply i blocked her on wattpad so we cant message each other or get into any fights at all and im sorry for all u people who hacve top read this crap that she put i will delte this note after a few days maybe she can calm down because i am really not trying to be a bitch at all i am being honest when i say i cant take the ocs out of the story easy i would have to completely re write the story and take this down and i wouldnt want to do that to any of my readers i never once lied she is twisting it her way and i wouldnt ever try and lie to anyone u and im not making my boyfriend do anything my family and friends all say that i have my own rights to have these ocs in my story since she told me i could have them in it  and i am going to see if i an edit this differnetly i hate having people think im trying t5o steal when  im not because its wrong but i cant do it if it will ruin my story and completely ruin the story for others but she is blind to see what would happen

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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