Revenge is sweet

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Ok so this is chapter 5 and i am happy to say we r gonna get a bit of revenge my kitties r u ready because its murder time. this song fits the best and in chapter 4 the song was Skylars theme i love it and so i made it her theme song.

(y/n) pov)

We got to the house and i hear laughing in the house. Well ik why they r laughing ass holes I look down about to cry when Skylar hugs me and tells me its a sweet time for revenge and i nod and we walk to the house and look at it and look around. "We should try and pick the lock it would be easy for me to do that." I take a few straps back and runs to the tree outside my window and jump up it and climb threw my window that has no lock on it and giggle. "Well Jeff u need a lock pick still?" Skylar jokes and teases giggling. Jeff rolls his eyes and then kisses Skylar on the lips and she shuts up real quick blushing and then he does what i did and gets in and Shi teleports into my room and Skylar gets up here with ease red face and all and then i smirk and put my fingers together making a heart and she blushes more. I already knew she loved Jeff she told me that when i started reading about the pastas when we were in highschool i never knew they were dating. I word r u and she nods yes they r OMG! I tackle Jeff giggling and hug him as she giggles. "Whats with her?" "She is happy to meet my boyfriend lol." Jeff turns into a tomato and we both laugh as i grab my bag that says 'im a slenderman fan so what' and Jeff laughs as mew and Skylar glare at him and Shi smacks him. I put everything i love in the bag that can fit then Shi grabs everything and puts it in a portal that she said it was 1 of my powers she can use that she will teach me soon then Shi puts my bag on her side and walks out holding the door and we grin as Jeff asks where the fuse box is so i lead them to it and go past a party that my 'brother and sister and parents' threw with the whores boy friend playing music so loud they didnt even hear us way threw the hall past the room and go in to the room with the fuse box and everything else that is needed like the shot gun of the house.  "idiots." I say as i grab the gun and give it to Shi and she makes it go in the portal and then Jeff turns everything off but the weird thing was i could see in the dark always could hehehe. "Fuck i forgot something to make it easier for the newbie to see in the dark." "Thats not needed Jeff right (y/n)." I nod and walk threw the house with no problem as the trash were freaking out on how the power went out and what happened to the music and lights. I turn to Shi and tell her to sing hide and seek (song above) and Shi laughs and starts singing and Jeff and Skylar get big insane smiles on their faces as do i. I skip around singing along with Shi and skip around and dance a little with a insane smile as i hear them all run and hide. I smile even more and make my voice sound more cute and innocent like a little girl and keep singing. I skip leading Skylar to Davids room ik who she hates the most ever since i told her about my kitty and Jeff follows with a huge grin. 'Looks like he already knows what she is gonna do to him.' I open Davids door and we find him in his room reading some kind of news on his tablet music in his ears i can see the news is about Jeff and how he looks and i look at Jeff and Skylar does as well and he grins and holds up a flashlight we take the flashlight and shine it at Jeff as he pokes Davids arm he turns around and looks at Jeff and then screams and jumps back and falls off the bed and then Skylar jumps on top of him grinning and stabs his arms 10 times and then goes for his legs and does the same as he screams with each stab she laughs insanely as she stabs him in the gut. "Do u like it u trash! Do u like the pain because this is what u put (y/n) threw all the time hurting her and making fun of her u worm u scum!." She stabs him in the chest and keeps stabbing and starts burning his crotch with fire that is neon purple and blue. Skylar stabs David in the chest killing him and then she gets off him panting and giggling evilly. I walks to Sam's room and open the door to see her and Thomas in the corner of the room trying to hide Thomas trys to hit me Jeff kicks him and Sam screams as Jeff grabs her and holds her down as Skylar grabs Thomas and stabs cutting him with a knife Jeff gave her and goes and stabs him in the crotch three times Jeff making Sam watch she screams and crys for him to make Skylar stop Skylar starts burning him in different spots. "Thomas i told u if u ever hurt her again u will wish u were dead long before u did die now i am gonna keep my self from lying to my victim." Skylar just laughs burning him all over and cuts his body with Jeffs knife then looks at me as i walk over and smile as i grab the knife and cut a skull into Thomas's stomach then gife her back the knife and to over to Jeff who is holding Sam and he lays her on the bed and i will out my knife that i love it was words in it i chose it says 'deaths kiss' and i cut a skull into Sam and then Write whore onto her back and then start making lines with the knife all over her legs arms and stomach that looks like her body is shattering from her lies. I go to Sams desk and pull her laptop out then turn it on and message ben telling him to play the pictures to the tv and then Shi turns the tv on with magic. All Sams pictures that she had of her with every man in our old school and kissing them and everything she has dont was playing for Thomas to see. Sam screams that its a lie then i write a message on the laptop 'I am a whire to is cracking and shattering from my lies all the men i was with that i ruined and hurt have diserved better then i so now that i shatter i free the world of my poison i have been pluting it with.' And leave that up with a evil smile on my face as i walk back over and start doing the same i did to the front of her and laugh as i do so.  Jeff turns her over after i finish the shattering pattern on her he looks like he is happy with what i did. "Looks like ur lies have been exposed sister. Guess what sister brother is waiting for u in hell so u want to join because Death has been expecting u. Then again not even death can save u from ur sins enjoy ur hell u made. Now sister death loves u so why not go see him.' I plunge my knife into her laughing as skylar burns Thomas and stabs him with her knife saying "Its not personal". Jeff was laughing as me and Skylar look at each other smiling and Shi came in still singing and then points towards my 'parents' room and i get a huge insnae smile and run in and look at them. "mom dad is terrible someone killed them all. oh wait that was me and my friends." I laugh evilly as Jeff and Skylar walk in and so does Shi. Shi starts singing murder and Jeff me and Skylar smile as she does as i go over and grab my 'dad' and throw him at the wall and grab my 'mom' and take her over to the bed cutting her body the same way i did to Sam and laugh since she fainted after i came in.  I write 'cheater' on her back and then say "death loves u so why not go see him." then slit her throat and stab her in the heart. Jeff grabs his knife from Skylar and gets on top of my 'dad' and says "GO TO SLEEP!" and stabs him in the heart. I get up and start writing in blood on the walls 'cheater' 'slut' "whores' 'abusers' 'bullies' 'useless trash' 'death loves u so why not go see him' then i go to my friends and smile and laugh as i go and grab all the money in the house. "Funny how u will never see their money now and to think they even said they loved u and the kids but they knew how u were thanks to them loving me i was sane along with Skylar." I grab the money they had in the safe and then i grabbed my credit-card and smiled. "thx for the inheritance grandma and grandpa i will do the best i can to only get rid of the scum that deserve it like the man that killed u 2 months ago." With that we leave and as we get to the mansion slender and ben were waiting i hand Ben a bag full of Davids electronic stuff he destroyed that was mine and then i throw call for E.J. and hand him the kidneys of the useless people we killed he was happy and went to put them away fast. I look at slender smiling and walk past him with Shi following me Skylar hugs him and starts telling him everything that happened and he chuckles as she does. Jeff walks in and goes to clean his 'baby' and i walk to my room and smile as Shi starts messing with the room and putting my posters up and my knives and other weapons in the walk in armory that is mine and put all my clothes in my closet and then makes me another armory for me. (yes armory because no 1 can have enough weapons in this house) I lay in my bed and sigh happily and start to think of what Skylar told me. 'a sister huh i wonder is she will treat my the same as i have been.' 

(skaylar's pov) 

I go into my room and pull out my phone and txt everything to her hoping she will get it sometime soon. "They hvent been threw enough torcher they still dont know the pain she went threw but they will." My phone goes off i look at it. 'they will make good shields they will learn not to mess with us then.' I put my phone up smiling and hold my jackal doll that has a bow on it. 'she will love u jackal.' I put the doll up and grab my zancrow doll and snuggle with it and fall alseep.

(no ones pov) 

"How dare they who thinks they could ever do that and get away with it." A man runs at the woman in a cloak with a knife ready to kill her as another shoots her. She falls to the ground and then gets up laughing evilly and then she kills the both of them with black fire. "Just die wont u i have 2 more groups of people like u before i can go home and see them so die useless lives."


 well that was fun who could this woman be and what does she want? guess u will find out sometime sooner of later huh well kitties i hope u loved the chapter and plz comment what u think i am still willing to let 1 person have a oc in this story just give me the info on ur oc and what u want to be and if u wanna be with a pasta if so give the pastas name and u might get chosen for now bye my kitties ALL THE POWER TO THE UCHIHA!!!!!!!

the hidden pasta? slenderman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now