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Chapter 1

I looked into his eyes. Really looked. Trying to figure out and decipher what he was trying to say. He opened his mouth as if to start to say something but then closed it and smiled sheepishly. His eyes swam with fear and anxiety. He looked down and then at me.  

"Oh Nick spit it out, what are you trying to say?" I laughed nervously - he was starting to scare me.  

"Kay," he started. "I've been trying to tell you this all week, but no time has been the right time. And I've been waiting for the right time but I realize that I have to make it the right time because it won't just come to me. So, here goes. Kaya Ann George, I love you."  

My mouth dropped open. I was at a loss for words, yes he was my first boyfriend, and could he also be my first love? Is that how it worked? His grin stretched from ear to ear as his light blue eyes filled with hope. His dark brown hair was short and as he ran his hands through it quickly my heart melted.  

"I love you, too Nick," I managed to spit out. It seemed as though shock had turned my tongue to rubber making it nearly impossible to utter only a few syllables.  

"Really?" he asked in disbelief, his hands returning to his side.  

"Of course," I said.  

He pulled me into his warm arms and kissed me softly on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back a little more aggressively. I tasted the familiar flavor of his lips and sank into happiness. Nick was everything I had dreamed about when I was a little girl. I could tell him everything, and he was always there for me. I didn't know much else so I thought he was the perfect boyfriend. He pulled away smiling. And how could you resist that smile, his teeth aligned perfectly and blindingly white. I sighed. He turned his head to the side as confusion clouded his face.  

"What?" he asked.  

"It's a relief you feel the same way, that's all," I managed fighting for words.  

"Come on, let's get home," he said rolling his eyes.  

I had forgotten we were standing in the middle of the parking lot at our high school. I saw a couple of girls staring at us as they walked to their cars. Their noses were wrinkled as if they had smelt something grotesque and one even rolled her eyes. I smiled, because for this moment I didn't care. Nick and I walked to his car, our hands entwined. This is where I felt safe, at ease, like I could be happy for the rest of my life if I could only live in this moment.  

We stepped into his new red Dodge Charger. The black leather interior was inviting. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot effortlessly as we fell into our usual routine. He rested his right arm around my shoulders. I reached to turn on the radio. I closed my eyes as my favorite station blasted through the speakers encircling me so I could just get lost in this moment. I thought about our little confessions the whole way home. I memorized the way his eyes lit up when I reciprocated his actions. I memorized every slight change in expression his face made and the exact words that were exchanged.  

It seemed as if only fifteen seconds had gone by not fifteen minutes. But I felt the car stop in his driveway. I opened my eyes to him opening my car door.  

"Get up sleepy head," he teased.  

I stuck my tongue out at him childishly as I got out of the car. He put his arm around my shoulders again as we walked across his lawn crossing over into my lawn. One of the best parts of having Nick as my boyfriend was he was never more than three seconds away. We had been next-door neighbors ever since I moved here when I was five. We reached my front door as I turned to face him.  

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