Issues - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


"What happened?"

"Oh my god are you okay?"

"Can I sign?"

These questions were fired at me non-stop for about a week after we returned to school. Taylor had just chuckled whenever I grumbled about the attention.

"You're lucky that I got hurt instead of you, it's hardly fair I have to do this," I pouted.

"I wish I would have gotten hurt instead of you but I like seeing you squirm when you have to repeat the story and let them sign your cast," Taylor admitted.

I looked down at the cast which was covered in different colored sharpies. You could barely make out the lime green color of the actual cast. Taylor's huge message stood out among the others. It was the biggest and he was proud of it.

I sighed. Soon my cast became old news and people mostly stopped asking about it except for those random people who were a little late on the draw. The week passed rather quickly.

It was the Friday before spring break and I was ready to have an awesome break of partying and beach trips with my friends. Spring break was our group's favorite time to go hang out together and lie on the beach until all hours of the morning together.

I was walking to my last class of the day alone when Kristie stopped me. I was still angry at her for all those months ago, when she slept with Taylor. Her expression wasn't what I was expecting, it was sorrowful and calculating. I took a deep breath.

"Hey Kaya," she said quietly.

"Kristie," I said icily.

"I know you hate me for what happened a while ago." She paused and I raised my eyebrows as if to say: really? "I should have come and told you right after it happened. I'm sorry. So that's why I have to tell you now."

My heart dropped into my stomach and a lump rose in my throat. "What are you talking about?" My tone was cutting.

She flinched but continued. "The other night, Taylor came over again. I swear he told me y'all were broken up and that he wanted to be with me." She got a bit teary-eyed as she said this. "But obviously that's not the truth. We slept together again. I saw you acting like a couple in school the next day and I knew the truth, even after he tried convincing me that you went and begged to have him back. I'm so sorry."

My world was falling apart around me. Everything that touched me or I heard felt like a thousand bee stings. My heart was breaking again and this time I knew it was for good. I stood there completely helpless for a couple minutes while Kristie looked at me warily. My body wasn't responding.

The last thing I remember was the floor spiraling towards me then everything went black.

I woke up, dazed in a room that was all white. I blinked a couple times and it registered to me that I was in the small, stuffy nurse's office at our school. Two worried faces leaned over me. One was Anthony and the other was Nurse Justine.

"Oh good, you're up. Anything hurt?" Nurse Justine asked.

I went to go shake my head when I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. "Ow. My head."

"You took a nasty spill. I think you have a minor concussion, good to see you're awake," Nurse Justine said while going over to a freezer and pulling out some ice in a plastic bag. She wrapped a towel around it and gave it to me as I sat up. I placed it on the tender spot.

"Are you okay, Sis?" Anthony asked anxiously.

"I'm fine." I reassured him, but he didn't look convinced. "What happened?"

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