Chapter 4

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Adrien's P.O.V.

I gulp and grip the chair I had been leaning on harder. Scanning over the page again, I reread the entry dated for August 8th- two years ago.

This was my first day of public school in my second year of high school- it felt like a lifetime ago. So much has changed since that day. I got my Miraculous, found my best friend, and became a hero of Paris all in one day.

I also met the girl I love; Ladybug.

Though I didn't really know her-not behind the mask, so how did I love her?

I shake my head and begin to reread.

Date : August 8th

Dear Diary,

Guess who's in my class again this year? Yeah. Chloe Bourgeois. But there's also this new girl named Alya who's actually really cool, I think we'll become best friends. Nino had to sit in the front of the class this year, he's so going to die!

Poor Nino, good thing I came along.

Chloe was spouting something about her long-time best friend coming to public school this year, I was like, "Just what we need, another Chloe!" But boy I couldn't have been more wrong.

Turns out he's my idol's (Gabriel Agreste) son, Adrien Agreste! World known model of his father's designs and basically drooled on by every girl in Paris. Alya's exact words were, "Daddy's boy, teen supermodel, and Chloe's buddy? Forget it!" I figured she was right, especially after I caught him putting chewed up gum on my seat. But turns out he was taking it off AND he's actually super amazing. He gave me his umbrella... and I kind-of-may-have fell for him.

Get ready for a rant, Diary.

Just seeing his face, even for a second makes my day. His smile gives me the will to live, his hair glistens when the sun shines on it, and his eyes sparkle all the time and I could easily get lost in them. If honey had a sound, it would be his voice. If the gods constructed a single being, it would be him. He's all around perfect. But it isn't just his voice and looks, it was him. His personality, attitude. Everything about him draws me in. Whether it be the way he sticks out his tongue when he's hard at work, or the fake smile that he gives to the photographer. Yes, I know it's a fake smile and it's ten times worse and saddening then the real deal, but even it is perfect. Perfect enough to fool his father and every person in Paris.

But not me.

I thought it was real, until I met him.

When he gave me his umbrella, the sweet, kind smile I received and the blooming laugh I heard was better than any magazine cover. It was real. He is real.

I tried to thank him, but all I could do was stutter like an idiot.

Maybe I'll get it eventually.

But I think I truly love him, Diary. Silly right? I just met him and I'm already confessing the love I have for him. Well, not to him. But I told you how that went. I don't even know him, so how could I love him?

- Marinette Du-pain Cheng

I struggled to inhale after finishing it a second time. Guilt crawled up my throat and I quickly placed the pen into a small cup and shut the book. Closing my eyes, I try to settle down.

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