Chapter 5: The Wall

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I begged and begged for Lady Catelyn to reconsider sending Jon to the wall but her mind was made up. Bran fell from the broken tower and has been sleeping for nearly a week. Lady Catelyn stayed by his side at all times. The day Lord Stark, Sansa and Arya left for King's Landing, Jon and I made love one last time before saying our goodbyes. I helped him pack what he would need and in doing so I started crying. Jon held me close. "It's not fair. We're finally happy and we have to be separated." I said, sobbing into Jon's shoulder. "I know it's not. I'll find a way to come see you when I can." Jon promised. As Jon placed the last of his things on his horse, I hugged him. "You be careful in the Knight's Watch." I said. Jon held me tightly. "I will." Jon said. I didn't want to let him go. "Why'd you let your bastard marry a girl higher born when himself?" I heard the Queen ask Lord Stark. "Because they are in love. Jon treats her good and she refused to marry anyone else." Lord Stark said. "It's good that he's heading to the wall. That way she can find a more suitable husband." The Queen said. I kissed Jon and watched him fade from my view.

~3 weeks later: Jon's POV~

Once I got to the wall I asked to see the commander. "What for, boy?" A knight's watchman asked. "He has a message from King's Landing that the King handed to him. Personally." Tyrion said. The knight's watchman lead me to the commander'a chambers and knocked on the door. "Came in." Someone said from inside. The knight's watchman opened the door and told the man what Tyrion said. "Alright leave us." The man said. The Knight's Watchman closed the door behind him. "Now what's the message from King Robert?" The man asked. "He just wanted to speak to you. The message from King Robert was my idea for you two to talk." Tyrion said. The man sigh in anointment. "What is it then?" He asked. "I was married a month ago and I've been forced to join the Knight's Watch." I said. "Did your wife make you?" The man asked. "No. My father's wife did." I said. "You must be Lord Eddard Stark's bastard son." The man said. "Yes. I'd like to not join the Knight's Watch. But serve like one." I asked. "Is there a reason for this?" He asked. "I want to have children with my wife and see her. I don't want to not see her ever again." I said. "I take it this will just be between the three of us then." The man Said. "Yes." I replied. "So be it. I'm Jeor Mormont, Lord Commander of the Knight's Watch. You will be treated like someone taking the black but you will not." The Lord Commander said. "Thank you m'Lord." I said.

(At Winterfell: Your POV)

There was a fire at the broken tower. Bran has an tempted assassination but Lady Catelyn and Summer, Bran's direwolf, stopped the assassin. From that night on there was always someone in the room with Bran and guarding the door. I was in the room when he opened his eyes. "Bran!" I said, somewhat running to his bedside. "How are you feeling? What happened?" I asked. "I-I was pushed." He said. I was shocked. "Who pushed you, Bran?" I asked, eagerly. "The Kingslayer. Jamie Lannister."

(I don't know how to describe Jon training at Castle Black so I found the clip from the show)

I and three others were putting our training swords away then one of them spoke up. "You broke my nose, bastard." He said. I was not in the mood for this right now. I looked at his. "It's an improvement." I said. All three of them grabbed me with the broken nosed boy held a knife to my throat. "If we threw you over the wall I wonder how long it take you to hit." The boy said. "I wonder if they'll find him before the wolves did." The boy on my right said. The door then opened and Tyrion walked in. "What are you looking at half man?" The man holding my arms asking. "I'm looking at you. Yes, you have interesting face. Very distinctive faces, all of you." Tyrion said. "What do you care about our faces?" He asked again. "It's just I think they look marvelous decorating spikes in Kings Landing. Perhaps I'll write to my sister, the Queen about it." Tyrion said. They all released me. "We'll talk later, Lord Snow." The broken nosed boy said to me then went to the other side of the armory. I leaned against a sword stand. "Everyone told me what the wall was like. And I didn't believe them." I said. I looked down at my feet. "You miss your wife. Don't you?" Tyrion asked. I nodded. "I miss seeing her every day. Her (h/c) hair waving in the wind. Her beautiful smile. Wish she could be here. She'd make it a better place to be in." I said. "It's be nice to see a woman around here." One of the boys said. I looked over and gave him a glare. "Did I say something to offend you, bastard? And how'd you even meet her anyways?" He said. "They grew up together." Tyrion said. "Bet she's not even that pretty." Another boy said. "Don't talk about my wife." I said, angrily. "She's Lady (y/n) of Lakeside." Tyrion said. "A high born!" They all said in unison. "Yes. A very beautiful girl. And she's loyal to Jon and Jon only." Tyrion said. That made them shut up. "They hate me because I'm better then they are." I said. "Listen to your self. Would Lady (y/n) listen to that excuse?" Tyrion said. I looked back at the ground. "Your lucky none of them were trained by your ser Rodrick. I don't imagine any of them ever held a real sword before they got here." Tyrion said. Tyrion turned to walk out when he paused. "Oh. Your brother, Bran." Tyrion said, holding out a letter. I take it. "He's woke up." Tyrion said, leaving the armory.

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