Chapter 11: The Broken Hearted

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(Your POV)

I woke the next morning to a loud knocking at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Ser Davos m'lady." The voice said. I quickly put on a robe and opened the door. "Yes?" He face showed sarrow. "It's Jon Snow....He was found dead this morning." "What?" I said in disbelief. "Your husband, Jon Snow, was found early this morning, laying in the snow, dead." He said again. I stumbled backwards, into a chair. No no no no no! " the heart, multiple times, next to a sigh that read traitor." I couldn't believe the words he spoke. No it can't be true. Not my Jon. He must be mistaken. "You..You must be mistaken. The...The Knights Watch care for him." I said. I head to Jon's deck, "Miss." Ser Devos said as I walked by, gently laid a hand on my shoulder. I kept repeating "It isn't true." Ser Davos stayed there with me for a time. He then takes something out of his pocket and hands it to me. I open it to mother's pendant of my house sigle...covered in blood. It's true. love. I started crying as Ser Davos held me. Ser Davos brought me to the room where they took Jon. When we entered the room, 5 Knights Watchmen were in the room and there....was Jon's body. "Who is she?" One asked but I didn't mind him...I just wanted to see Jon. Ghost was laying on the floor whinning. I went up to Jon and placed my hands on his face. He's eyes were closed and he's lips parted a bit. I started crying once again. "She's his wife." Sir Davos said. "Wait he was married?!" One of the men replied. "Yes. Jon thought she was at Winterfell until yesterday when she showed up. How did you miss her?" The man shrugged. "Lots of people have been coming abd going lately." He replied. "Jon's only mentioned her once to me and he's wasn't kidding. She's quite beautiful." Another said. I took out my dagger and pointed it at the man. "Another comment like that again and I'll gut you." I said. All the men took a few steps back. "You really shouldn't be carrying such dangerous weapons there miss." I removed my clock to show that I was carrying the sword Jon had made for me and I threw the dagger at one of them but aimed for the wall. "If I hear another man say that to me one more time!........ I can handle myself." I said. I wasn't in the mood for that right now.

"He would have seen that we didn't come. Thorn would have made it official. Castle Black is his." Ser Davos said. "I don't care who sits at the high table. Jon was my friend. Those fuckers butchered him. Now we return the favor." A man named Edd said. "We don't have the numbers." "We have a Direwolf." "That's not enough. I didn't know Lord Commander Snow for long but I'd have to believe that he wouldn't have wanted his friends to die for nothing." Davos said. "If your planing to see, you picked the wrong room. We all die today. I say we do our best to take Thorn with us when we go." "We need to fight and we don't need to die not if we have help." I looked at Sir Davos confused. "Your not the only ones that own your lives to Jon Snow." Davos replied. Edd suddenly looked like something just hit him. "Bolt the door! Don't let anyone in. I'll be back as soon as I can." Edd said as he left the room. The watchman closest to the door bolted it behind him. "Ser Davos. Who are you taking about?" I asked. "The wildlings. Before you arrived, Jon lead a group of men to Herenhall to save the wildlings from the army of the dead. Most of the men didn't support this....Thorn was one of those men. When Jon returned, he gave the wildlings land to be themselves on." One of the men said. I smiled. Jon you had such a kind heart.

After a few days of Thorne, telling the few Knights Watchmen that if the leave the room they came still be members of the Watch and saying Ser Davos and I could go peacefully if we left but non of us wanted to give that man the satisfaction. "I really hate that man." I said as tears fell down my cheek. They were angry tears this time. After hearing him say the things he was staying about Jon. I couldn't stand it. "Yeah I'm starting to get that feeling as well M'lady." Ser Davos said. Every time Thorne would come to the door, Ghost would growl and angrily bark at the door.

The red haired man looked at me. "Who is this woman?" He asked. "That is Lady (Y/N). Jon Snow's wife." Sir Davos said. The man looked at Davos then back to me. "This is The woman Jon told me about. His words spoke truth. She is a beauty." He said. I went to reach for my dagger when I remembered I still had it in the wall. I looked at him with angrily. "No disrespect that's just what he told me." That man said. Ghost licked my hand and I petted him. "The Direwolf seems to trust you woman." The red haired man said. "I was there when Jon brought him home. I've known Ghost since he was a pup. And my name is (Y/N) please use it next time." I said.

(Time Skip)

I never left Jon's side. Even after death, i didn't want to leave his side. There was a small knock on the door. The red haired wildling who's name is Tormund answered the door. Ser Davos came in and he brought in a woman with bright red hair and dressed in all red as well, except for her cloak. "Who is this Ser Davos?" I asked. He looked at the woman then back to me. "This is Melisandre. She's a Red Priestess Of the Lord Of Light. She may know a way to bring Jon back from the dead." He replied. I got up from my chair. "Is it really possible?" I asked, hopefully. The Priestess walked up to me. I looked at her with hope in my eyes. If Ser Davos speaks the truth then that means I can have my Jon back alive again. The woman looks into my eyes. "I see many things in your future. A lake, a castle, and....Children." I looked at her confused. "I also see death. Your life has been surrounded by death. Some have already happened and some yet to come." She look my hand in hers. "These next few years will be full of new beginnings for you and many doors will shut. But everything will be alright in the end." She then turned her gaze to Jon and moved closer towards he's body. "Very few priests of the Lord of Light have been able to resurrect the dead. I have yet to see for myself." She said. "But will you try?" I asked. "I will do all that I can." She said

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