Chapter 8: Ramsey Snow

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(Your POV: few weeks later)

While tracking through the woods, trying to keep out of site, I heard talking and horses moving along the nearby road. I hid behind a tree from them. Didn't want to take any chance of them seeing or hearing me. They suddenly stopped. "Well this seems like a good spot to stop for the day, my lord?" One of the men said. I peeked out a little. They were Bolton men. I'd recognize that banner anywhere. A upside down filleted man. One of the men looked my way and I quickly ducked out of sight. "Yes. This will do." Another man said. Maybe their lord but it didn't sound like Lord Bolton. They made a fire and unsaddled their horses. I had to wait until nightfall to continue moving. I successfully got passed them when I was suddenly grabbed from behind. I turned to look to see what grabbed me. It was a man with short brown hair, strong jawline and greyish eyes. "Where do you think your going?" He said in a shockingly upbeat voice. "N-No where." I said, nervously. "Good."He said. He then dragged me to their fire. "Lord Ramsey. I found this girl in the woods." The man said. Lord Ramsey? A man stood up.

He was very intimidating

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He was very intimidating. He walked up to me and stared at me. He was silent. He looked at the man holding me and then back at me. "Welcome. Please sit down." He said. I hesitated for a little bit. He then gestures to a log besides the fire. I slowly sit down, not talking my eye off of any of them. The man that was holding me, sat down next to me. Close enough to touch me. I slid away from him. He then grabbed my arm roughly. "Come on now, love. Let's see what's between those legs." He said. I tried pulling away but his grip was so strong. As he edged towards my waist, 'Lord Ramsey' pulled him away from me. "Leave Lady (L/N) be. Wouldn't want her brother to be angry now, do we?" He said. I looked at 'Lord Ramsey' confused. "It's Lady Snow now." I corrected him. "Lady Snow?" He questioned. He starred at me confused. I guess Lady Stark didn't want the other houses to know of my new status. "Yes. I wed Lord Eddard Stark's bastard son, Jon Snow." I informed him. "Why would you, a noble lady, marry a bastard?" Ramsey asked. "We're in Love. Lady Stark was, is, not so pleased with the arrangement. Lady Stark wanted me to marry her eldest son, Robb." I said. He looked at me. "And yet he left for the wall to take the black. Strange that he'd leave to make such a lifestyle decision....and leave you...." Lord Ramsey walked towards, with lust in his eyes. "He's beautiful  young wife, alone. No husband should put his wife through that." Lord Ramsey touched my cheek. "Such a beautiful girl like yourself deserves better." He leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I could give you what you deserve. A castle..." he slowly reached for my breasts, trying to remove my dress. I began to tear up in fear. I held my breath afraid of his next action. I kelp a tight grip on my dagger hilt. I'm surrounded by Bolten men, their eyes filled with lust. Lord Ramsey then suddenly removed his hand. I sighed in relief. "But your a married woman. No one with touch her. Tell me Lady Snow. Where are you heading?" He asked. "I-I'm on my way to Castle Black. I have a message for my husband." I said, my voice trembling. "Well then! My men and I will accompany you to the Knights Watch! It's the least we could do." He said. No I can't have them come with me. "Yes. I'd like that very much." I lied. "Excellent! We'll set off in the morning. Have some stew, rest. We have a long ways to go." Ramsey said. Throughout the night I chatted and ate with the men but never got too comfortable. After all they wanted to rape me before Ramsey stepped in. One by one they all went to sleep and after the last of them fell asleep, I snuck out of the camp, stole one of their horses and rode off towards Castle Black. Hopefully they won't follow me. I rode night and day and only stopped when to eat sleep and rest my horse. It was starting to get colder the further north I went. I had my cloak with but didn't think to bring my winter clothes. I had to stop more often to make a fire and warm up. Don't want to freeze to death alone.

(Jon's POV)

The wildlings attacked Moles Town. Sam thought for sure Gilly and little Sam were dead but I and a few other assured him Gilly most likely survived. After all, she survived Craster's. After a few days, Gilly and Little Sam showed up at the gates. Sam immediately told Pip to open the gate. After a few weeks, the wildlings attacked Castle Black. We won but the Wildling still out number us 1000 to 1. I went to talk with Mance Rayder to end farther blood shed. While talking with him, Stanis Baratheon attacked Mance's camp and took him hostage as well as the rest of the wildlings. Stanis said Mance needed to bend the knee and the wildlings would have lands once he's on the throne but Mance refused. I begged him to bend the knee not for his pride but for the wildlings but he still said no. Stanis and this Red Woman of his, tied Mance to a pillar and set it ablaze. Mance told me that's the worse way to die and he didn't want the wildlings to see him, their king, scream and see him burnt black so I shot an arrow in his heart. Stanis didn't like it but Mance got to die with his dignity intact. Ser Alliser Thorne and others decided it was time to vote for a new Lord Commander.

Now that I am Lord Commander, the wildlings do need to be north of the wall when winter comes. They will be safer. Some of the others don't agree but they can man the other Castles on the wall. We need more men guarding the wall when winter comes. I asked the men to send Tormund to my office. I want to have a chat with him.

When I told the men I was going with the wildlings to bring them her, Ser Alliser had words to say and I told him that when winter comes we need men to help defend against the White Walkers and their army of undead. If not then we all will die. Alliser shut his mouth after that but the look of dislike was plain on his face. Stanis agreed to lend us his ships with the help of Ser Davos. I quite like that man. He knows what he speaks of and he doesn't lie. When Tormund and I arrived at Hardhom, he and I spoke to the leaders and after some time they agreed to board the ships and head South. We started loading up the ships and after a few hours, there was a chill in the air and a wind started blowing. We all looked up and saw a man standing on the edge of a cliff. Then we heard the undead coming. The sounds of they bones echoed though The Valley. Everyone started rushing for the boats. Others to shut the gates to by us more time. One the gates where shut we could hear the undead throwing themselves at the gate to get through. More of the wildlings ran to the boats. Through the pushing and shoving I made my way to the hut where I meet with the leaders and the giant was fighting the undead and a White Walker. The white Walker turned and looked at me and came towards me. I saw what steel did when it's ice-like weapons clashed with it. My instincts took over and I collided Longclaw with his and there was a high pitched shrieking noice but Longclaw did not break. The White Walker looked as shocked as I was and with that I slashed at him with Longclaw and he turned to ice chunks. I killed it. A White Walker. I looked at Longclaw and noticed that all the undead fell with the death of the White Walker. I then saw the man in the cliff and saw more undead behind them, then they threw themselves over the cliff. It seemed like once they hit the ground they were dead but after a moment they arose again and attacked the wildlings closest. I ran back to the boats, taking out a few undead as I went. Tormund was on the docks fighting. I told him and the others to get on the boats now. We were leaving. They did after some convincing. I felt terrible, leaving all those folks to their death but I can't lead the Watch if I'm dead.

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