Chapter 7: Theon the Traitor

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(Your POV)
~couple months later~

After getting word of Ned's death, the whole castle mourned him. Lord Eddard was a great and honorable man. I wept with both Bran and Rickon after giving them the news. We also got word of Lady Caitlyn was with Robb and his bannermen. My brother went to fight for Robb in hopes to get Ned Sansa and Arya back home. Now they call Robb the King in the North. I fitting title. The North needs to rule itself again after all that has happened. I got a letter for Jon. He and the other Knight's Watchmen are going beyond the wall on a scouting patrol and He won't be able to write for sometime. He told me he loves me and that as soon as he gets back he'll come visit. That night I prayed to the old gods and asked them to watch over Jon and the men with him. By the gods I hope it's a short mission.

~several weeks later~

It was the middle of the day. I was in Bran's room when I hear screaming and swords clashing together. Bran was resting. I look out the window and saw Greyjoy men fighting our men. I grab the sword Jon gave me and headed towards the fighting. When I got out into the court yard, I saw that we were losing. I drew my sword and killed a Greyjoy man. I soon was surrounded. I fought them off the best I  could until Theon hit me in the back of the head, knocking me to the ground. My sword fell out of my hands and Theon picked it up. "Look what we have here. The bastard's wife." Theon said. I glare at him in anger as I sat up. Theon kicked my side, knocking the wind out of me. I coughed, trying to get the air back into my lungs. Theon then roughly grabbed my arm and forced me to my feet. "You should have married me instead. I'd been a better husband then that Bastard." Theon said. "He's more loyal then you'd ever be, Greyjoy." I said. Theon handed me to one of his men and he dragged me into a crowd of people. After a while later when everyone was gathered up Bran surrounded Winterfell to Theon who wanted to be called "Prince" Theon. He's no prince of mine. The Wildling girl, Osha I think, wanted to fight for Theon but Theon denied her of that. Ser Rodrik was then brought to Theon. He and Rodrik had a few words and when Theon was about to lock Rodrik in a cell one of his men convinced him otherwise. "Ser Rodrik, I sentence you to death." Theon said. Bran and I begged Theon not to do it, but Theon wasn't listening. I wrapped my arms around Rickon, shielding him from the sight. It took several swings of his sword before Theon beheaded Rodrik. The boys cried in my arms as Theon began ordering people around. Lucky the maester killed all the ravens exception one to send word to Robb. Thank the gods.

~few days later~

The wildling girl came into Bran's room where Rickon and I were staying. "Come on. We're going to get out of here." She said. Even though she's a wildling, it was a way out of here. I grabbed some things from the kitchen while we waited for Osha to kill the Grayjoy man by the doors to the Godswood. Once she had killed the man we made our escape. We travel to a farm to where Bran sent a couple of orphaned boys to help the farmer. Rickon wanted to go and get some food but Bran didn't want to put them in danger so we doubled back and stayed in the Winterfell for a few more days. We heard commotion going on outside but didn't go see what was happening until we knew it was safe. Once we emerge from our hiding spot, we found that the castle was set on fire and bodies were everywhere. We heard Summer and Shaggy Dog whining and looking in the direction of the Godswood. Once we were in the Godswood, we spotted the maester. The maester told us some final words before we left. He was dying. The boys said they're goodbyes when we left.

~few weeks later~

While traveling, met up with Meera and Jojen Reed. Jojen wanted Bran to follow him over the wall to meet this Three-Eyed Raven. The same one Bran had been dreaming about for a while now. Osha didn't want to go north of the wall. She wanted us to go to south and get as far away from the wall as possible. We avoided roads and slept under the stars. One night we stayed in a tower when it started thundering. Meera heard horses and after a while Hodor started to get really scared of the thunder. After trying to keep him quiet bran did something and Hodor suddenly became quite and fell to his knees. After a bit we heard the clashing of swords. Jojan talked to Bran about something, I was too busy making sure no one came up that o wasn't paying attention. Bran did something and after a bit, he said he saw Jon fighting some Wildling and he hopped on a horse and ran away. That is when I decided I had to get to the Knight's Watch to warn Jon. I know they have ravens and I can send a message to Robb. When everything was quiet again and the rain had stopped I grabbed my things. "Where are you going?" Merra asked. "I'm leaving." I said. "Why?" Bran asked. "I have to warn Jon and Robb. Maybe by the time I get there, the war will be over." I said. Rickon ran into my arms. "No. You can't leave. Who will protect us?" He asked, crying. I patted his head. "You'll be fine, Rickon. You guys have Osha, Hodor and Meera to protect you." I said. "Please don't go. What if we never see you again?" Rickon asked. "You'll see me again. I promise." I said. Rickon eventually let go of me. I kissed the boys on the head before leaving in the opposite direction. I looked back to wave one last time before continuing forward. All I know is that I have to get to Castle Black before something or anyone bad catches me.

(Jon's POV)
~ A month prior~

After I got done with what I had to do for the Lord Commander, I heard a scream and saw Ghost in front of one of Craster's daughters. Just as I was about to call Ghost over, Sam had already shooed him away. I took Long Claw out of it's sheath. It could be sharpened a bit more. I grabbed a wieth stone and sat down under a tree. After some time Sam walked up to me with Craster's daughter Gilly. Gilly was pregnant and both her and Sam wanted my help on getting her out of here. I told them that I can't help them and that it'd be a very bad idea to bring a woman with let alone a pregnant one at that. They pleaded with me and when I asked Sam who would deliver Gilly's baby, he said he could and that he read about it in a book once but I held my ground. I sat back down and started thinking about (y/n). I missed her. She's been crossing my mind more and more recently. I only hope that I get to see her when I get back to Castle Black.

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