Chapter 6: The War of 5 Kings

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(Your POV)
~5 weeks later~

"Bran? Do you still have no memory of why you fell?" I asked. "No. It's all a blur still." He said. Theon suddenly entered the room. "We have visitors." Theon said. "I don't want to see anyone." Bran said. "Really? If I was cooped up with no one but her, I'd go mad. Anyway you don't have a choice. Robb's waiting for you." Theon said. "I don't want to go." Bran said. "Neither do I but Robb's Lord of Winterfell which means I do as he says and you do what I say. Hodor?" Thron called out. "Theon! You can not treat Bran like this. He is a Lord." I said. Hodor entered the room. "Shut your mouth, woman." Theon said. "Hodor?" Hodor said. "Help Bran down the hall." Theon said. "Hodor." Hodor said. Hodor picked up Bran and carried him to the great hall. I gave Theon an angry glare, got up and went to my room. I wrote Jon a letter, telling him what we think happened to Bran, Lady Catelyn was on her way to King's Landing to speak with Lord Stark in private and that I missed him dearly. I sealed the letter and gave it to the maester. I then went into the Great Hall.

After Lord Tyrion left, I headed into the staples to groom my horse. My mare was a pretty chestnut colored brown with a blaze marking on her face and two white stockings, both on the back legs. She looked like she was about to fall asleep as I groomed her. I heard footsteps coming up on me and as I turned I see Lord Tyrion. "My lord." I nodded towards him. "Lady (y/n)." He replied and I continued to groom my horse. "It quite odd seeing you without Ned Stark's bastard by your side." Tyrion said. I gave a sad sigh. "Yes. He uh... went to the wall. To serve the seven kingdoms in the....the Knights Watch." I said with a hitch in my throat. Tyrion didn't say anything for a bit. "You love him. Don't you." He finally said. I put down my brush and turned to face Lord Tyrion, trying to hide the tears welling up. "You still do." "You must think 'why does a noble girl love a bastard'. You must think less of me now" "No not at all. I think it's quite sweet for a woman such as yourself find love. Even if it is a bastard." I smiled as a tear ran down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "We were, are married. Lord Eddard let us marry in the Godswood." "If you two are married, why did he go to the wall then." "Lady Catelyn didn't want to look at him while Lord Eddard was away at King's Landing." I said looking at the ground. My knees grew weak thinking back on when she told Jon he had to go to the Wall. I quickly sat on a hay bale to prevent myself from falling. "It must seem like a nightmare now, being away from him." "You have no idea." "As a matter of fact I do but that is a story for a better time. I must be off. You have a good day my lady."

(Jon's POV)

That kid Sam has a long way to go if he's going to be a man of the Knight's Watch. I went to check on Ghost who was laying down by the sleeping quarters. I petted him and gave him a piece of meat for the cooks. He whined a bit. I guess he misses (y/n) as much as I do. It was my turn on watch duty tonight. As I leaned up against the ice wall, Sam comes along. "Hello. Ser Alliser Thorne says I'm supposed to be your new watch partner." He said. I turned and looked to the north. "I should warn you. I don't see very well." He continued. "Come stand by the fire." I said. I'm not going to let him freeze up here. "It's warmer." I said. "No it's alright I'm fine." He said. "No your not. Your freezing." I said. Sam looks at me for a bit then walks up to the fire. He looks down at the edge and takes a peek. "I don't like high places." San said. This kid doesn't like a lot of stuff apparently. "You can't fight. You can't see. You're afraid of heights and everything else probably. What are you doing here Sam?" I asked. "On the morning of my 18th name day, my father came to me. 'You're almost a man now' he said. 'But you're not worthy of my land and title..." The seven hells? "Tomorrow your going to take a black, forsake all your inheritance and start north. If you do not,' he said. 'Then we'll have a hunt and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble, you'll be thrown from your saddle to die. Also don't tell your mother. Nothing would please me more. .." What kind of a father would do the to his own son? "Ser Alliser is going to make me fight again tomorrow isn't he?" Sam asked. "Yes he is." I said. Sam groaned. "I'm not going to get any better you know." Sam said. "Well. You can't get any worse." I said. We both have a good laugh. "So why are you here, Jon?" Sam asked. I sighed. "My father's wife forced me to join." I said. "Why is that?" Sam asked. "She wasn't happy with me marrying the love of my life. She wanted (y/n) to marry a lord but she choose me instead." I said. "(Y/n). Why does that sound familiar." Sam said. "She's (y/n) of the House (l/n). Her family has been in Lakeside for generations." I said. Sam had a shocked look on his face. "Lady (l/n)! She grew up with you and your siblings after her father passed." Sam said. "Yes. And she's been by my side every since. Until recently." I said, looking out for the wall.

(Your POV)
~5 weeks later~

A raven gave from Sansa today. King Robert has died for a hunting accident and Lord Stark has been named a traitor of the realm. Robb has been summoned to King's Landing to bend the knee to Robert's son, Joffrey. "Treason? Sansa wrote this." Robb said. I felt tears forming. Lord Stark is no Traitor. He's a honorable man. Robb saw me fight the tears back. "It is your sister's hand but the Queen's words. You're summoned to Kings Landing you swear fielty to the new King." The Maester said. "Joffrey puts my father in chains and now he wants his ass kissed." Robb says, angrily. "Fuck the king. Fuck Joffrey. Lord Stark would never betray King Robert. We have to get Lord Stark home. His been like a father to me since my father passed all those years ago." I said, trying not to cry. "This is a royal command my Lord if you were to refuse to obey..." the Maester started. "I will refuse. His Grace summons me to Kings Landing, I'll go to Kings Landing. But not alone. Call the banners." Robb said. "All of them, my lord?" "Those who swore to defend my father, have they not? I want to see what they're words are worth." Robb said. The Maester then leaves to send ravens to our banner men. Once the maester leaves, I can no longer hold back the tears. I cry and Robb holds me in his arms. I cry into his shoulder for awhile. "Don't worry, dear sister. I'll get my father back home safely. This I promise you." Robb said. I wipe my eyes dry. "Thank you, brother. I have to send word to Jon." I said as I turned to leave. A few days later, all the bannermen arrived and Robb told them the plan. When my brother Ryon arrived, I gave him a big hug. "How have you been (y/n) since I last saw you?" Ryon asked. "I've been okay. Ned Stark sits in a dungeon, Jon was sent to they wall because of Lady Catelyn and Bran fell from a window." I said. "I'm so sorry sweet sister." "It's alright. I have my health. So how are things at Lakeside? How's Mira?" I asked. "Good! Things are good. Mira and I actually have a son." "A son!" "Yes a little brown haired boy." Ryon said. I hugged him again. "Congratulations! I have a little nephew!" "We named him Ethan. After father." I could almost cry. I loved that Ryon honored our late father by naming his son after him. "That's wonderful Ryon. I can't wait to meet him one day." "Hopefully after getting Ned Stark home you can come visit with Jon." "Yes yes definitely."

(Sansa's POV)
~several days later~

I begged my beloved Joffrey to spare my father. He said he'd take it into consideration. Robb has declared war on Joffrey. Joffrey has called everyone to the steps of the Sept.

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