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Welcome to the book of oneshots for ninjago. I won't be writing lemons/smut (at least not for now) but I will be taking requests for characters and situations.
If you want to request a character that isn't one on the list in the bio (Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya) then you can, but it may take longer to come through.
Also if you have a personality suggestion or scenario for the oneshot that would be really helpful but if you just want a particular character then I can make something up myself.
Just send requests to me via direct messages or comment on this chapter or the latest chapter.
Y/N - your name
L/N - your last name
B/F/N - your best friend's name
H/C - your hair colour
H/L - your hair length
E/C - your eye colour
F/C - your favorite colour
I think that's it for now, but if anything new comes up I'll add it at the start of that chapter and here.

Also, Y/N's thoughts will be in italics.

Be warned of the occasional spoiler in chapters, they may crop up. Ninjago is quite a long series so I can't spend my time pointing out every single one, so just read at your own risk.

Support would be greatly appreciated as this is my first one shot book! Thanks!

- M xxx

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