<Jay Pt 2>

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You wake up to white lights, causing you to wince at the brightness of the room. It's one of those cliche moments where someone wakes up in a hospital after being knocked out. And as you think about that, you remember that you did, in fact, get knocked out, and as your eyes adjust to the light, you notice that you indeed are in a hospital room. It's a small white room with just a bed, a few chairs, and a few machines in it. There's a window on the wall to your right, but you can only see brick buildings out of it.

You sit up, continuing to scan the room and attempting to ignore the minor throbbing in the back of your head. You notice a duffel bag on one of the chairs, and your jacket slung over the back of the afore mentioned furniture. Sliding you legs to the edge of the bed, you lean forward to inspect the contents of the bag. It consists of your clothes and a few hygiene products, like a toothbrush and several other things of the like. Huh. I must've been here a while then.

As your eyes brush over the jacket again, you remember it's the one you'd been wearing at work the night it all happened. You remember it had been particularly cold in the cafe so you'd put on the thin material to try and prevent the chill getting to you quite as much. This brings you back to the night it happened.

Not knowing what caused you to end up on the floor, but knowing how concerned Jay looked as you passed out.


Your head bolts up as the door opens, and a nurse walks in. She smiles at you, and speaks the classic sentence regarding you being awake, and that she was going to get a doctor.

She comes back with not only your doctor, but Connor as well. He was the closest you had to a friend, and all your family lived in the countryside, far from Ninjago city. Connor smiles at you, with only a tiny bit of concern, so it's safe to assume there isn't too much wrong with you.

And you aren't wrong. You just suffered from a moderate to severe concussion that shouldn't have any long term effects. The doctor says you are free to go home, which is currently the purpose of Connor being here, to take you home. Before you leave, though, you are required to give a statement about the events to the police, which you discovered only happened last night, and you hadn't actually been unconscious for that long. Well, if 12 or so hours classes as not that long.

The police come into the room as the three people leave quickly and you tell them the events as simply as possible. As you recall the night, you hope that your injury hasn't caused you to forget anything important.

You have to stifle a laugh as the officers react to you explaining your attitude towards the criminals.

Connor comes back in as they leave, having thanked you for your story and telling you that they'd be in touch if they managed to catch them or anything like that. You slip into the bathroom to change into your own clothes and then come back out to pull on your jacket.

'You ready, Y/N?' Connor asks, car keys in hand, ready to lead you to his car. You nod your head, thanking him for his help in all this.

Once outside, the cold wind whips at your exposed skin, and you put your hands in your jacket pockets to try and keep them warm. What you don't expect however, is for your right hand to make contact with something. That's odd. I'd never leave something in a pocket, otherwise I'd end up washing it like that and it would go gross. You screw your face up at the thought, remembering the time you left a tissue in your coat pocket and the remains were coming out on your clothes for weeks.

Connor notices the face you are pulling and watches you as you pull a crumpled up piece of paper from your pocket. He observes as you open it up and read the words carefully written on the paper.

That was quite an impressive flare of bravery
Text me when you feel up to meeting me

And then his number was written below it.

You let out a light laugh from the shock, and Connor frowns for a second, already having noted the blush that was spread across your face. He walks himself closer to you and peers over your shoulder and reads the message. The surprise on his face mirrors that on yours.

'What are you going to do?' He questions as you reach the car. He unlocks it and you both get in. You shake your head, still trying to process the information. 'I guess I'll text him.'


Later that day, around 10:30pm, you sit on your couch with the tv on, but you aren't really watching it. You've managed to put the ongoing headache at bay, and now you just keep flicking between your thoughts, and staring at your phone, which is coincidentally placed on the creased piece of paper.

You sigh, running a hand through your H/L H/C hair. After much deliberation, you pick up your phone and type in the number, followed by a brief message.

Hey, it's Y/N, the barista from the coffee shop last night.

You then sit there for about 10 minutes, debating whether or not to send it. In your tired state, you attempt to delete it out of frustration, and hit the send button.

After another 20 minutes of panicking about anything and everything to do with that text, you settled for wallowing in regret and trying to get some sleep whilst you weren't in pain. There wasn't anything wrong with the contents of the text, as such, but it was more the concept of how cringy the whole situation was.

You'd already sent some panicked texts to Connor and he, like Jay, was yet to reply. Hopefully one of them would be able to relieve some of your panic when they replied, but that would have to wait until the morning it seemed. That is, if you could distract yourself enough to fall asleep.


I've been gone a while and I still plan to do another part to this...
I know this wasn't as long as the last part but I really wanted to upload something. I also didn't really know how to continue this without making it way too long.
And I know it didn't really have any Jay in it, but it was more of a filler part so that the next part will make sense, where Jay will be in it significantly more.

- M xxx

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