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I told you the next one would be soon! So basically, I was gonna be writing boyfriend scenarios as well for Ninjago, but I've decided that's bad idea since I don't update this one enough as it is. But anyways, I already had the 'how you meet' part written out for Kai so instead of wasting it I've decided to post it here instead as a oneshot. So hooray, two updates in one day!

Oh and please send requests as I'm just sorta making these up as I go along at the moment! I can dedicate them to the requester if you really want or I can make them anonymous, so nobody even has to know that you read X reader fanfics.

You were hanging out with BF/N in the park, attempting to take some new pictures for your portfolio that you'd be sending into the Ninjago academy of arts (A/N I'm gonna shorten this to NA because I really don't want to have to type it out every single time) at the end of the summer. BF/N was attempting to do some new sketches, since she had the same ambition, except she was an artist and your field of expertise is photography.

"So F/N," BF/N starts. "Have you told your parents about the application you want to send in to NA yet?"

Your finger pushes the button as you try and hold the camera steady, but you wince as you hear her words and the photo comes up blurry. At least it's digital so you can delete it, which you do, sighing slightly at the topic that BF/N has brought up. You mutter out a simple 'no' and hope she'll leave it at that. But of course she doesn't.

"Why not?"

"You know exactly why not BF/N." You reply, sighing again and holding the camera in one hand so that you can run the other through your H/L H/C hair. Your E/C eyes focus back on the camera as you attempt to retake the blurred photo. As your hand steadies and you line up the shot, you hear the click of the camera and an image appears on the screen, only this time it's in focus. You smile slightly, the picture looking better than you'd anticipated which lightens up your mood significantly. BF/N has been staring at you since your last comment and so she notices your change and decides to use it as an escape, dropping the topic before she annoys you with it too much. She does, after all, know why you haven't told your parents. She just knows that you'd rather disappear to the academy one day without telling them than let them know of the plans before hand. As horrible as that sounds, she knows how controlling your parents are and how much they have been pushing you into becoming a doctor. In fact, BF/N is pretty certain that the E/C eyed girl had told her parents she was going to her house to study biology, not going out to the park to increase her chances of disobeying their wishes.

She kept quiet for a minute, not bothering to draw anything as she was just content with studying your face to ensure that your mood was improving again. After thinking for a moment, she decided she was hungry and was going to walk to the nearby fish and chip shop to get some chips. She told you where she was going before leaving you with her bag to go and get some much needed food.

You on the other hand, barely acknowledge her presence, or lack thereof, as you are so focused on the current shot you are lining up. It had been raining prior to your trip so there wasn't many people in the park, and no kids in the play area so it was nice and quiet. The effect of this was that the wildlife was quite happy to emerge from hiding, and you had spotted a bird on a nearby tree stump. Looking through your camera, you take your time in making sure the picture is perfect, fully in focus, the correct aperture and shutter speed, everything. The click on your camera is quite loud so the chances of startling the bird when you take the picture is quite high, and you didn't want to lose it.

As your finger closes in on the button, the bird moves and a flash of red is blurred through the image that appears on your screen. You angrily pull your face from the camera to look up and see a guy who had run through your shot and startled the little animal, with the sole purpose of retrieving a tennis ball.

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