<Jay Pt 3>

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You wake up around 9 the next morning, a slight pain present again in the back of your head. You notice that you've awoken on the couch, but shrug it off as you head to the kitchen of your apartment to grab some painkillers. As you finish taking the medication, the memory of last night surfaces in your mind, and you promptly run across your flat, jumping over the sofa and landing heavily on it, so that you can quickly pick up your phone and read the contents of the screen. The lock screen (like that of an iphone) looked like this:

3 missed calls from Connor (8:32)

Seriously, are you okay??? - Connor (8:27)

Y/N? - Connor (8:18)

Sorry, I was asleep, what's up? - Connor (8:09)

1 missed calls from Connor (8:06)

Oh shit. I feel kinda bad for worrying him so much now, especially since he's probably got college this morning because it's Thursday today... is it? I think it's Thursday. Wait Y/N, focus on the phone.

And as you finish scrolling down, you see the oldest notifications.

Oh wait it's really late, you're probably just sleeping, sorry if I've woken you up at all. I'll go now, bye - Jay (00:11)

Oh god, that wasn't much better. You aren't replying, I've scared you off. Damn it you were really cute as well - Jay (00:09)

Hey, glad you're feeling better, you wanna meet for coffee in the morning? Say around 11:00? - Jay (Yesterday 11:56)

Sorry, I'll just start again - Jay (Yesterday 11:50)

God that was cringy, I'm sorry - Jay (Yesterday 11:48)

Hey, glad you decided to use my number ;) - Jay (Yesterday 11:47)

(A/N I'd just briefly like to apologize about the way these are written, because they are in reverse chronological order like they would be on an iPhone lock screen. I realize now that it would've been easier to put them in order but I'm typing this on my phone so I really can't be bothered. Sorry again!)

You laugh at the messages, and as you unlock your phone to reply, another one comes through.

Jay: Hey, sorry about last night, I was really tired and kinda nervous about the whole situation. You still up for that coffee?

Y/N: Yeah, sounds good, what coffee shop? And don't sweat it, it was quite funny to wake up to if that makes you feel any better

Jay: Oh god, I'm still cringing from it. And how about the one you work at?

Y/N: Sure, I'll meet you there at 11 :)

And with that, you lock your phone, giddy with the excitement that the blue ninja had basically just asked you out. Before you can get too excited, though, you remember the other texts you had received whilst you were sleeping. You think twice before dialing Connor's number to explain, remembering that he will probably be in a lesson right about now, so you just drop him a text to clarify that you aren't dead or dying.

You quickly eat some breakfast and then get ready to go out. It's almost 10:30 by the time you have finished your morning routine, and since you had a concussion from the events of the other day, you aren't actually allowed to drive. This means you probably need to start walking now, since it'll take you longer to get to your workplace as usual.

On your way to Akuma Coffee, you see several newspaper stands with pictures of the said cafe on, with varying headlines that informed the reader of the recent attack that you'd experienced. They hadn't used your name, of course, as no reporters had had the opportunity to speak with you about the event. When you reach the cafe, you see your two bosses are making the coffees. They smile as you walk in but then frown, remembering you aren't supposed to be working. You'd spoken to them yesterday about it on the way home from the hospital, and they were just glad you were okay. You explained you had just come in for a drink as you ordered (whatever you want) and went to pay for it, but they declined your money. It was only about 10:50 so you sat down with your drink in a corner of the cozy cafe and waited for Jay to show up.

He made his appearance about 20minutes later and got a drink on his way over to you. This was when you began to get nervous, and you kept having to remind yourself that you'd argued with several criminals the other night, so surely you could talk to a guy. You smiled up at him as he greeted you and sat down.

He seemed like he didn't really know what to say, and neither did you, so you just said the first thing that came to mind. Anything to make sure this wasn't awkward.

'So... what happened after I blacked out the other night?' You questioned, absentmindedly stirring your drink with a stirrer. You did want to know what happened, and he was probably the best bet at getting an answer right now. Plus it did help to relieve some of the awkward tension between the two of you at that moment.

He let out a nervous laugh before looking up at you and explaining how you got knocked over and how the criminals got away, but he'd seen their faces so hopefully they could catch them soon. He then clarified that by 'they' he meant him and the other ninja. You looked up and asked him about what being a ninja was like and after that, the conversation flowed naturally as if you'd known each other for years. You couldn't help but notice your coworkers glancing in your direction every now and then, probably gossiping about how you were here with the blue ninja.

You'd been the for about two hours when your headache had started to kick back in, the effects of the medication wearing off quite a bit. You tried to ignore it for a while, enjoying your time with Jay. Eventually, it became too much though.

'I've had a great time,' you began, slightly reluctantly, which he seemed to pick up on. 'But I've got a really bad headache from the other night still which I thought I'd gotten rid of.'

The flicker of disappointment was only in his eyes for a second before he immediately responded. 'It's okay, you did take quite a hard hit! I can walk you home if you'd like?'

You nodded, before the two of you got up and left, heading in the direction of your apartment building which was located a little ways out of the center of the city. As you neared the building, you pointed it out and thanked him for walking you back. You then stopped with him outside the entrance, and he looked into your eyes, as if getting lost in them for a second. He snapped out of it when you smiled though before seemingly thinking about something for a moment, then brushing a strand of H/C hair out of your face, and kissing you on the cheek. You blushed slightly as he said 'I'll see you soon,' and then left.

You smiled to yourself as you began to head up to your flat.

'Yeah, you will' you muttered, not able to wipe the grin from your face.

Omg I'm back, how exciting. I don't know if I ever really left, but I've updated! Anyways, that's the last in this particular Jay series, I should think. I finally got the ending out that I wanted after three damn parts, so much for one shots. Thanks for sticking with me, and another update will be out soon!

-M xxx

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