<Nya X Reader>

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Requested by @Caitlyn_Ganta

Jeez I just found this and apparently it's been a while. I guess I've just been preoccupied with college and trying to get into university but I do want to try and get back into writing these. Well better late than never right? Btw the reader is female in this, just to save anyone from the confusion.

(Third person POV)

The kitchen was filled with awkward tension as Nya finished rejecting Jay. It wasn't anything personal, she was just already in a committed relationship, but explaining that seemed to just make the situation more uncomfortable.

Jay left to go back into the games room and find the others. 'So, uh, how long exactly has Nya had a boyfriend?'

Zane and Lloyd don't even look up at him but Kai and Cole turn to give him a confused look (Cole) or an 'are you dense?' look (Kai). Kai is the only one to say anything.

'She doesn't have a boyfriend, genius.' He then returns to the video game.

'But I was just in the kitchen with her, she said she does!' He wines, not really appreciating Kai's hostility. 'She said we could meet him if we really wanted to.'

'Then tell her you want her to bring him here this weekend,' Kai states, still not exactly convinced by the story Jay is telling him.

But that's exactly what he does, he goes back to find Nya to tell her to invite her partner over for dinner on Friday. After asking who was cooking, and finding out that it was Zane and not Cole, she agrees to invite them over. Upon telling his brothers that, the rest of the team are quite surprised, except Lloyd seems a little annoyed that his Friday night is going to be contaminated with gross couple things.

(Your POV)

'Of course, I'd love to meet them!' You say happily into your phone. 'You talk about them all the time and they seem really nice... maybe lacking some common sense sometimes but I'm really excited!'

When Nya asked you to come round you were ecstatic that she was finally asking you to meet her family, since she'd met yours several weeks ago. You'd been dating for about half a year but until this point she'd never mentioned anything about you meeting them all. At first you thought she might've just been nervous about her brothers being really full on and scaring you away, or she didn't want to move too fast in the relationship and stress you out. Now that you're stood outside the front door though, it's suddenly dawned on you that Nya may not have told anyone that she's gay. Surely she would've told them, because how would they have known about me if she hadn't? You're probably just overthinking now, of course Nya has told them that she's gay.

You knock on the door and Nya quickly comes to open it.

'Hi Y/N!' She calls out, gently grabbing your hand to pull you inside. You greet her back and quickly kick off your shoes before she starts dragging you through the building and into a kitchen. When you reach her destination, she starts talking again. 'I figured this would be the best place to start as honestly, I think these will be the easiest people to introduce you too.'

She gestures to a boy with platinum blonde hair who turns around upon hearing Nya's voice, and an older man sat across the counter from him while he cooks. You can identify them as Zane and their sensei from what Nya has told you about them. You get nervous slightly, as you remember your little worry about how they might not know that Nya is gay, but that quickly fades when Sensei Wu addresses you.

'Hello, you must be Y/N, we've heard a lot about you,' he says, chuckling slightly as Nya's face turns a little red. You say hello back and and start up a conversation.

As you're talking to him, you fail to notice Nya subtly trying to explain the concept of being gay to Zane. He's only recently understood what love is, but his brothers had failed to tell him about how not all girls love guys and vice versa. He seems to understand quite quickly, however, which leaves Nya relieved. That is, until she notices the green ninja walks in, presumably looking for candy, but that thought is somewhat forgotten when he notices you. He stops in his tracks and looks back and forth between you and Nya, processing the situation and what it means. He's behind you so you haven't noticed him, and Nya tries to say something to him with a slightly worried expression on her face. But he beats her to it and starts talking in a very loud voice.

'Woah woah woah, what?' He starts, successfully capturing your attention and you turn around to notice him for the first time. 'Nya's gay?'

Nya sighs, knowing full well that Kai and the others are probably in the games room, not far from here and so would've definitely heard Lloyd's unnecessarily loud outburst.

You on the other hand, start internally panicking again, more so than last time. She didn't tell them! Why didn't she tell them? Like I understand if she wasn't ready to tell them but then why invite you over! You try desperately to keep your anxiety inside of you and you do a pretty good job, but Nya knows you well and comes over to gently hold your hand. She then informs Lloyd that she is, in fact, gay.

'Since when?' He cries, still talking much louder than she'd like. She then explains about how she'd told all of them that she was gay back when you first started dating her. She continues to say that it was in the games room, and that probably explains why they don't remember. They most likely weren't even listening in the first place. Nya sighs again, realising her mistake. 'Does this mean that the others all think I've invited a boyfriend over too?' She asks Lloyd, and you look at her to see she's a little bit irritated.

'Yeah Jay has been talking non stop about kicking this guys ass. God he's gonna be so shocked, best prank ever Nya.' His response only annoys Nya more.

'It wasn't supposed to be a prank!' She yells back at him.

As they continue to bicker loudly, the other three boys come in and observe the scene, consisting of the pair arguing, Zane trying to get them to calm down, an amused looking sensei, and most importantly you. Still holding onto Nya's hand tightly. You don't really know what to do, especially since Nya hasn't noticed her brother come in with Cole and Jay. You just grip her hand a little tighter, feeling as if it's the only safe thing in the room. She notices the slight pressure change on her hand and looks back at you quickly and smiles, before noticing the boys which causes that smile to fade just as fast as it appeared. She was frustrated with Lloyd for yelling, and all of them for not listening.

'Quick news update as you all seem to be incapable of listening to me, but yes, I am gay. And yes, this is my girlfriend-' Nya starts, emphasising the word girlfriend. '-Y/N. And no, we will no longer be staying for dinner as you've all just made this incredibly uncomfortable.' She then drags you out, too shocked to say anything or react in any way. She keeps dragging you all the way to a local cafe, and you just genuinely don't know what to do.

You sit down at a table in the back of the cafe, Nya quietly sipping at her drink. You sit in silence for a minute, processing what had just happened, until you finally decide to speak up.

'You know, you're really cute when you're mad.'

She looks up at you, only for you to lean across the table and kiss her, gently holding her chin to hold her there. She's blushing, but when you pull away she has a smile on her face.

You sit in that cafe with her until they close, talking about anything and enjoying each others company.

She also has to spend the evenings ignoring her phone, which receives dozens of apologetic and shocked messages from her brothers.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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