<Jay Pt 1>

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In the center of Ninjago city, the world famous coffee shop known as 'Akuma Coffee' serves customer after customer. It's 10:00pm, a time most people wouldn't expect coffee to be served at, but this was an anime themed cafe, and they remained open from 5:00am until 11:00pm. Strange, but highly popular, especially among the local university and college students, working late into the night on last minute projects.

You had finished making a cappuccino for one of the regular students, a guy around your age who comes in often, mainly to visit you and keep you company in the later hours of your shift. You work everyday, always from 12:00 til close, and sometimes if the owners were desperate, you'd come in early. You've even worked the full 18 hour shift with a few breaks during the day for a whole week because the owners had gone on holiday. You were their most senior member of staff and you were also the best at making coffees there. You loved your job, but working that week had really drained you out. You only usually worked from 12 because that was when people start coming in for lunch, rather than to just get a quick coffee on their commute to work, so more people ordered intricate items from the menu. You were the only person who could serve anything and everything from the menu. Between them, the two owners could, but neither knew the entire menu. That's why you were so valuable, and how you basically ended up running the place.

You sighed, it got quite boring being the only person working, which you often were from 6:00 onwards. It was 10:05. Wow, time goes by so slowly when you're at work. It wouldn't be so bad if you had some actual work to do.

'So, how's work been recently? Busy at all?' Connor asked, the familiar face asked, sitting at the counter. The cafe was laid out almost like a diner. You did serve food, but it was basic like sandwiches and cakes.

'Not really... we've gotten fairly quiet recently since the nightly attacks on local services.' You responded, thinking back to how every night for the past week or so, a restaurant or shop had been invaded by masked people where the workers and customers were held at gun point as hostages. The police would show up, and the gangs would make some demands. They never got them, but it seemed nobody had the guts to shoot any of their hostages, and once the police learnt that, they became even more reluctant to give them what they wanted. Each night the event lasted longer as the attackers were more adamant that somebody would eat hurt if the demands weren't met. It never happened though.

'Oh right, yeah of course. Are you not concerned by it? I mean you work here every evening,' he stated, but you shrugged, pointing out that nobody had actually been harmed at all so you didn't feel as if you were in any danger at all. You continue 'Honestly, I'm so tired though that if they came in here tonight, I would literally not give two shits. In fact, I hope they do because I am bored as fuck.'

Connor laughs at you and shakes his head to which you give him an 'I'm not kidding' look, but the boy still isn't convinced. He's about to say something when the door to the cafe opens.

Five guys in all black and leather jackets wearing stereotypical ski masks walk in. Typical.

Your face is somewhere between amused and 'I fucked up' whereas Connor seems to be split from 'this can't be happening' to 'good fucking job F/N'.

You visibly tense up, suddenly understanding why the boy in front of you didn't believe your words just a moment ago. The tension in the entire cafe builds up as more people notice the men who are making their way towards you. Oh how you wish you could take back your words. It wouldn't have been so bad if you weren't the one who had to handle the situation.

Whilst you did regret saying you had hoped they would visit, you weren't kidding when you said you were too tired to deal with this right now. You'd been working since 10:00 this morning and you were just ready to go home.

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