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You'd been called to a meeting by Sensei Wu. He had a mission for everyone, and he wanted everyone to work with a partner in different locations. You weren't paying him full attention, but you got the gist of things. A map had to be located or something. Let's just hope I get given someone who was actually listening to all that. Being the ninja of water meant you usually got paired up with Kai. Some reason about him having problems controlling his elemental powers or something as he was close to reaching his full potential. This meant you were effectively damage control.

And today was no different.

You started spacing out again after you'd heard that Kai was your partner - again - and got lost in your thoughts. Why am I always left with him? I mean, Zane has ice, surely that would work to stop fire. And I mean Cole could probably find a way to use his earth to prevent the fire from spreading. Not that I mind being paired with Kai -

You yelp in pain and surprise as Sensei hits you on the head with his staff. 'Pay attention Y/N. It is imperative that you know your instructions or how else would you know what to do for your mission?'

'I was hoping Kai had been listening and he knew what we were supposed to do. And I get the vague idea -' you smile sheepishly as you start your excuse, but are cut off by Sensei again.

'No excuses Y/N! Learn to focus on the task at hand or you won't be able to effectively control your element,' he begins, however, you've already zoned out. Ugh, I've heard this lecture a thousand times before. Does he really think I don't listen to a word he says that I need it repeated that many times? Well... that's a little hypocritical I guess since I'm not listening to him at this current moment. It's not like he'll notice though, all I have to do is say 'yes sensei' when he stops talking - speaking of which, he's just finished!

You sigh for effect, and mutter the words. You internally smile as you think about how smart you are for having fooled the one and only Sensei, yet again. He dismisses you and you leave to prepare for the mission. Crap, I don't actually know what I'm supposed to be doing on this mission, so what do I pack?

~3rd Person POV~

Sensei Wu continues on, and having noticed that his student is yet again not listening, he ends his lecture.

'... and so I trust you'll be willing to eat Cole's cooking tonight?'

'Yes Sensei,' the H/C haired girl sighs, and along with Kai, he restrains from laughing. Sensei dismisses Y/N before turning to the red ninja.

'Please look after her, Kai. I know she believes I pair her up with you as a form of damage control, but she spaces out so much that she hasn't realized you have already reached your full potential and no longer have that issue. But since you've worked with her most, you know best when she's zoned out which means you are best suited to working with her. You are more likely to be able to help her before she gets herself into trouble, rather than saving her after it's happened.'

The boy nods, secretly quite happy by what his teacher has told him. Yeah, he's a little offended that Y/N doesn't know that he's reached his full potential, but it's also a little funny. Besides, as long as she continues to lack general focus, he gets to keep on working with her. And that's something he definitely doesn't mind.

Sensei Wu dismisses him, and he goes off in search of the E/C eyed girl since he already has his golden weapon ready to go.

~Your POV~

Rummaging through your room, you try and locate your weapon. You don't have your own golden weapon, but you do still have your own sword. It's a katana that you inherited from your parents when they died. They said it had been in the family for generations, but hadn't been used for over 100 years since there was a long time in which your ancestors hadn't possessed the gift needed to become a ninja. The handle is white with an intricate plant vine pattern up the side in red, which then continues round the edge of the handle to extend up the flat side of the white stained blade.

You were so focused - for once - that you barely heard the knock on the door. You call out for them to come in and the door opens, your mission partner stood there with a slight smirk painted across his mouth. Confused at first, you frown a little, before noticing the red and white sword case in his hand, the said weapon safely stowed away inside.

'I'm assuming you're looking for this' he says, the smirk still present. It's kinda cute. No, Y/N focus. If you can concentrate on anything, it's him. Wait, did I really just think that? A light blush spreads across your face, but it's not noticeable enough for Kai to realize. You drag yourself back into reality as he starts talking again. 'I noticed it in the hallway, figure that was what was holding you up. You know, you should probably stop leaving things in random places.'

Your blush darkens a little bit, and you suspect he has noticed because his smirk somehow gets cockier, if that's even possible.

You mutter slightly under your breath about how he needs to stop judging your life choices and walk past him, taking your sword from his hand as you walk past. As the two of you head outside to summon your elemental dragons and head out onto your mission, you sling the sword over your head so that it hangs behind your back. It might not be a golden weapon, but it's lethal none the less in your hands. Whilst walking, Kai explains the mission to you again, after you remind him you don't actually know what the two of you are supposed to be doing. Of course he laughed at that.

As you head in the direction Sensei sent you on your dragons, Kai rants on about something. The last you heard was something to do with Jay stealing his hair gel. But that was probably about 10minutes ago. That was around the time that you zoned out on him. He's never gonna like you back if you don't stop ignoring just about everything he says. He'd barely been talking two seconds before you stopped listening. God damn it now I'm just getting further into my own world. Well, there's no chance Of getting back to reality now, I may as well day dream about something interesting whilst in here.

Kai is getting so caught up in what he's talking about that he fails to notice the vacant look on your face, one of the tell tale signs that you aren't paying him any attention.

As you slip further into your dreaming state, you become less focused on your dragon, and that soon shows. The dragon disappears into a small mist cloud and you feel yourself falling. You let out a startled yelp, which brings Kai out of his little one sided conversation. It wouldn't have been so much of a problem if you had been traveling over the ocean, but you weren't. You were in a desert to be exact, where your water powers would be almost useless in saving you from cracking on the floor like an egg. Even so, you don't find yourself screaming. However, you do call out to the brunette to fully ensure that Kai had noticed your slight predicament.

It only takes him a second to realize what's happening, why it's probably happening, and to begin to feel bad for not realizing that you weren't concentrating.

Even as you fall to your death, you can't bring yourself to focus hard enough to bring your dragon back and save yourself, which leads you onto another train of irrelevant thoughts. First you don't concentrate enough to keep your dragon. Then you don't focus enough to get it back. For god's sake Y/N! Do you have a death wish? Stop thinking about all this and focus on the dragon. Or, you know, you could just stay in your thoughts, as per usual. Even when I'm about to die, I can't bring myself to focus on one god damn task. How the hell did I ever become a ninja? Oh god, I'm about to hit the -

Strong arms wrap around your side as you feel yourself slow to a stop, your entire being held tightly in Kai's grasp.

'Are you okay Y/N?' He asks, staring into your E/C eyes, concern evident in his own. You look down at your hands that are on your lap, a blush spreading over your cheeks as you notice how close you are. You mutter an embarrassed 'yeah I'm fine' and 'thank you' as Kai lands his dragon on the ground. He still had you bridal style, one arm around your shoulders, the other under your legs, at the back of your knees. You wait for him to get down so he can put you on solid ground, but instead he says 'Y/N?'

You bring yourself to look up, still cringing about the entire situation, and as soon as you do, his lips crash onto yours. His actions shock you, but you quickly react and kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. The whole moment turns from awkward to passionate in two seconds as you continue to make out.

The moment is abruptly brought to an end as Kai's dragon disappears, his focus having moved to you rather than keeping the dragon there. You both land on the floor with a thud, looking at each other in slight surprise before cracking up at the irony of the whole situation.

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