Chapter XVI

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Amelia's POV

  Some said that after you had defeated your enemies, you could leave your life freely. My father used to follow that rule and teach me the same way he was taught. But just like so many other things, no it wasn't over. After you defeat your enemy in the world we lived in, you were hunted by the same.. There was no peace until that enemy was dead. And like it or not, defeating didn't always mean killing.. I suppose I was the kind that didn't fit in the world I survived in.. But I learned from my mistakes and there was no mercy for those that went after your family..

  Sometimes I thought that I had sinned my soul so many times with having to witness and let so many innocents simply die.. And throughout the past two years, it was just a way of getting what you needed to save the ones you love. And in Venedocia, you either killed or got killed.. No in-betweens. Either it was because you were attacked or simply in the hunt for information, it was a system. Kill and survive or die trying the easier way.. The only thing that gave me peace was the fact that I was doing that for Dimitri and Annabelle. Of course there were so many others that I could not see hurt, alongside Christian and my parents and every friend that we had or even lost, but Dimitri and my daughter were what had me going.. They were the reason why I fought, and that's what our lives were being built on. Fighting..

  Now, I left Annabelle at my mom's, and human world was where she was safest. Not always a rule, but my mom was at least one of the very small number of people that I trusted. Dimitri on the other hand was on his way. He had people he trusted that could handle Venedocia while we handled others.. There were so many possibilities at that point, so many ways of this going wrong that I just couldn't let plain distractions keep me away from getting this done. I had to stay focused at least for a while..

  One of the things like that was what the spell did.. I knew Lana for a while, and that was fine, she was okay and even though I didn't trust anyone other that that small circle of people, I didn't have a problem with her. She was easy to take down if she got in the way.. However, Calliope said some stuff, apparently facts or side effects the spell did.. Show signs of same bloodline, same family, or if there was a different spell that got in the way it could mean that it was a mistake.. Which in this situation it was.

  But we had no time for mistakes or second chances.. If we messed up or focused on anything else but finding the necklace, we didn't have the time ti re-do it.. Full concentration was what we needed, and we had to go over things that got in the way.. We had to just move on. And that's exactly what I did.

  Calliope and I drove towards the woods, following the map and the location that the spell discovered. Christian wanted to come as well, but if he did then Lana would too, and it wasn't that I had problem with either of them, but we could risk going in large groups.. Also, I knew he didn't want Lana harmed.. He said he needed her for more information around the whole Morpher subject since the first time we discussed it, but there was something else going on. A cut on her hand meant nothing yet some had attacked her. I was supposed to meet with Dimitri anyway cause I called him and told him about the location, so everything was going to be fine.

  As Calliope parked the car right in front of the 'Do not enter' sign, which was basically put there by the police, I saw headlights and another car parking. Dimitri. The police did all kinds of investigations in the woods, connected some murders, drugs, missing people, so ever since the first time I past that sign, right after I was taken by Adam, I knew about the sing. Let's say the outside was kind of familiar. The thing was, I never explored that part of the woods, so it was definitely a challenge.

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