Chapter 44

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-two days later-

Caroline's POV

Joey and I only have an hour left before we head to the airport to go to Denver. We slept in a bit since we were up pretty late last night. Last night we hung out and made gingerbread houses with Hannah, Mariah, and Brittany. Right now we are packing up our suitcases.

Me: "Are you excited to go to Denver?"
Joey: "Yeah. I've never been so I'm excited to see the city. What are we going to do when we are there?"
Me: "I was thinking I could show you downtown Denver, go to the cafe I used to work at, show you where I used to live. Things like that."
Joey: "You worked at a cafe?"
Me: "Yep. The owner was really close friends with my grandma, so the job was practically handed to me. But it was a pretty good job so I'm not complaining."

As we continued packing we talked about previous jobs we had. Nicole came to our hotel and drove us to the airport. We said goodbye to her outside.

Nicole: "Have fun in Denver. I'll miss you guys."
Me: "We'll miss you too."
Joey: "And we'll see you soon for the Storytellers tour. You're going to meet up with us in Chicago, right?"
Nicole: "Right."

Joey and I hugged Nicole and said goodbye before going into the airport. After we got our tickets and got through security, we had a little over an hour and a half before we could board our plane. We vlogged to pass the time.

Me: "Hey guys! Right now we are at the airport and we are going to Denver."
Joey: (also vlogging) "What she said."
Me: "Who said you could vlog during my vlog?"
Joey: "I did."
Me: "Well then."

We vlogged for a few more minutes before going on our laptops and playing Minecraft. Then it was time to board the plane.

-in Denver-

The plane landed in Denver a little after 2:30. Both of us were hungry so we grabbed something to eat in the airport before going to get a rental car and going to our hotel. After we check in and drop our bags off at our room, we go back to the rental car and I start to drive out of the hotel parking lot.

Me: "So I was thinking I could show to some things outside of the city first and we could go downtown tonight."
Joey: "Sounds good."

We drove for about 30 minutes to where I used to dance. No cars were in the parking lot, so the studio must be closed for Winter break.

Me: "This was basically my second home."
Joey: "Is that you on that poster?"

He pointed to his right, where there were some posters in the windows of the building.

Me: "Yeah. I'm surprised they still have that up after almost three years."

The picture I was in was of me doing an arabesque.

Joey: "That's incredible. Can you still do that?"
Me: "Not as good, but yeah."

I got my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Joey.

Me: "Can you take a picture of me in front of it?"
Joey: "Sure."

We got out of the car and I posed in front of the poster. I put the picture on Instagram before going back into the car. On the way back to the city, I drove by my old houses. Memories filled my head as we drove by. It started to get darker out just before dinner, so I drove to the cafe I used to work at.

The cafe looked the same as it did when I was last here. There were only a couple of cars in the parking lot and I could already smell the freshly made bread.

Me: "This place has the best chicken sandwiches in Denver."
Joey: "That's all I needed to hear. Let's get inside."

We went inside I immediately spotted the owner, Thomas. He was behind a counter putting things in a display case. When Joey opened the door for me, the bell above the door jingled, catching Thomas's attention. His eyes immediately went to me and a smile formed on his face.

Thomas: "Is this who I think it is?"
Me: "Yeah."

He walked over to Joey and I and hugged me.

Thomas: "You've grown so much since I've last seen you. You're a beautiful young woman."
Me: "Thank you."
Thomas: "And who is this fella with you?"
Me: "This is my boyfriend, Joey."
Joey: "It's nice to meet you."

The two of them shook hands before Thomas brought us to a table to take our order.

Thomas: "What would you guys like to drink?"
Me: "I'll have water."
Joey: "I'll have water too."
Thomas: "Alright. And I'm assuming you want the usual?"
Me: "You know me all too well"
Thomas: "Does he want the usual too?"
Me: "Sure."
Thomas: "Ok. I'll be back in a bit with your food."

When he walked away, Joey asked me:

Joey: "What's the usual?"
Me: "Only the best chicken sandwich in Denver. When I used to work here on the weekends I always had to work around lunch time and I always made myself the chicken sandwich. That's why it's called the usual."
Joey: "Oh. That makes sense."

As we waited for our food to be brought out, I vlogged.

Me: (vlogging) "Hey guys. So Joey and I are in Denver and we are getting lunch at the cafe I used to work at. If you've watched my really old vlogs then you might recognize this place."

I put my camera away when Thomas brought out our food.

Thomas: "I see you're still doing Youtube."
Me: "Yeah. And I'm really close to hitting a million subscribers."
Joey: "You'll probably hit it within a few days."
Thomas: "That's awesome. I'm gonna let you guys eat now, but let me know if I can get you guys anything else."
Joey and I: "Thank you."

-after eating-

Joey: "That was really good."
Me: "I told you."

We were about to pay for our food, but Thomas said it was on the house.

Thomas: "Think of it as a birthday present."
Me: "You remember my birthday?"
Thomas: "Of course. I've known you since you were a little kid. Now go run along and have fun while you're in town."
Me: "Alright. Thanks Thomas!"
Thomas: "No problem."

-later that night-

Joey and I had spent a few hours at downtown Denver going into different shops. Right now we are in our hotel room relaxing. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked out of the window. The room didn't have a great view of anything. But I did see a Starbucks across the street from the hotel.

Me: "Joey?"

Joey, who was laying on the bed next to me on his laptop, looked up at me.

Me: "Wanna grab some Starbucks with me?"
Joey: "Sure. Just give me another minute and then we can go."
Me: "Ok."

When we went to Starbucks I ordered a caramel frappuchino. Joey didn't order anything because coffee makes him shake like no other. Or at least that's what he's told me. As we made our way back to the hotel, I accidentally bumped into a woman and dropped my drink.

Woman: "I'm so sor-"

She stopped in the middle of her sentence as she looked at my face. I was confused at first but then I recognized her. And I knew that she recognized me, too.

Me: "Mom?"

-Authors Note-

Hey guys! Fun story: for months now I've wanted her to find her mom when they went to Denver. It's one of the things I knew I wanted to include when the story was just starting out. Let me know what you thought of it in the comments.

And sorry this chapter is going up late. It's almost 11:30. But it's still Thursday, so I've kept my promise of posting every Thursday so far :D *throws confetti*

Before I started to write this authors note, I felt like I had a lot more to say. But I guess I actually don't. With that being said, I hope you all have an awesome week and I'll post the next chapter on Thursday.

IG: @Carolineanya
Kik: @thatgirlcaroline_

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