Chapter 31

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Caroline's POV

I haven't gotten much sleep for the past few nights. For the past two days, I've had nightmares about Sam abusing me. Whenever I'm sleeping next to Joey, I never have nightmares. As stereotypical as it sounds, Joey helps me sleep at night. I've only seen Joey for about an hour within the past week. But today is Saturday, so I'll finally get to spend the day with him.

It's around 12:30 right now and I'm about to go next door. Joey and I are going to go out for lunch and probably film a video or two together.

I walked outside and got to Joey's front door. Before I could ring the doorbell, Joey opened the door.

Me: "Hey."

I gave him a kiss.

Joey: "Hey, I can't really talk right now. I'm already late."
Me: "Late? What do you mean late?"
Joey: "I'm hanging out with Jessica."
Me: "But I thought we were going to get lunch together..."
Joey: "What?"
Me: "You told me on Wednesday night that we were going to go out for lunch on Saturday at 12:30."
Joey: "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
Me: "Joey, I have barely seen you this whole week and you made plans with someone you've seen everyday."
Joey: "I'm sorry."
Me: "Did you make plans with her before or after you said we would get lunch together?"
Joey: "After. But I completely forgot! If I remembered then I wouldn't have made plans with her. You know that."
Me: "I know, but it kinda bothers me that you made plans with someone else-"
Joey: "Caroline Matthews, are you jealous?"
Me: "What? I'm not jealous!"
Joey: "I think you are."
Me: "But I'm not!"
Joey: "Yeah, you are."
Me: "Shut up, Graceffa."
Joey: "Never, Matthews. Look, I have to go."
Me: "You're choosing Jessica over me? Your girlfriend? Who you made plans with beforehand?"
Joey: "Well she's already there and-"
Me: "Save it, Joey. Call me when you get back later so we can film a video. Unless you have other plans."

I turned around and started to walk back to my apartment.

Joey: "Caroline!"

I keep walking and don't look back. After locking my door behind me, I went into my kitchen. It looks like I'm having whatever is around. My doorbell rang about a minute later.

Me: (opening the door): "Joey, I told you to-"
Sawyer: "To what?"
Me: "Nothing. Sorry, I was expecting Joey."
Sawyer: "I overheard your little argument outside."
Me: "Oh."
Sawyer: "Come on."
Me: "What?"
Sawyer: "I'm taking you to get lunch."
Me: "Thanks, Sawyer."

-at a restaurant-

Me: "I still can't believe Joey."
Sawyer: "I don't blame you. It seems weird for him to do that."
Me: "And he has the nerve to call me jealous. I'm not jealous, I'm just a little pissed that he would rather spend time with Jessica instead of spending time with me. I've barely seen him this whole week."
Sawyer: "We both know that he would rather be with you."
Me: "It doesn't seem like he would... And I bet that tomorrow he'll be busy with Devyn. Or Kristina."
Sawyer: "Oh come on, Caroline."
Me: "Sorry. It's just that I've been looking forward to spending time with him this whole week."
Sawyer: "I get what you're saying. He's my best friend and I haven't seen him much either."

I sighed. At least someone understands where I'm coming from.

Joey's POV

Jessica: "Joey?"

I feel bad for not getting lunch with Caroline. It's not my fault I forgot about our plans. Ok, maybe it is. But I still feel bad about it.

Jessica: "Joey!"
Me: "Huh?"
Jessica: "You've been staring into space for like five minutes.
Me: "Oh. Sorry."
Jessica: "You've been doing it all day. Are you ok?"
Me: "Yeah."
Jessica: "Ok, well lets get in line then."

Right now we are at the Apple store because I'm getting the iPhone 5s.

-2 hours later-

As Jessica and I walked out of an Apple store, I started to vlog.

Me: "2 hours and 3 Apple stores later, I finally have the new iPhone! Right now we are about to get an early dinner."
Jessica: "Good. Because I'm starving."
Me: "Me too. But what's weird is that it's only 4 PM right now and I'm usually never hungry around now."
Jessica: "Same."

I turned off my camera when I my phone started to vibrate. I took my phone out of my pocket. 1 new text message from Caroline.

Jessica: "Who is Caroline?"
Me: "My girlfriend."
Jessica: "Oh."

I typed my password into my phone.

-text messages-

C: hey im busy tonight so we can't film together
J: ):
C: don't act so upset joseph
J: i told you i was sorry!
C: whatever. just call me tomorrow or something
J: fine

I groaned.

Jessica: "What's wrong?"
Me: "Nothing. Can we just eat now?"
Jessica: "No. I know something is bothering you. You've been acting weird this whole day."
Me: "Fine. Caroline's just mad at me and it's kind of our first argument and it's my fault she's mad."
Jessica: "Oh. Well then you should fix things."
Me: "I know. And I will when I see her tomorrow."
Jessica: "Don't wait until tomorrow to fix things, Joey. If you want whatever you did fixed, do it today."
Me: "You're right. I'll talk to her later."
Jessica: "Good. Now lets get something to eat."

Caroline's POV

It's around 6 PM right now. I texted Joey earlier saying I'm hanging out with someone tonight, but I'm actually not. That's not stopping me from going out and getting some shopping done though. As I leave my apartment, I hear someone coming towards me. When I turn around to see who it is, I see Joey. He reaches for my arm as I walk towards my car.

Me: (mocking him) "Stop you're going to make me late."
Joey: "Funny."

I keep walking to my car.

Joey: "Caroline, please stop walking. I have to talk to you."
Me: "Well you could have talked to me earlier-"
Joey: "Stop! I already feel bad for ditching you and I don't need you to make me feel worse about it."

I stop walking and turn around.

Joey: "I'm sorry I messed up. I shouldn't have made other plans and I should have gotten lunch with you. You're annoyed with me and I get it. But just know that I'm sorry."
Me: "Fine, apology accepted."

Joey sighs in relief.

Joey: "Thank you. Now you better get going if you don't want to be late."
Me: "Yeah, about that. I'm actually not hanging out with anyone tonight. I was just gonna go shopping."
Joey: "Oh. Well then I'm going to keep you here as long as I can."
Me: "What's that supposed to mean?"

He walked closer to me and I walked closer to him. When we were close enough, both of us leaned in for a kiss.

Joey: "It means that I want you to stay here. With me."

He kissed me again. When I pulled away I whispered into his ear.

Me: "What if I don't want to stay here?"

He whispered back into my ear.

Joey: "Well I guess that's too bad, now isn't it?"
Me: "I guess so."

We kissed again, but not before he picked me up bridal style. He carried me back into his apartment and put me down on the couch. We continued to kiss.

Sawyer: "Well it looks like you guys are all good now."
Me: "Yes. We're really good."

I looked into Joey's green eyes when I said that last part. He smirked a little.

Sawyer: "Well I'm going to head over to Tyler's house to do a collab."
Joey: "If it's a drunk one call me and I'll pick you up."
Sawyer: "I will. See you guys later."
Joey and I: "Bye!"

Sawyer left so it was just me and Joey in the apartment.

Joey: "Well now that we're alone, what do you want to do?"
Me: "Well what do you want to do?"
Joey: "I want to make up for lost time."
Me: "Oh do you now?"
Joey: "Yeah."

We started to make out on the couch. After a couple of minutes, I sat on his lap and faced him. He moved my hair out of my face as he looked into my eyes. I could feel my heart beating fast. It always beats fast when we kiss. Joey placed his hands on my hips and held me close to him. I leaned in and whispered into his ear.

Me: "I love you."

Before kissing me again, he whispers something into my ear.

Joey: "I love you too."

Yes. Joey is the person I want to be with forever.

-Authors Note-

Hi guys! Don't worry, they didn't do the nasty :P Anyways I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I'm finally on winter break so I'll have more time to work on new chapters and I'll have the next few up on time. With that being said, new chapter on Wednesday! As always, thanks for reading! \(^_^)/

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