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Arabelle's POV

One week later

Today is March 18, 2014. I have been in this house for a few weeks or months. I've lost track of time, but I like it. Time is going by faster, but I'm not worried. I'm a vampire. A vampire who has five boys who love her. Those boys are the family that I've always wanted to have. A family who could make me feel loved.

I am happy to say that for once in my life I feel happy, free, loved.

"Arabelle" I hear Harry call, "Get ready we're going to go out with the boys and Gemma" he says opening the door and coming in. I have my back facing the door. I'm looking out the window and I swear I see someone out there. It was probably an animal.

"Ok" I say turning around.

"Why are you smiling like that?" he asks confused.

I stand up and instead of answering I hug him. "Thank you for making me happy" I simply tell him before getting into the shower.

As soon as the hot water hits my back, I feel more relaxed than I was a while ago. After twenty minutes, I get out of the shower, but before I wrap my body around the towel, I look at my naked body in the mirror. I am gaining weight. I look fat. I should go jogging tomorrow.

After drying myself, I go back to the room wrapped around the towel. I find Gemma sitting on the edge of the bed with a beautiful black dress next to her. She is wearing a black dress with a different style than the one next to her.

"What's this" I point to the dress.

"Your dress" she says smiling

"No way. That dress is way too short for me" I say chuckling. It probably stops mid-thigh. I've never worn something that short. Heck, I haven't worn a dress in so long

"Come on. We're going to the club"

"What club, there's not a town for hours" I say

"We're vampires, we can run" she says. I always forget that


After I change and let Gemma do my makeup and hair, I don't mean to brag, but I looked fine.

Gemma and I go downstairs talking about stupid things. As soon as the boys see us, their mouth opened so wide you could put a whole jar of nutella in there. Which only made me blush.

"You guys look...stunning" Harry speaks up

"Thanks" Gemma and I say

"Shall we go" Louis says

"Yeah" we all say


We got to the club after fifteen minutes of running. As soon as we entered, the smell of alcohol and blood hit my nostrils.

"Come on" Harry says grabbing my hand

five shots and six other alcoholic beverages later

I really feel like dancing.

"Let's go dance" I yell over the loud music

Instead of answering, Harry stands up and takes me to the dance floor.

Three hours later

I woke up with the biggest headache. I don't even remember what happened last night. Wait a second....I'm naked and there's an arm wrapped around my waist. I turn my body around and find a sleeping Harry. WTF!!

"Harry" I shake him. "Harry" I shake him harder

"What" he sleepily says

"Why the hell am I naked?" I ask hoping he wasn't that drunk last night and remembers what happened.

"You're not naked" he says half asleep

"Harry wake the fuck up" I angrily say

"I'm up" he says sitting up, "Shit, you're naked" he says looking over at me

"Don't look" I say trying to cover up my whole body

"Did we..." we both ask. Harry is literally smirking

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