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I got a new computer after all this time waiting for my old one to be repaired. Sorry 😢

Arabelle's POV

"I've waited for you my whole life" he said. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Harry and I change position so now he's on top of me. Harry's cold hand is on my hips. A small moan escapes my mouth. I open my eyes when I no longer feel his lips on mine, but I soon feel his lips kissing my neck. Gosh Arabelle, what are you doing? You can't be kissing him.

"Harry" he looks at me, "I can't do this. I can't. Not now"

"I'm sorry" he said sitting up. "I shouldn't hav-"

"Harry, it's ok." I take a deep breathe, "I'm not ready to do this with you" I hope he understands

"I get it" he says, disappointed. "We should get going" he says standing up

I grab his arm, "Wait! Lets just talk a while" I see him smile a little before sitting back down.

"About?" he asks

"Stuff" he seems pleased with my answer. "Tell me about yourself. Your hobbies. Your family" I see his jaw tense

"I think we should go" he says not looking at me

"I don't want to go" I tell him. What is wrong with him?

"Arabelle, lets go" he says firmly. He's angry, but I don't care. I am not leaving

"Why are you mad?" I ask confused. Instead of answering me, he just walks off to the car. Does he think I'm going with him? I'm not.

"Come on" he says realizing that I'm not following

"No." I cross my arms over my chest

"Arabelle" he warns, but I stand my ground

He makes his way towards me. Ha, I won. I knew he was going to give up. I always wi-

My thoughts are disturbed by Harry picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Harry, put me down" I scream, pounding my fist against his back. That doesn't help.

"I told you to come with me" I can hear his smirk. This dude is so bipolar.

I stop trying to escape from his grip. He's stronger than me anyway.

"Good girl" I hear him say

We get to the car and not a word was said on the way here. Harry puts me down on the car seat and runs vampire speed to the driver's side.

"This could've been a good day" I tell him, "But someone wanted to get mad because I asked a question"

"Arabelle can you please don't" he says annoyed

"You got mad because I asked about something" I reason

"Arabelle, I don't want to talk about it" he says not looking at me

"About what, Harry. About your life, because you sure as hell know my whole life. I just want to know part of yours" I kind of shout.

"Can we talk about this another day?" he looks sad

"Fine" I don't want to talk to him anyway

The rest of the way home is silent. Neither of us want to talk.

Harry's POV

I feel like a fucking dick. Arabelle and I were having a great time. Lets not forget that she let me kiss her. Her lips are so sweet, but all good things must come to an end. She stopped me before I could go any further, which is okay. I wasn't going to make her do anything. I should've told her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I am so close to get her to fall for me. So close I could touch it, but, today, I took a step back.

After what seems like hours, we get home. As soon as I stop the car, Arabelle literally jumps out. "Arabelle" I call out, but she's already knocking at the door. I get out and run towards her vampire speed. When I reach her I look at her and say the only words that I can think of, "I'm sorry" That doesn't seem to work. She still looks angry

"Whatever. Talk to me when you trust me" she says and I hear the door open.

"Back already" says Liam smiling

"Yes" Arabelle says pushing him out of the way to get through. How rude.

"What's wrong" Liam asks

"She asked about my family" I told him going in

"Oh" he says, "The guys are in the kitchen talking about things and stuff" he says

"Ok Rick Grimes" I smile a little. I walk to the kitchen and the guys are arguing with Niall about food.

Arabelle's POV

Ugh Harry is so annoying. How dare he. He can't get mad. He knows everything about me. I have the right to know something about him.

"Hey Arabelle" that voice sounds familiar

"Max?" I thought Harry killed him.

"No, he didn't kill me" I can hear his voice getting closer

"What do you want?" I ask trying to find Max.

"You" he is behind me. I slowly turn around and I am surprised to find that Max's eyes are no longer blue, they're green.

"Why" I should be screaming, but I'm mad.

"You're beautiful and I have to get back at my brother"



Guys!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the votes and reads!! LOVE YOU ALL <3

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