Chapter 2

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

Why do I even bother waiting? I don't have a fever after all.

"I'm an idiot," I mutter to myself. I nibble on the remaining pocky in my box to comfort myself.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!" calls the angelic voice I know.

I turn around and see Touko holding a towel. I smile at the kind gesture but it disappears the instant I notice her escort.

"Sakuma..." I mumble softly.

What is he doing with her? Does he have an interest in her as well?

"You sure he has a warm head? He looks fine to me," Sakuma asks Touko.

"It was warm earlier. Better safe than sorry," Touko replies. "Can't have any of you sick before a match, after all."

I smile at her. She's too kind to us.

"Sorry for the trouble," I apologize. "Although, honestly, I told you I'm fine."

Touko's hand touches my forehead once again and I flush instantly.

"It got warm again," Touko sighs. "Lie down here for a moment."

Touko kneels and pats her lap.

I hear Sakuma choke in the background but that doesn't matter to me. I look at the vacant area in hesitation.

"A-Are you s-sure?" I stutter.

"Just hurry up. It'll get worse if you don't," Touko orders.

I slowly lay my head on her thighs and close my eyes. When I open them again, I can see Touko properly. The sun reflects on her tan skin, brightening it up and her pink hair flows in the wind's direction. I gaze at her, unconsciously, until a cold slap to the forehead wakes me up.

"Sakuma, could you help bring a basin please?" Touko looks up to him.

"O-Of course! Right away," he stammers and I hear his footsteps gradually become softer.

Now it's just me and Touko.

>>Touko's POV 🗼

I sigh as I hold the towel and Kazemaru's bangs in place.

"You should look after yourself more," I scold him.

"Ahahaha, sorry," he chuckles and I sigh again.

"You'd better be. Inazuma Japan needs you to be in perfect condition," I continue.

"You'll see to that, won't you?" he smirks.

"Of course! I may not be a manager but I'll help as much as I'm needed," I beam.

"Don't force yourself. Japan needs you safe as well," he says.

"I'm fine! I can care for myself!" I retort.

"Better safe than sorry," he repeats in a mocking tone.

"Hmph!" I huff, turning my face away.

"Pfft," he laughs.

"It's not funny," I huff, facing down. Skin suddenly touches my face and I jerk back, blushing.

"A-Ah, did I shock you?" he asks, his hand recoiling.

I say nothing for a while and shake my head.

"No, it's fine," I mutter.

He smiles and snuggles into my lap.

"Thanks Touko," he says.

I give him a small smile as a reply and he closes his eyes.

"Here's the basin," Sakuma appears and places a blue basin beside me.

"Thank you, Sakuma," I smile and take the towel off Kazemaru's forehead to rinse it.

"Here, let me do it for you," he offers and takes the towel from my hand.

I can only gape at him in shock, but that quickly turns into a soft smile. He truly has changed since the Shin Teikoku incident. Then again, that was the Aliea meteorite's power.

He hands the towel back to me and I take it.

"Thank you," I say as I place the towel back on Kazemaru's forehead.

Weirdly, he turns around instead of replying. Maybe he's not completely changed.

Suddenly, a whistle screams.

"Minna! It's time for practice!" Aki calls.

"You guys had better go," I say and take the towel off Kazemaru's head. I place my hand on it and smile in relief. The heat's gone.

"Thank you, Touko. I don't know how to repay you," he says as he sits up.

"Just go win the FFI! For Japan!" I cheer. Then I turn to Sakuma. "Same goes for you, so no slacking off alright?"

"Y-Yeah..." he stutters in shock and scratches his face.

I throw the towel into the basin and pick it up.

"Do your best! See ya!" and I run off to put the basin back where it belongs.

>>Sakuma's POV 🐧

I am seriously screaming internally. My face flushes the instant she goes.

"What the heck was that?" I mutter to myself as I cover my face in embarrassment.

I catch Kazemaru glaring at me and I return it.

"Something the matter, Kazemaru?" I sneer through my teeth.

"When did you realize?" he glowers.

I smirk to myself. It's easy to understand what he means, given the situation.

"First time I played against her. Back when I was manipulated by the Aliea Meteorite. The meteorite couldn't block out these types of feelings after all. Feisty one she is," I shrug with a smug smile. "You?"

"...Also when I first played against her. Strongest woman I've met," he replies.

Then his glare becomes fixed and he leans closer.

"I ain't gonna give in to you," he seethes.

"Same goes for me," I smirk.

He glares one last time and makes his way to the field.

I chuckle to myself as I follow.

"You seem happy. Something good happen?" Fudou raises an eyebrow at me.

"Just in a mood to practice," I reply. "Nothing big."

"If it's regarding hat girl over there," he smirks, pointing at Touko.

I flush immediately and grab his wrist.

"You promised," I seethe.

"Just saying she's got eyes on the captain, that's all," he chuckles as he frees his wrist from my grip. "Good luck."

I glare at his back but I know he's right. Touko does like Endou, whether I like it or not. It's probably one sided but I can't risk that much.

"Tch, I need to act soon," I mutter to myself.

"Sakuma!" Kidou calls out to me. "We're discussing a new tactic. Get over here."

"Ah, okay!" 

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