Chapter 6

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>>Kazemaru's POV 🌪

We walk out of the stadium and are greeted by our two goddesses.

"Congratulations you lot!" Rika grins.

"You've made all of Japan proud!" Touko cheers.

"Our goddesses really backed us up, didn't they?" Tsunami chuckles.

"That's right! Your support really helped us," Tachimukai adds.

"Yosh! Time for a big celebration!" Rika cheers.

"Yeah!" everyone follows.

I shift my attention to Touko and smile unconsciously. Tachimukai isn't wrong. They truly helped.

"Touko," I walk towards her with a smile.

"Omedetou Kazemaru! You managed to repay me for last time," she giggles.

"Huh?" I look at her in confusion.

"Oi, oi. Don't tell me you forgot?" she starts to look a bit irritated. "When you had your mini fever?"

"A-Ah right! Sorry," I chuckle nervously. How can I forget that? It's unforgettable.

"Then again, winning the biggest soccer tournament to repay for a bit of first aid is a bit too much," Touko frowned, scratching her head.

"Y-You don't have to overthink about it," I splutter, frantically shaking my hands.

"Alright! Request for a favor! I won't back down!" she declares as she beat her fist into her chest.

"That's not—"

"No excuses! Now ask away!" Touko stands firm.

I sigh and think deeply. What should I ask for? What is the thing I want most from her? Then it comes to mind. What I really want.

>>Touko's POV 🗼

"Confess your love to Endou,"

I look at him in confusion. That's what he wants?

"You want me to confess?" I ask to make sure.

"Yup. No problem right?" he replies.

"Not really but..." I murmur.

Why would he want me to confess? He won't gain anything from it. I will.

"No backing out," he repeats.

I sigh in defeat. I did promise that. I just thought he might've wanted something more, like a meal or something material.

"Fine. When?" I ask.

"Once we get back to the cabin. I'll call him out for you even," he offers.

"Alright. Call me when you're about to do it. You know where my room is," I nod and make my way onto the Inazuma Caravan.

I take my seat next to Rika and she nudges me.

"Oi Touko. You were talking to Kazemaru pretty long. Something up?" she snickers.

"Nothing. I just owe him a favor," I reply nonchalantly.

"A favor, huh?" she smirks but I ignore her.

I shift my eyes to Endou, who's chattering nonstop with the others. I can only look down. I like Endou, as a boy and a soccer buddy. Sure I claim these feelings to be platonic but I'm sure they're more. The symptoms prove it. How will I confess anyway? This is the first time after all. Isn't it supposed to be a really special moment for girls? Not that I would know, I've only thought about soccer up till now.

"Touko!" Rika' voice rings through my ears.

"W-W-W-What?!" I stutter in panic.

"For the third time, we've arrived," Rika huffs, crossing her arms. I look out and we're in front of the cabin.

"A-Ah, I see. Sorry," I chuckle nervously. I hardly noticed at all.

"What's with you today?" she mutters.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get off," I reply with a huff and alight the caravan. I don't even wait for Rika or anyone and walk straight to my room. I shut the door behind me and shrink to my knees. It's been a while since I last felt like a girl.

>>Sakuma's POV 🐧

I wonder if Touko is alright. She rushed straight to her room without saying a thing. Wait... Kazemaru was talking to her a while ago. He probably told her something funny. I wait until everyone separates and make my way to Kazemaru's room.

"Kazemaru?" I call while knocking the door. No reply. I knock again. Still nothing. "I'm coming in—"

The door opens before I can open it and I stand shocked. Was he... crying?

"Ah, it's you Sakuma. Come in," Kazemaru welcomes and leaves the door open.

"Excuse me," I murmur as I close the door behind me.

"What brings you here?" he asks, wiping his eyes.

"Forget about that! What's wrong?" I worry.

He stays silent before he replies.

"I'm thinking of letting her go,"

Let her go? Let Touko go? Why? How? What?

"What... do you mean?" is all I can ask.

"We both should. She likes Endou. We can't stop nor change that," he says in a low murmur.

"But haven't we both been chasing after her? You're just going to give up like that?" I cry. Kazemaru doesn't give up like this.

"It's already settled. I've gotten her to confess to Endou,"

The news strikes me. I've been rejected before I can even confess. I can't take it.

"There's still a chance!" I deny, clutching his shoulders. "We can—"

"I still love her!" Kazemaru bursts.


"That's why... That's why I want to send her to the person that can make her happy! If I can't make her happy, at least I can try to send her off the one who can!"

Tears form in his visible eye and he clenches his fist.


"It's too late anyway," he murmurs, looking outside.

The sun is setting, telling us the day is about to end. It tells me something else as well. I clench my fist as well, knowing all too well what's happening.

"Someone was bound to get heartbroken by the end of this..."

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